Title: Topic: Communication
1Topic Communication
A model of the communication process Source
Encoding Message Decoding Receiver
Feedback - two-way communication vs. one-way
NOTE efficient communication effective
3Barriers to communication
- Filtering (status effects)
- Selective perception
- Emotions
- Language
- Non-verbal cues
- Gender (see earlier class notes)
4Media Richness
- Multiple cues simultaneously
- Rapid feedback
- Establish a personal focus
5Channels Available
- letter
- e-mail
- telephone
- teleconferencing
- voicemail
- face-to-face
6 Highest
Physical presence
(face-to-face) Media
media Richness
(phone, EM)
Personalized static
media (memos,
letters, tailored
Impersonal static
media (flyers, bulleting)
7Message Type Non-Routine
Routine - greater
- simple, straightforward for
rational, logical - often characterized
by (e.g.,
verifying assignments time pressure, ambiguity,
meeting) surprise - typified by novel events
(no common frame of reference for sender
receiver) - interpretation more susceptible to
personal feelings subjective beliefs (e.g.,
working out personality conflict between 2 VPs)
8Channel Influence
- Medium used for sending receiving affects
meaning of the message. - Medium can affect the effectiveness of
9(No Transcript)
10Media Sensitivity
- Effective managers are more media sensitive
- Of managers classified as media sensitive 87
rated as good performers - Of managers classified as media insensitive 47
rated as good performers - Must choose media that has the capacity to engage
both sender receiver in mutual understanding of
11Feedback A specific type of communication
- Information about a persons behavior
- Necessary for learning
- Positive and negative
12- Positive feedback
- Tells the person what he/she is doing right
- Praise, recognition
- Negative feedback
- Identifies areas of improvement
- Provides information on how to improve
13Guidelines for Providing Feedback
- Focus on specific behavior
- Keep it descriptive
- Keep it goal-oriented
- Make it well-timed
- Ensure understanding
- Keep amount limited
- Make sure behavior is controllable
- NOTE connection to reinforcement theory
14Negative Feedback
- Two questions before providing negative feedback
- Is negative feedback the best way to improve
performance? - Are you giving negative feedback in order to
improve performance?
15Three necessary elements for negative feedback
- Employee must understand
- Specific
- Descriptive
- Direct
- Check for understanding
- Employee must be able to accept the feedback
- Trust
- Descriptive
- Timing
- Amount
16- Employee must be able to do something about it
- Identify desired action
- How can these desired actions be achieved
- Employees perspective
- Constraints
- Evaluate/Select alternative
- Determine a review or monitoring system
17A couple final thoughts on feedback
- Managers are generally reluctant to give negative
feedback (reluctance vs. role demands) - Very negative events
- Lower level negative events
- Employee solicited feedback
18Receiver Effective Listening
- Intensity
- Empathy
- Acceptance
- Responsibility
19Effective Listening
- be motivated
- eye contact
- show interest
- avoid distracting actions
- empathy
- whole picture
- ask questions
- paraphrase
- dont interrupt
- integrate
- dont overtalk
- confront your biases
- smooth transitions
- be natural