Title: Building the Future of Childrens Mental Health Care
1Building the Future of Childrens Mental Health
- A. Kathryn Power, M.Ed., Director
- Center for Mental Health Services
May 2005 Providence, RI
2Every 8 seconds...
3Americas Children
- Age Number
- Under 5 years 19,175,798
- 5 to 9 years 20,549,505
- 10 to 14 years 20,528,072
- 15 to 19 years 20,219,890
- Source U.S. Census Bureau
- Census 2000
4Suicidal ideation
In a typical class of 30 students,
Substance abuse
Anxiety disorder
Six children may have mental health needs
Three of the six may have a serious emotional or
behavioral disorder.
5Neurons to Neighborhoods
- Human development is shaped by a dynamic and
continuous interaction between biology and
By National Research Council and the Institute
of Medicine
6Neurons to Neighborhoods
- The timing of early experiences matter, but more
often than not, the developing child remains
vulnerable to risks and open to protective
factors throughout the early years of life and
into adulthood.
By National Research Council and the Institute
of Medicine
7Neurons to Neighborhoods
- We can alter the course of development in early
childhood by effective interventions that change
the balance between risk and protection, thereby
shifting the odds in favor of more adaptive
By National Research Council and the Institute
of Medicine
8Social and emotional learning is. . .
- ...a process through which a child acquires the
skills to recognize and manage emotions, develop
caring and concern for others, make responsible
decisions, establish positive relationships, and
handle challenging situations effectively.
Source The Collaboration for Academic, Social,
and Emotional Learning, www.casel.org/home/index.
9The time has long passed for yet another
piecemeal approach to mental health reform.
Instead, the Commission recommends a fundamental
transformation of the Nations approach to mental
health care.
10Federal Partners Workgroup
Department of Health and Human Services
Other Federal Partners AoA NIH/NIDA Department
of Agriculture Department of
Education ACF NIH/NIMH Department of Housing
and Urban Development AHRQ OS/ASPE De
partment of Justice CDC OS/OCR
Department of Labor CMS OS/OD Department of
Transportation OS/OPHS
Department of Veterans
Affairs HRSA SAMHSA Social Security IHS
11Will Rhode Island apply for a transformation
Governor Donald L. Carcieri would like to hear
from you. Mail addressGovernor Donald L.
CarcieriOffice of the GovernorState House, Room
115Providence, RI 02903 Phone 401-222-2080
Fax 401-222-8096
12The Transformation Equation
- Transformation
- vision belief action x (continuous quality
13Family driven means
- families have a decisionmaking role in the care
of their own children as well as the policies and
procedures governing care for all children in the
community, State, and Nation.
- Choosing supports, services, and providers
- Setting goals
- Designing and implementing programs
- Monitoring outcomes
- Determining effectiveness
14Youth guided means
- that youth have a role in guiding their own
care. For older youth, it may mean directing
their own care.
16The beginning. Thank you.