Title: Gigabit Rate Multiple-Pattern Matching with TCAM
1Gigabit Rate Multiple-Pattern Matching with TCAM
- Fang Yu Randy H. Katz
- fyu,randy_at_eecs.berkeley.edu
- T. V. Lakshman
- lakshman_at_research.bell-labs.com
- Pattern matching is a crucial component of
network intrusion detection system - Thousands of patterns
- Require high rate (e.g. gigabit)
- Current software based pattern matching
algorithms is not sufficient - Use Ternary Content Addressable Memory (TCAM) for
fast pattern matching - Straight-forward solution
- Support for long patterns, patterns with
correlations, and patterns with negation - Speedup to multi-gigabit rate
3Pattern Matching
- Single pattern matching
- Given an input string P and a pattern string T,
whether T appears in P? - Multiple-pattern matching
- Given an input string P and a set of pattern
strings T1, T2, Tm, whether any Ti appear in P?
4Applications of Pattern Matching
- Anti-virus software
- Bio-informatics searching for gene patterns
- Intrusion detection system (E.g. Snort, Bro )
- Thousands of patterns
- Patterns with correlations
- abc followed by cde within 3 bytes
- Patterns with negation
- user not followed by 0a within 10 bytes
- Gigabit scan rate
5Current Pattern Matching Algorithms
- Boyer-Moore
- For single pattern matching
- Number of comparisons is linear to the input
string length - Aho-Corasick
- Build finite automaton for multiple pattern
matching - linear number of comparisons
- Cons
- Need to compile every time new patterns are added
or deleted - Large automaton (gt1G) may not fit in fast memory
(SRAM) - Set-wise Boyer-Moore
- Restore the reverse pattern in a trie for
multiple pattern matching - linear number of comparisons
- Similar cons as Aho-corasick
6Ternary-CAM (TCAM)
- Each cell takes three logic states
- 0, 1, and ?(dont care)
- Fully associative memory compares input string
with all the entries in parallel - If multiple matches, report index of the first
match - Current TCAM technology
- Fast Match Time 4-8 ns
- Size 1M
- 1K entries 1K bytes per entry
- 2K entries 512 bytes per entry
7Pattern Matching with TCAM
- Put all the patterns into the TCAM
- Assume patterns are less or equal to TCAM width
- If shorter than TCAM width, pad with ?
- Order the patterns according reverse lengths
- When matching entry ABC, report matching of both
pattern ABC and AB - Shift one byte each time
- Scan speed
- 4-8 ns per TCAM lookup, shift one byte at a time
- 1-2 Gbps worst case scan rate
- Able to report occurrences of all the patterns in
the input string - Limitation require all the patterns to be
shorter or equal than the TCAM width
9Long Patterns
- What if pattern is longer than the width of TCAM?
- Split it into multiple partial patterns
- For example, TCAM width k4
Pattern index Pattern content
10Partial Hit list for Long Patterns
- Use a table to store the partial hit pattern
- Keep matches at previous k positions
Partial Hit List
Position Matched entry
1,4 ABCD
Position Matched entry
Position Matched entry
1,4 ABCD
2,5 BCDA
11Concatenate Partial Patterns into Long Patterns
Partial Hit List
- When finding another pattern at position i,
ik-1, - Check the combination with match at i-k, i-1
- Patterns
Position Matched entry
1,4 ABCD
Position Matched entry
Position Matched entry
2,5 BCDA
Position Matched entry
6,9 ABCD
Matching Table
First Match Second Match Matching pattern
ABCD ABCD No match
ABCD BCDA No match
BCDA ABCD No match
12Correlated Patterns
- Correlated patterns one pattern after another
pattern - E.g. ABCD followed by DEF within 4 bytes
- Similar to long patterns
- The distance between two partial patterns for
long pattern is k - The distance between correlated pattern gt 1
- If find pattern matching at position i, ik,
- Need to check all the previous matches in the
partial hit list - If partial hit list is large? problem!
Partial Hit List
Position Matched Entry
1,4 ABCD
13Patterns with Negation
- In snort rule set, there are following rules
- content "USER" content !"0a" within
50 - Similar to regular correlated patterns
- When matching USER, add it to partial list
- When matching "0a" , remove USER from partial
list - If no match of "0a" in 50 bytes, report hit of
full pattern - Need to maintain a lifetime for entries in
partial list
14Statistical Analysis of Partial Hit Table Size
- Assume random input string, random independent
patterns - Parameters
- Input string size m bytes
- Number of patterns n
- Pattern size k bytes
- Chances of a matching at position 0, k-1 is
- There are at most m positions, so average hit is
- Suppose an bad case m 210, n211, k3, then
average hit is 2-3 ? Partial hit list table
15Malicious Attack?
- Any made-up input string can match one pattern at
position i, ik and another at position ij,
ikj ? - When j 1, probability is
- ? low when kgt4
- When j increases, the probability increases. If
jk, then probability 1 - To protect against malicious attack, we want to
limit the size of partial hit list - Window limit the distance between two correlated
patterns - On-going research
16Speed up to Multi-gigabit Rate
- Instead of shift one byte at a time, shift s
bytes each time - Put each pattern s times in the TCAM at different
positions - Need to put extra entry (ABCD) for overlapped
pattern ABC and BCD. - Analysis for speed up of s times
- Roughly s times original TCAM entries
- Overlapped patterns are few
- when pattern length k is large
- Matching table kept in memory is
- s2 original size
- More patterns cut into partial patterns
- Suggest s to be small (e.g. lt5)
17Conclusion and Future Work
- Multiple pattern matching with TCAM can
- Support all the pattern matching in Snort
- Search for thousands patterns in parallel
- Support long patterns, correlated patterns, and
also patterns with negation - Can report all the occurrences of all the
patterns in the input string - Cant do other function like byte jump, byte test
etc - Bring Anti-virus scan speed to gigabit rate
- Initial analytical results will be shown in
poster session - Future work
- Analyze on the cost of insertion and deletion of
patterns - Further analysis on the partial list hit window
size - Further extensive simulation to test the scheme
18 19Memory Technology (2003-04)
Technology Single chip density /chip (/MByte) Access speed Watts/chip
Networking DRAM 64 MB 30-50 (0.50-0.75) 40-80ns 0.5-2W
SRAM 4 MB 20-30 (5-8) 4-8ns 1-3W
TCAM 1 MB 200-250 (200-250) 4-8ns 15-30W
Note Price, speed and power are manufacturer and
market dependent. Pankaj Gupta, Address Lookup
and Classification
20Software Based Algorithm v.s. TCAM
- Suppose 2K patterns, average of 16 bytes
- Software Based Algorithm using DFA
- O(2K16) O(215) states
- 28 next byte possibility
- O(223) entries, each entry O(log(215)) 2Bytes
? 16M memory - Wont fit in fast SRAM
- If put in DRAM, max throughput is 200Mbps
- TCAM approach
- 2K16 32K bytes