Title: AOCS Technical Service: Official Methods and Methods Sustaining Partnership
1AOCS Technical Service Official Methods and
Methods Sustaining Partnership
- Richard Cantrill
- AOCS Technical Director
- Richard.Cantrill_at_aocs.org
- www.aocs.org
2AOCS Mission
- a forum for the exchange of ideas, information
and experience - professional interest in the science and
technology of fats oils and related substances - promote excellence and provide high standards of
3AOCS Structure
Meetings and Exhibits
AOCS Press
Technical Services
4Global Trends
- E-communication information technology
- Growth in 3rd world markets
- Changing of traditional political and economic
5AOCS Geographic Trends
6AOCS Geographic Trends
7Official Methods and Recommended Practices of the
- 5 th Edition (1998), 2nd printing 2004
- 400 methods for the oils and fats industry
- Peer reviewed and globally tested methods
- Regular revision by associate editors
- Additions and Revisions coordinated through
Technical Working Committees (1999 - 2004
available and included in the 2nd printing) - Additions and Revisions 2007
8Adoption Process
Adoption by Majority Vote
Uniform Methods Committee
International Study
Industry Needs
Collaborative Studies
Technical Working Committee
JAOCS Article
9Adoption Process
- Request for method
- Appointment of subcommittee/project leader
- Consideration of results of mini-collaborative
- Proceed with full collaborative study
- Consideration of results (publication)
- Vote by UMC
- Publication as Official Method/Recommended
Practice/Standard Procedure
10Methods Products
11Methods Products
- Additions Revisions sales track with the number
of years a volume has been in production - Single method sales are increasing rapidly but
not affecting Books of Methods sales - Site licenses could be a large proportion of
sales in the future
12AOCS Laboratory Proficiency Program
- Participation has been constant for several years
- Consolidation has been offset by increases in
laboratory certification needs and new series
such as nutritional labeling and trans fatty
acids - Two new series for biodiesel feedstocks and FAME
quality are planned for early 2008 - Approved Chemist and Certified Laboratory
participation remains constant
13Physical Chemical Properties of Oils, Fats and
- Formerly Section I of the Book of Methods now
in its 3rd version since 1996 - Second edition of the stand-alone version
launched in 2006 - Printed version contains a searchable CD
current version in .pdf format - A valuable reference tool for nutrition, food
formulators and for alternative biodiesel
14Major Technical Projects
- USB SQT Project
- 6th year funding recently approved till Sept 30,
2008 - Major activities include soybean wet chemistry
analysis and proficiency testing - Library of soybean samples from commercial and
USDA Germplasm Collection - Validation of different NIR platforms
- Proficiency testing for soybean and soybean meal
by NIR
- Certified Reference Materials
- GMO CRMs for 4 of 6 major life science companies
(soy, corn, potato, Canola, rice) the other 2
are in discussion - There has been a steady pipeline while the EC
require reference materials and methods prior to
registration - Generated through liaison with AEIC and ILSI
15Special Outreach
- Collaborative studies to improve GC fatty acid
methodology for marine, dairy fats and foods by
direct methylation - Consultation with California Olive Oil Council,
growers and USDA on laboratory needs to meet new
US standard for olive oil - Regular contact with AFOA/NIOP/ ISEO/NOPA
- Methods Sustaining Partnership
- Support for Biodiesel at ISO (JWG TC 34/SC 11TC
28 convenorship) with NBB and ASTM via the AOCS
Expert Panel US/EU/Brazil tripartite Agreement - US ISO Groups for Food Products active in oils
and fats, oilseeds, agricultural management, GMO
and wider biotech issues, including sampling - Codex issues
- CCFO - oils and fats olive oil and previous
cargoes - CCMAS - measurement and sampling IAM, method
precision and measurement uncertainty (together
with ICC)
16AOCS Liaison with National Organizations
Dept Commerce
AOCS Technical Services
17AOCS Liaison with International organizations
ISO/TC34 SC11 Oils and Fats
Codex Alimentarius CCFO - Fats/Oils
ISO/TC34 SC2 Oilseeds
AOCS Technical Services
CCMAS Measurement and Sampling
ISO/TC34 Working Groups WG 7 GMO WG 8/JWG 11 -
HACCP WG 9 Traceability WG 10 Food
Irradiation WG 12 QMS for Agric. Dumas
IUPAC Chemistry and the Environment Food
Commission Fats and Oils
CEN/TC 275/WG 6/ TAG 3 CEN/TC 275/WG 11 CEN/TC
307 ISO Mirror Groups
18AOCS Liaison with Other Organizations
ICC Intl. Cereal Chemists
FOSFA International
IOC Olive Oil
AOCS Technical Services
WHO/FAO JECFA Joint Expert Committee on Food
EU Framework 6 Projects
JRC EU labs
CSL Food Standards Agency (UK)
SCC Canadian Grain Commission
19You can help
AOCS Technical Services
ISO/TC34 WG 7-12, SC 2, SC 11 CEN Mirror Groups
20Methods Sustaining Partners
- Who Members of trade organizations quoting AOCS
methods in their trading rules - Why To demonstrate support for a leader in
standards development for the US fats and oils
industry - How By giving an annual donation and becoming a
Methods Sustaining Partner
21Methods Sustaining Partners
- When Donate annually
- How much Donations above 3500 receive annual
access to Methods Online (company-wide site
license) - Please consider this annual donation to ensure
AOCS methods remain relevant for oils and fats
trading in the future
22Advantages of being a Methods Sustaining Partner
- Their generosity allows AOCS Methods to be
- Constantly evolving to meet the needs of global
trade - In line with the activities of WTO and Codex
Alimentarius - Quoted in national trading rules and
international standards - Harmonized with the activities of other leading
standards developers - Used by enforcement agencies to meet
specifications and regulatory limits
23Future Trends
- Meet industry needs with agility
- Biodiesel methods, international representation,
proficiency testing - Formal representation at ISO and Codex (and
elsewhere) to further AOCS goals of global
recognition as an information/expertise provider