Title: ICTs and the Human Body A Social Representation Approach
1ICTs and the Human BodyA Social Representation
- Alberta Contarello and Leopoldina Fortunati
- University of Padova and of Udine, Italy
- Marika Martinelli
- November 7-8 2002 Montegrotto, PD, Italy
- Lively debate on lights and shadows of ICTs on
human life and communication - Concerns through health (and IC) technologies a
longer life is possible, but also a more inert
one (Maldonado, 2002) - Wide spread of the Mobile seems to highlight a
phenomenon of mass prosthesization (Rautiainen,
2002) - -gt The increasing blend of Organic and Inorganic
may let us live longer but also feel a bit more
3The artificialization of the human body
- Not only approach but penetration of the human
body by ICTs (Fortunati, Katz, Riccini, 2002) - Within ICTs, Internet and Mobile are emblematic
(Katz, Aarkus, 2002)
4Theoretical framework and methodological
- Social Representation Theory (Moscovici,
1961/76) - a form of knowlegde which is socially elaborated
and shared, and which has the pratical aim of
constructing a common, social reality (Jodelet,
1989) - Object of representation a problem,
contextualised, shared (Moscovici, 1988),
polymorphous, charged with value (Moliner)
5The elements of Social Representations
- Information
- Collection of free associations to six stimuli
Internet, Mobile, Computer, Fashion, Journey,
Myself. Elicitation of answers to the questions
In your opinion New ICTs The Human Body are
- Attitude
- Analysis of responses to a SD scale regarding
Internet, Mobile, Computer - Representation field
- Structural Analysis (Correspondence Analysis) of
the collected data
6Results Participants
- 280 University students 40 M and 60 F
- Faculties of Psychology (43), Pharmacy (27.9),
Engineering (28.6) - Mobile ownership98.2, Sms use97.9
- Computer ownership85.4
PC usedaily(25.4), weekly(26.8), monthly
(19.3), rarely (15), never (13.6) - Internet connectiondaily (16.8), weekly (29.6),
monthly (26.8), rarely (18), never (9.3)
7Results Participants
- Status of relationships with others engaged
(48.5), married (1.4), dates (11.4), single
(37.5) - The Body Investment Scale (five points)
- Body image M3.83 m4.00
- Comfort with touch M3.22 m3.20
- Body care M4.09 m4.33
- Body protection M3.74 m3.67
8Results Information
- Internet Internet-parts, computer,
communication, information, omnipresence,
science, usefulness, speed, fun, surf,
up-to-dateness, world, knowledge, notes,
pornography, technology. - Mobile Mobile-parts, communication, usefulness,
friends, cost, convenience, telephone, annoyance,
brands, reachableness, fashion, fundamental,
technology, contact, conversation. - Computer Computer-parts, Internet-parts, fun,
usefulness, work, technology, fundamental,
science, speed, program, knowledge, difficulty,
9Results Information
- The Human Body Machine, exceptional, complex,
perfect, beautiful, delicate, fundamental,
unique, life, body-parts, physical, charming,
identity, adaptable, functional, mysterious,
looked-after, interest. - Myself Nice, shy.
- Fashion Cost, clothes, shows, models,
uselessness, conformity, colour, elegance,
appearance. - Journey Fun, time off, holiday, sea, freedom,
culture, sun, knowledge, friends, airplane,
warmth, rest, discovery, relax.
10Results. The attitude
- 1 factor Appreciation and General evaluation
(agreeable, amusing, pleasant, desirable) - Internet5.11 Mobile5.03 Computer5.09
- 2 factor Specific evaluation (fosters
information and knowledge without harm) - Internet4.25 Mobile3.02 Computer4.41
- 3 factor Utility and Speed
- Internet5.5 Mobile6.04 Computer5.77
- 4 factor Cheap
- Internet3.26 Mobile2.31 Computer2.29
- 5 factor Global, artificial and crazy
- Internet6.16 Mobile5.42 Computer5.68
11Results Aplum (7 stimuli)
- Fun Freedom Journey (24.94)
Internet (3.70) Fun (3.79),
holiday (2.81), time off (2.79), sea (2.46),
freedom (2.04), culture (1.69), sun (1.65),
Internet-parts (1.35), computer-parts (1.12),
airplane (1.05)
- Nature
Journey (51.51)
Human Body (4.0) Holiday (6.85), time
off (6.43), sea (5.02), sun (3.57), culture
(3.46), freedom (3.05), fun (2.33), airplane
(2.28), train (1.28), warmth (1.47), adventure
(1.71), rest (1.52), relax (1.43), dream (1.14),
discovery (1.07)
- Aestetics Constraint
Fashion (64.41) Human Body (4.34) Clothes
(7.81), shows (6.94), models (6.29), conformity
(5.20), cost (4.09), useless (3.29), beautiful
(2.70), elegance (2.60), trend (1.95), appearance
(1.69), money (1.52), shopping (1.52), elite
(1.30), stylist (1.30), anorexia (1.30),
consumption (1.15), colour (1.09), shops (1.08),
fantasy (1.08), stupid (1.08) - Technology
Mobile (15.47)
Internet (13.32) Mobile-parts
(5.75), Internet-parts (4.98), computer-parts
(4.27), communication (3.11), useful (2.41),
information (1.49), convenience (1.28), telephone
(1.05), technology (1.04)
12Results Aplum - First Factor (Internet, Mobile,
Computer, Human Body, Myself)
- Mobile (13.61) Internet (7.26) Myself (6.66)
Computer (3.72) - Mobile-parts (4.73), Internet-parts (2.58),
computer-parts (2.01), communication (1.58),
useful (1.16), cost (1.08) - Communication tools in everyday life Factual
- Human Body (68.75)
- Machine (8.07), exceptional (6.91), perfect
(4.73), beautiful (3.88), delicate (3.78),
complex (3.35), unique (3.25), Human Body-parts
(2.90), life (2.83), physicality (2.27),
charming (2.12) looked after (1.89), adaptable
(1.65), functional (1.65), soul (1.53),
well-being (1.48), expression (1.32), identity
(1.29), interest (1.24), dynamic (1.15),
mysterious (1.14), device (1.05) - The Wonderful Machine Evaluative remarks
13Results Aplum - Second Third Factor
(Internet, Mobile, Computer, Human Body, Myself)
- Internet (21.61) Computer (15.30)
Internet-parts (10.14),
computer-parts (7.72), information (2.48), fun
(1.92), science (1.47), work (1.04), omnipresent
(1.01) - The positive world of information
- Human Body(11.40)
- Machine (2.41), exceptional (1.90), perfect
(1.27), delicate (1.02) - The material Self
- Mobile (61.53)
Mobile-parts (25.13), cost (4.68), friends
(3.44), convenience (3.03), brand (2.48), fashion
(2.43), reachable (2.43), telephone (2.19),
annoyance (2.13), conversation (1.78),
status-symbol (1.46), noise (1.13) - 6
- An ambivalent device for communication
- Myself (86.85)
- Nice (17.02), shy (13.48), student (6.74), moody
(6.64), disposable (5.62), sweet (5.62), growing
(5.62), insecurity (4.62), sensible (3.22),
curious (2.28), family (2.02), identity (1.77) - Personal and Social Identity
14Results Aplum - Fourth factor (Internet,
Mobile, Computer, Human Body, Myself)
- Internet (43.64)
- communication (9.45), information (8.87),
omnipresent (4.59), up-to-dateness (3.19), surf
(3.19), Internet-parts (2.95), world (2.57),
pornography (1.40), sex (1.35), international
(1.32) - Openness to the world
- Computer (56.01)
- work (7.95), fun (7.78), software (5.29), useful
(3.29), office (2.55), writing (2.55), help
(2.31), computer-parts (2.22), fundamental
(1.95), technology (1.72), slowliness (1.39),
boredom (1.25) - Permanence
15Results. The Human Body Asparm
- The HB Home of the Self
- Habitation (79.4), identity (5.8), sensitivity
(2.0), contact (1.5) - Pharmacy, Low Body Image, No use of Mobile and
Sms - Perfect Machine
- Habitation (11.2), machine (4.2), perfect (3.3),
warm (3.0), delicate (1.5), vulnerable (1.2) - Men, Daily use of PC and Internet, Weekly use of
email, No Mobile, High Body Image
- -----
- Perfect (1.7), machine (1.0)
Use of Mobile
for conversation, medium use of Sms, daily use of
PC and Internet - Means of contact
- Contact (30.0), well-being (5.5), container
(4.2), seat of life (3.9), physical (2.4),
identity (1.8), intelligent (1.5), tool (1.0) - Women, Rare use of PC and Internet, Daily use of
email, No use of email , Low Body image
16Results. The Mobile Asparm
- Evaluation
- Useless (12.9), awkward (7.4), stupid (6.9),
useful (6.0), fashion (4.5), convenient (3.9),
slavery (3.4) - Engineering, no use of mobile for conversation,
high use of Sms, no (/-) emotion communication,
low body care, low body protection - Cons Useless impediment
- Useless (24.7), brands (10), awkward (9.9),
stupid (8.8), telephone companies (5.8),
noxiousness (4.7) - Psychology, use of mobile for conversation,
communicate (/-) emotions via mobile, low
comfort with touch - Status-symbol
- Status-symbol (8.2), awkward (6.8), annoyance
(3.7), useless (2 - High use of mobile, no mobile, no positive
emotions, low comfort with touch
- Description
- Brands (13.4), telephone companies (7.7), ring
(6.9), Sms (5.1) - Psychology, use of mobile for conversation,
medium use of Sms, communicate (/-) emotions via
mobile - Pros (Annoying) Reachableness
- Annoying (9.8), reachableness (2.5)
- Engineering, no mobile and Sms, no use of mobile
for conversation, no communication of (/-)
emotions via mobile, high comfort with touch - Practicality
- Practical (21.2), relations (18.5), fashion
(5.6), small (5.2), indispensable (4.7), speedy
(4.5), battery (2.6) - Medium use of mobile
17Results. The Internet Asparm
- Evaluation
- Useful (11.1), cold (7.7), modern (5.9), speedy
(5.4), boundless (3.9), difficult (3.5),
curiosity (2.8), dangerous (2.3) - Women, Pharmacy, engaged, use PC rarely or never,
Use Internet rarely or never, no use of email,
monthly use of email, no use of chat, no utility,
no (/-) emotions - Cold
- Cold (62), work (4.3), computer-parts (2.9)
- Women, Psychology, use Internet rarely, high body
protection - Productivity Destructiveness
- Chaos (15.3), cold (7.2), porno (5.4),
contact-world (3.9) work (3.6), global (3.4),
information (3.2), freedom (2.6), hackers (2.3) - Pharmacy, use PC rarely, use email, no negative
emotion - Study and Contacts
- Time (15.7), chaos (11.6), study (8.1),
computer-parts (7.5) contacts (4.3), freedom (3),
far-away-places (2.6), contacts-with-the-world
(2.4) - Women, Engineering, engaged, use PC weekly, no
use for data processing, no use to play, use
Internet monthly, no chat, use email several time
a day, high body protection
- Description
- Site (11.8), email(7.6), computer (6.1), navigate
(4.5), chat (3.1) - Men, single, use PC daily or monthly, use email,
use email daily, use chat, use Internet for
utility, express (/-) emotions via Internet - Hot
- Fun (5.8), porno (4.9), chaos (2.1)
- Men, use Internet weekly, low body protection
- Usefulness Danger
- Useful (13), computer-parts (6.7), boundless
(5.2), dangerous (4.6), modern (3.8), colours
(2.7), technology (2.2) - Psychology, use Internet monthly, no use of
email, express negative emotion - Sex and Play
- Fun (7.3), sex (4.7), site (2.8), sms (2.7),
curiosity (2.4), cold (2.1), porno (1.5) - Men, Pharmacy, use PC for data processing, use
PC to play, use Internet weekly, use Internet for
contacts, use chat, use daily email
18Towards a Conclusion
- Information
- Internet, Mobile, Computer, as well as the other
selected items are mostly preceived Useful,
described in their parts, less often mentioned in
metaphorical terms. At a closer reading, however,
several interesting aspects arise. - The Human Body appears to be seen as Perfect,
Wonderful, Unique, a splendid Machine, delicate
but self-regulated. - Attitude
- Attitudes towards the Internet, the Mobile
Phone, the Computer show similar general
evaluation but with differences in more specific
19Towards a Conclusion
- Representation field
- Structural Analyses present a strong distinction
between Description and Evaluation of the
proposed stimuli. At a closer scrutiny, various
organising principles emerge. - Freedom vs Constraint and Nature vs Technology
appear as the underlying dimensions which
organise knowledge regarding ICTs and the Human
20Towards a Conclusion
- Representation field
- ICTs - mobile, Internet, computer - assume
different positions mainly along the polarities
Communication vs Information and Mobility vs
Stability. - The Human Body evokes associations pertaining the
polarity Relating vs Being - The Mobile and Internet elicit various
associations, higly ambivalent the first, more
positive (but not without shadows) the second.
Along the poles of the different dimensions
different groups (as regards gender, context,
practices, concerns with body) take different
21Concluding Remarks
- The proposed theoretical framework and methods
appear suitable to explore not only uses, but
also images and perspectives related to ICTs. If
supported by further research, our results
indicate a wide getting over the divide
regarding access to Internet (and even more
mobile) but not yet as regards uses (at least in
University students) (cf. Livingstone, 2002). - The social thought, reach and variegated as it
is, does not seem to share with sociological and
communication thinking strong preoccupations for
an invation of the body by ICTs. Rather, there
are some concerns and worries by specific groups,
often characterised by an average use of the
technologies. - We cannot exclude that this social thought is
little elaborated, but the present results seem
to support the view of a living social
representation, with lively debates and hot
positions taken by people in everyday life.