Title: George E. Davis The father of chemical engineering
1George E. Davis The father of chemical
- By
- Manuel Sebastian Escotet
- Ryan Bentkowski
2George E. Davis was born July 27th 1850 in Eton,
3He studied at the Royal School of Mining,
pursuing a Chemistry major. He also became an
environmentalist inspector for alkali wastes
4He wrote A Handbook of Chemical Engineering
Series and also gave of 12 Lectures at Manchester
Technical School
5Lectures defined Chemical Engineering as a
discipline just as Chemistry or any other
traditional Engineering
6On his honor, the Institution Chemical Engineers
gives its highest honor that holds his name
George E. Davis Medal
7Davis was also instrumental in the formation of
the Society of Chemical Industry (1881), which he
had wanted to name the Society of Chemical
Society of Chemical Industry Logo
8Davis revolution introduced into the world of
engineering a branch that applied both chemistry
and traditional engineering and also committed to
improve the life style of modern society
Institute of Chemical Engineers prize winner for
developing new catalysts
- www.icheme.com/awards
- http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemical_engineering
- http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_E._Davis
- http//www.chemheritage.org/classroom/chemach/engi
neering/davis.html - http//www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/George-E.
-Davis - http//www.eoearth.org/article/Davis,_George_E
- http//chemheritage.org/classroom/chemach/images/l
gfotos/10chemeng/davis1.jpg - http//www.freewebs.com/msesteppchem/chemistry.jpg