Title: Student Technology Literacy Assessment Implementation Plan
1Student Technology Literacy AssessmentImplementat
ion Plan
- Arizonas IID Accountability Project Pre-Post
Assessment 06-07
2Tech Literacy Assessment Continues for 06-07
- Learning.Com contract renewed for 06-07
- Look at sample http//www.learning.com/tla/
- Tech literacy assessment (TLA) features
- Web-based
- Grade appropriate design
- Performance standards determined by
psychometrician and panel of experts - Multiple formats (m/c performance)
- Platform and application neutral
- Excellent interactive features to engage students
3Committee of Stakeholders Guides Implementation
- TLA Steering Committee
- Cathy Poplin, Dir. of Ed Tech, ADE
- Ruth Catalano, ADE Consultant
- Rick Baker, Pendergast SD
- Sharrie Bonie, Scottsdale SD
- Mary Knight, Flagstaff SD
- Denise Ryan, Pima ESA Technology Integration
Specialist - Nan Williams, Alhambra SD
- Chris Niemeyer, Learning.com
- Provided strong field input throughout the
process - Created this years calendar of events
- Modified training and proposed adding an
important demographic question
4Benefit of 05-06 TechLiteracy Assessment (TLA)
- Provided Arizona with important baseline data of
student technology literacy as prescribed by NCLB
and the publics interest (25,000 students) - Provided districts with reliable data for
planning, designing and delivery of 21st Century
learning opportunities.
52005-2006 AZ Data 5th Gr.
Student Completions 11298 Students Scored
11298 Students Met Proficiency Standard 27
(3027 / 11298) Students Below Proficiency
Standard 73 (8271 / 11298)
62005-2006 AZ Data 8th Gr.
Student Completions 11969 Students Scored
11969 Students Met Proficiency Standard 37
(4479 / 11969) Students Below Proficiency
Standard 63 (7490 / 11969)
7TLA AZs Accountability for EETT (Title IID)
Tech Grants
- US DOE is requiring states to report on 8th grade
student literacy beginning 06 - 07. - AZ requires TLA for all EETT Competitive Grantees
- AZ recommends TLA for all EETT Formula Grantees
receiving over 30,000 in FY05 - 360 Technology (ASSET) is the companion data
collection piece for teachers
8Important Points to Consider
- No cost to district/charter ( set-aside by ADE
upfront). - NOTE Due to reduction in 06-07 EETT funding,
state has matched the funding to test the same
of students. - 25-50 minute student time commitment to complete
- Flexible administration of instrument
- TLA training (one 3 hr session) is highly
recommended for your district TLA coordinator,
who is responsible for training proctors and
uploading students. - Assessment aligned to AZ Technology Standards and
has received ISTEs Seal of Alignment
906-07 TLA Administration
- Designed as a pre/post assessment of 5th and 8th
grade students technology literacy skills or 9th
grade for those EETT projects that are a High
School District - For 06-0, districts may select different schools
and classes to test. - It is still important to select students that
reflect the total demographics of the district,
e.g., if you have 70 ELL student population make
sure you select classes that have a majority of
ELL students. - Choose students based on district demographics
and not because their teacher is or is not
technology savvy. - Select entire classes, not partial. (This may
mean that your numbers of students will increase
or decrease. This has been taken into
1006-07 TLA Administration (cont)
- Please note
- Computer labs or mobile laptop labs are
acceptable testing settings. (Any setting will
require a proctor in order to control the
exposure of the test items.) - Each classroom needs a trained proctor to
administer test, may be certified or
non-certified, but must be trained. - Your district TLA coordinator will receive
additional implementation details, e.g., upload
of student data, creating login cards, proctor
training materials, etc.
11Fall Implementation Timeline
- September 25 - Oct 6 (2 weeks)
- ADE alerts Districts/Charters of 06-07 TLA
assessment - September 25 - Oct 13 (3 weeks)
- Administrative alert gives basic overview and
information. - EETT districts select the school(s) classrooms
(students) to be assessed. - October 2 - 27 (4 weeks ) Sites start student
data upload (comma delimited files, 5 fields) - October 2 5 Face to Face Training
- October 10, 17 24 Web-based Training
12Implementation Timeline (Cont)
- October 9 - December 1 (8 weeks) Assessment
window is open. Students take assessment. - Within 48 hours of last student completing
assessment, preliminary student data reports are
available to the TLA Coordinator. - Within 48 hours of last student completing
assessment, preliminary school/district data
reports are available to the TLA Coordinator. - Within 48 hours of the last district completing
assessment, state comparison report is available
to ADE. - NOTE Districts can run their reports again at
the end of the testing window to receive the
final comparative data.
13Training Details
- October 2 5 Face to Face Training
- Training delivered by Learning.com
- 3 days workshops for 20 participants each (3 hr)
delivered regionally - 2 sessions per day (Total of 6 workshops)
- Recommended for any new TLA Coordinators
- ADE online registration http//www.ade.az.gov/onli
neregistration/calendar/RenderCalendar.asp - October 10, 17 24 Web-based Training
- 2 sessions per day (6 opportunities)
- Need access to a computer with Internet and
speakerphone - ADE online registration http//www.ade.az.gov/onli
14Spring Timeline
- Post testing window will be open from April 23 -
May 18, 2007 - Reports will be available within 48 hours after
last student completes assessment.
15Intervention Suggestions
- Analyze classroom data for deficiencies that can
be systematically addressed with current
equipment and curriculum - Analyze school data for budget and long range
planning purposes (Consolidated plan, tech plan,
etc) - Analyze at all levels for professional
development needs and collaborative planning - Share data with community in order to seek
support and input for improvement.
16Changes for 2006-07
- Will collect demographic information on student
computer and Internet access - Demographics will not be associated with the
individual student in the analysis or report. - Will only be reported as an aggregate in raw
data. - Increased speed of results to allow for planning
and delivery intervention - Streamline upload process
- SAIS IDs will be used so that correlation to AIMS
results can be determined. - Learning.com will generate login and password
17Take Advantage of the Data
- The results are available within 48 working hours
- make it a goal to share this with
administration, students AND parents. - At the school level share with administration and
board - At the district level share with the Governing
Board and Community.
18Successful Implementation Requires
- A district/charter must
- Designate a TLA Coordinator who owns the
project, who will adhere to timeline and serve as
liaison to Learning.com project manager(s) and
who will participate in the training. - Complete and return Technology Literacy
Assessment Implementation Information form (sent
via email) to ADE two weeks prior to your
students taking the TLA. - Choose administration dates (See slide 12)
- Select teachers
- 5th grade teachers who will be participating in
the project - 8th grade teachers who will be participating in
the project - 9th grade teachers who will be participating in
the project (HS Districts or Charters only) - Champion value of student technology literacy
data in district.
- The US DOE is requiring states to report data to
support the NCLB mandate that all 8th grade
students are technology literate. - We will NEED data and evidence (from last year
and from pre-assessment) that we ARE making a
difference when funding is requested from ANY
level. - 07 funding has not been determined at the federal
level - Continued advocacy is needed.
20Additional Students May Be Assessed
- The state contract with Learning.com included
provision for additional student opportunities to
be purchased. - Contact
- Chris Niemeyer, Territory Manager
- Learning.com
- Office - 480-699-6108
- Cell - 480-510-4294
- cniemeyer_at_learning.com