Title: Product File Note (PFN)
1Product File Note (PFN)
- Maarten Derudder - Olivier Guelton
- Federal Public Service of Public Health,
- Food Chain Safety and Environment
- Service Pesticides and Fertilizers
2Overview Product File Note
- Introduction
- General administrative aspects
- Data protection
- Overview of the standard document
- Physico-chemical properties and analysis
- Toxicology
- Biology
- Residues
- Ecotoxicology
- Fate and behaviour
- Other information / administrative aspects /
confidential info
- Target of Product File Note (PFN)
- Diminish work load Section Pesticides and
Fertilizers (no new staff, existing delay) - Leave possibility of priorisation of dossiers to
firms (no more changing dossiers in waiting line,
call for an urgent dossier) - PFN is the only possibility for a quicker
evaluation - Pro-active applicants more aware of completeness
of dossier more complete proposal/evaluation - Type of dossiers concerned National Dossiers
- Only for applications for products based on old
active substances which are not (all) included in
annex I of directive 91/414/EEC. - authorisation of formulation containing new
active substance one or more old active
substances possible with PFN IF engagement firm
to furnish Registration Reports once all active
substances included in annex I - See fast track procedures document
4General Administrative Aspects (1)Working
- when treating a dossier with a PFN completeness
check by administration - if not complete PFN sent back (e-mail) to
applicant for modification/ completion - if complete product on agenda Authorisation
committee - once accepted by secretary of Authorisation
Committee PFN sent back to applicant, applicant
sends by post a paper copy to officialize PFN - GOAL gain time for Pesticide Service
5General administrative aspects (2)
- Cfr. circulaire!
- classical application form still required,
reference can be made to PFN - PFN has to be furnished digitally (CDRom or
e-mail (for old dossiers in queue
confidentiality? composition details in annex
to file note)) - model will be placed on Phytoweb (Eng, Fr,
Dutch) - dossiers with PFN treated with priority,
dossiers without PFN will also be treated! - In framework Aarhus convention reports of
Authorisation committee will be placed on
Phytoweb file note as well, minus the
confidential parts
6General Administrative Aspects (3)
- PFN is only a model non-relevant parts should be
removed with TRACK CHANGES - PFN for all types of applications, not only
authorisation but also renewal, prolongation,
change of composition, extension - treatment of PFN OG MD, following date of
7Data Protection
- Scope at Belgian level data protection can be
granted by the Service Pesticides and Fertilizers
at the request of the notifier (art. 13 of the
Royal Decree of 28/02/1994)
8Data Protection General Requirement
- The following studies are always necessary to
obtain a registration - GLP analysis of 5 samples of a.s.
- Analysis of physical chemical properties of
the formulation - Toxicological studies (acute oral dermal (
inhalation), irritation skin eyes,
sensibilization potential) - Ecotoxicological studies on water organisms
(algae, Daphnia fish) - The notifier must not require the protection for
these data
9Data Protection Particular Cases
- Data protection can be granted in the case of
- 1. Additional data submitted by the authorisation
holder in order to modify the current
registration - For example residue ( biological) studies for
a label extension, study on the
biodegradibility, - 2. Additional data required by the Belgian
Authorisation Committee and necessary to preserve
the registration - For example mesocosm study,
- The notifier must require the protection for
these data (and has to fill in the table)
10Request For Data Protection
- The table has to be filled in by the applicant
but only for the particular cases
Dossier Data Protection for Expiry date of protection Holder of protection Confirma-tion of the protection Study reference (title, author, year, ref n of applicant, ref n of lab)
(Active substance active, ev. formulation type, N number if known) Mesocosm study Reduction of bufferzone Applicant Author, Year, Source (where different from company) Company, Report No. GLP or GEP status (where relevant) Published or Unpublished
11Data Protection Decision Making
- Treatment of the request by the Service
Pesticides and Fertilizers - Advice of the expert (quality of the study
(GLP), ) - Proposal to the Authorisation Committee
- Decision by the Authorisation Committee
(Protection Yes/No) - Decision concerning data protection will be
mentioned in the letter sent to the registration
holder - Start date on the letter sent by the Service
Pesticides and Fertilizers
12Data Protection Validity Of The Protection
Annex II data Annex III data
Not included new a.s. None None
Included new a.s. 10 years after inclusion 10 years after authorisation
Not included old a.s. 10 years after authorisation 5 years after maintenance of authorisation None
Included old a.s. 5 years after inclusion 10 years after re-registration
13Overview of the Standard Document
- Physico-chemical properties and analysis
- 1. Active Substance
- 2. Physchem parameters
- Toxicology
- Biology
- Residues
- Ecotoxicology
- Fate and behaviour
- Other information / administrative aspects
14Overview of the Standard DocumentPhysico-chemic
al properties and analysis
- Active Substance
- 1. Data Requirement
- 2. Evaluation
- 3. Technical Equivalence
- Formulation
- Data Requirement
- Evaluation
151. A.S. Data Requirement
- 1.1. Specifications of the a.s.
- Minimum purity of a.s.
- Maximum concentration of impurities
- incl. CAS n, formules, IUPAC denomination !
- 1.2. GLP analyse of 5 production batches of
technical a.s. - 1.3. Manufacturing process of a.s.
- Remark Data required for a new origin
(authorisation or alternative source) and renewal
162. A.S. Evaluation (1)
- 2.1. Quality of the submitted documents
secretariat expert - 2.2. Evaluation of the results
- Respect of FAO standard (if existing)
- Yes evaluation goes on
- No no authorisation (origin not acceptable)
172. A.S. Evaluation (2)
- If a.s. already authorised in Belgium
- Min. purity ? Min. purity reference and no new
impurity - Yes evaluation goes on
- No demonstration of technical equivalence
- New impurity or known impurity but at a
concentration gt concentration in the reference - Yes demonstration of technical equivalence
- No evaluation goes on
183. A.S. Technical Equivalence (1)
- Technical equivalence according to
- Guidance document on the assessment of the
equivalence of technical materials of substances
regulated under council directive 91414EEC
(Sanco10597/2003) - Document instructions available on
www.phytoweb.fgov.be - Technical equivalence must be demonstrated before
the granting of the authorisation
193. A.S. Technical Equivalence (2)
- Tier I required (Part I and Part II) analytical
aspect - 2 cases
- the new source is equivalent to the reference
source evaluation goes on - if the equivalence of the new source can not be
established based on Tier I criteria alone Tier
II evaluation is required - 2) Tier II required tox. ecotoxicity aspects
included - Studies can be necessary to assess the
equivalence (case by case)
203. A.S. Technical Equivalence (3)
- Conclusion of Tier II
- Technical equivalence of the new source regarding
to the reference? - Yes evaluation goes on
- No no registration (application not acceptable)
- Data requirement (1)
- All parameters relevant for the formulation for
which an authorisation is asked (see PFN) (and
according to the right method !) - Well-argued justification in case of data gap
- Data before storage and after storage 2 weeks at
54C must be present in the application dossier
( storage under cold conditions if required)
22FORMULATION Data requirement (2)
- Explanation in case of unusual storage conditions
(for example, 8 weeks at 40C instead of 2 weeks
at 54C) - If new origin of calcium sulphate, clay,
vermiculite, natrolite-phonolite, calcium
aluminates and clinoptilotite of sedimentary
origin - - analysis of dioxin and furan content of this
new origin by a GLP laboratory or a recognized
laboratory - - if concentrations gt norms MD June 7th 2006
risk assessment is required - Acceptable risk must be demonstrated before the
granting of the registration
23FORMULATION Evaluation
- Completeness check Secretariat
- Physico-chemical properties Alain Dubois
- Prolongation condition analysis after storage 2
years at ambient temperature - Dioxin and furan aspect Samira Jarrah (based on
the norms published by the Ministerial Decree of
June 7th 2006 concerning trade and use of
products intended to be used for animal feeding) - If risk unacceptable change of origin
24Overview of the Standard Document
- Physico-chemical properties and analysis
- Toxicology
- Biology
- Residues
- Ecotoxicology
- Fate and behaviour
- Other information / administrative aspects
25Overview of the standard document toxicology (1)
- standard data package acute oral, dermal and
inhalation studies, irritation skin and eyes,
sensibilisation with formulation - other studies (long term, ) also evaluated
fast evaluation, in depth will be done once annex
III dossier - all furnished data must be mentioned on PFN (to
be added in existing table (cfr. ecotoxicology)) - operator exposure (for new applications with new
active substances)
26Overview of the standard document toxicology (2)
- data protection table to be filled out (see
above) - MSDS composition to be mentioned!
- applicant must furnish labelling proposition
- first aid dossier
- Evaluation by Christiane Vleminckx
27Overview of the Standard Document
- Physico-chemical properties and analysis
- Toxicology
- Biology
- Residues
- Ecotoxicology
- Fate and behaviour
- Other information / administrative aspects
28Overview of the standard document BIOLOGY
- Table intended use (1)
- has to be completely filled in
- application stage according to BBCH code
- Pre-harvest interval not always required
(depending on application stage) - MRL not to be filled in
29Biological dossier partim efficacy
- Required for new intended use
- Have to be demonstrated by means of GEP studies
accordingly EPPO - Not required in case of copy product
- With Letter of Access (LoA) no additional
retribution - Without LoA additional retribution (to be paid
before the granting of the authorisation)
30Biological dossier partim selectivity
- Required for new product, new intended use and
composition change - Not required in case of copy product with LoA
- Evaluation of the biological dossier by
- François Cors fungicides, insecticides,
acaricides and rodenticides - Bernard Weickmans herbicides and growth
32Overview of the Standard Document
- Physico-chemical properties and analysis
- Toxicology
- Biology
- Residues
- Ecotoxicology
- Fate and behaviour
- Other information / administrative aspects
33Overview of the standard document Residues
- only for new or changed applications (if
relevant) to be removed if not relevant - data protection
- Evaluation by Frédéric Joris or Bruno Dujardin
34Overview of the Standard Document
- Physico-chemical properties and analysis
- Toxicology
- Biology
- Residues
- Ecotoxicology
- Fate and behaviour
- Other information / administrative aspects
35Overview of the standard document ECOTOXICOLOGY
- Requirements (1)
- Ecotoxicological studies of the preparation on
water organisms (algae, daphnia and fish) - With another preparation composition to be
provided argumentation - With a.i. acceptable for preparation
containing a.i. and inerts only -
36ECOTOXICOLOGY Requirements (2)
- Only for the products registered in orchards or
intended to be used in orchards - Effect of the preparation on Typhlodromus pyri if
product registered (or application for a
registration) in apple - Effect of the preparation on Anthocoris nemoralis
if product registered (or application for a
registration) in pear - For new application or renewal submitted before
October 23rd 2006 condition for prolongation - For new application submitted after October 23rd
2006 condition for registration
37Table - risk assessment - evaluation
- If the dossier (for example Annex III dossier)
contains other studies than the 3 classic
studies on water organism all the studies have
to be mentioned (add rows to the table and fill
them in like for the aquatox studies) - Proposal for labelling and risk assessment for
aquatox have to be joined - Evaluation by Ilse Pittomvils
38Overview of the Standard Document
- Physico-chemical properties and analysis
- Toxicology
- Biology
- Residues
- Ecotoxicology
- Fate and behaviour
- Other information / administrative aspects
39Overview of the standard document Fate and
- Only for active substances already on annex I or
in case of specific problems (e.g. ground water
contamination) - Of importance if an annex III dossier has been
furnished while the old procedure is still
possible (national dossier) - Data protection
- Evaluation by Sébastien Vanhiesbecq
40Overview of the Standard Document
- Physico-chemical properties and analysis
- Toxicology
- Biology
- Residues
- Ecotoxicology
- Fate and behaviour
- Other information / administrative aspects /
confidential info
41Overview of the standard document administrative
- retribution paid only after reception of
invoice! - instructions for first aid (see website
phytoweb) - non-confidential dossier still required
(legislation) - additional retribution cfr. part biology
- label to verify completeness of furnished label
- Confidential part separate file
42Remarks experience in practice??
- remove non relevant parts track changes
- mention all furnished data, e.g. toxicology not
only acute tox if also other studies have been
furnished - composition of formulations used in studies!!
- references to studies must be complete (title,
author, year, reference number applicant,
reference number lab) - On the whole sent in PFNs fairly well done