Everything Varies - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Everything Varies


Discuss what characteristics the students used to remember their ... Have a class discussion on what characteristic (s): makes each pile of leaves unique. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Everything Varies

  • Introduction
  • Exercise 1 Recognizing Individuals as Unique
  • Exercise 2 Matching Leaves
  • Exercise 3 Using Math to Make Decisions about
    Variation in the Characteristics of Leaves
  • Exercise 4 Matching Shells

Exercise List continued
  • Exercise 5 Making Sense of Variation The Game
  • Exercise 6 Finding Species
  • Exercise 7 Mechanisms
  • Exercise 8 Mystery Identification,
  • Suggested Readings Links

Return to Homepage
  • There are over 2 million named species of plants
    and animals on Earth and many scientists feel
    that the actual number of types of organisms is
    well over 5 million.
  • To start with, we need to know what variation is.
    It means to be a little bit different from others
    or from some typical pattern.
  • Organisms vary because
  • The Earth offers many different types of places
    to live physical structures such as mountains
    and water bodies create habitat variation.
  • Climate adds to the environmental variability
    offered by physical structure in habitats.
    Climate (the weather patterns different parts of
    the world experience over time) is influenced by
    the shape of the Earth and its pattern of
    rotation around the sun

The Student Will
  • Learn the different methods scientists use to
    separate species by the characteristics that vary
    between them.
  • Use both qualitative (observational) and
    quantitative (measurement) methods to make
    decisions about which organisms should be grouped
    together versus placed in different groups.

  • Container A
  • 35 unique Leaves
  • Container B
  • 30 leaves each of two species
  • Container C
  • 31 mollusc shells with red dot on each
  • Container D
  • 30 mollusc shells with blue dot on each
  • Container E
  • Mystery Shell

Exercise 1. Recognizing individuals as unique.
  • Exercise 1 helps students recognize the
    individual organisms unique traits by testing
    your skills in committing a leaf to memory that
    will vary a lot from many of the leaves available
    but only slightly from some.

(No Transcript)
  • 1st Run Before discussion
  • Locate the Container marked A, which holds 35
    leaves from trees and shrubs that have been
    laminated. Each leaf has a unique number on its
  • The teacher will spread these out on the front
  • Each student should select one leaf.
  • Examine the top of this leaf for a few minutes
    with the object of committing it to memory.
  • After studying the leaf, turn it over and copy
    the number that is on the back onto a sheet of
    paper. (Alternatively, the teacher might also
    keep track of the numbers for the students).
  • Return each leaf to the front table.

  • The teacher will mix the leaves up on the front
    table, making sure that all are face up on it.
  • Each student attempts to find his or her
    special leaf without looking at the number on
    its underside.
  • Check the number of the leaf you picked from the
    table against the number written down for the
    leaf you originally examined.
  • Count the number of students that were successful
    in finding their leaves. What was the class or
    group success rate (number correct/total number X
  • Example if 10 individuals out of 30 found their
    leaves, the success rate was 30.
  • Discuss what characteristics the students used to
    remember their leaves and make an ordered list
    from the most frequently used characteristic to
    the least used trait.

Fig. 1 Leaf traits that might vary among species
and even individuals.
To Exercise 1 cont
To Exercise 3a
  • For older students, prepare a bar graph, showing
    the relative importance of the characteristics
    the class used in identifying their leaves.
  • Fig. 2 Example of relative importance of various
    characteristics in distinguishing among leaves.
    A. Absolute count. B. Relative count expressed as
    percent of individuals (Number of individuals
    using a particular trait/total number of

  • Play the game again with each student picking a
    new leaf.
  • Check to see if the finding success rate has

Exercise 2 Leaf Match (very simple)
  • Materials
  • Leaves from container A
  • Picture guide to tree leaves (Leaf Guide)
  • How to play
  • The tree guide sheet has pictures of all of the
    leaves that might be found in container A of this
  • Your goal is to find leaves in the batch that
    match each picture of a leaf that is shown to
  • Below the picture is the common name (what local
    people call the tree or shrub) and scientific
    name (internationally registered name that
    reflects this species relationship to other trees
    as well as its unique characteristics.
  • The scientific name consists of two parts the
    Genus (close relatives will all have this name)
    and species (only individual trees that might
    possibly interbreed share this name).

  • Exercise 2 helps students learn how to make
    comparisons among individual leaves to find those
    that are more similar to one another than are the
    majority of leaves in a sample.

  • Separate the class into groups of three or four
  • Partition the leaves in container A into piles so
    that each group has a unique pile of leaves to
  • The teacher will show on the screen three leaf
    species at a time.
  • Each group of students should check their pile to
    match leaves in it to the images shown
  • A representative from each group should bring
    potential matches up to the front for comparison
    with the image.
  • Form piles of the different leaf species on the
    front table with all correctly matched leaves.
  • label each pile by its common name and scientific

Directions continued
  • Continue on to the next set of leaf images.
  • Attempt at the end to place remaining leaves in
    the group piles into the correct species piles on
    the front table.
  • Have a class discussion on what characteristic
  • makes each pile of leaves unique.
  • makes some species piles more similar to one
    another than to others.

To Leaf images
Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4
Image 5
Image 6
Exercise 3. Using math to make decisions about
variation in the characteristics of leaves
  • For scientists, it is not enough to look at two
    individuals and decide that they differ in one or
    more characteristics (i.e., are qualitatively
  • The differences must be quantified.
  • The traits must be measured and expressed in
    numbers so that the differences between them can
    be statistically compared.
  • Statistics is that branch of mathematics that
    organizes data such that central tendency
    (average or mean value) and the levels of
    variation around it can be found and compared
    between or among samples.

(No Transcript)
3a. What is the expected value for a trait?
  • Traits vary but within a local group of
    individuals there is a trait value that can be
    considered as typical (mean or central tendency)

  • In this exercise we will quantitatively
    determine what is the typical size leaf of the
    sample of 30 leaves found in container B.

  • As a class, decide what measure of leaf size you
    would like to measure on one of the two sets of
    30 leaves in container B.
  • You might want to base your estimate on the width
    of the leaf blade at its widest point, or its
    blade length from its tip to its base at the
    attachment of the petiole (Fig. 1). You could
    also get a rough estimate of the leafs blade
    area by multiplying the leaf blade width (W)
    times its length (L) as in (W X L).
  • To Fig. 1
  • Each student will receive a leaf and take the
    measures the class or group has agreed on.
  • Lets say that you will round off each
    measurement to the nearest 1 cm (centimeter).
  • Make a column for the trait on the board as shown
    in table 1.
  • For Table Template, see Table 1

Directions continued
  • Find the smallest trait value and the number of
    students having measured this value.
  • Record each value in column 1 of Table 1.
  • Repeat for the next smallest trait value until
    all values have been recorded and the numbers are
    ordered from smallest to largest as shown in
    Column 1 of Table 1.
  • Make two additional columns on the black board.
  • Column 2 should list the possible leaf sizes
    (from 1 cm (the smallest size possible) to the
    largest width leaf in your batch.
  • Column 3 lists the number of leaves you have
    representing each size. Put a 0 in your list for
    any size interval that has no leaves as shown for
    the 1 cm size class in Table 1.
  • Save your data table for use in Exercise 3b

Table 1.
Column 2 Possible leaf widths (cm) smallest to la
Column 1 Leaf widths ranked by size (cm)
Column 3 Number of leaves in size classes listed
in Column 2
  • It is time to make a graph.
  • In the example shown in Fig. 1, the horizontal
    line at the bottom (X-axis) of the graph has 23
    1-cm intervals as this was the width of the
    largest leaf in the sample data set presented in
    Table 1.
  • The Y-axis should have more intervals placed on
    it than the number of individuals of any one leaf
  • In the example in Table 1, the largest number of
    individuals of a given size was 8 for a leaf
    width of 8 cm (Look in column 3.). The height of
    the Y-axis in the graph was thus set at 9.
  • You are ready to plot your data. Put a dot for
    the leaf numbers present (Y- axis) for each width
    (X-axis) as shown in the sample graph.
  • Finally, draw a line between each dot. This is
    your distribution of leaves with respect to an
    estimate of size (leaf width in the example).

Fig. 1. Example plot of leaf width distribution
from 30 leaf sample.Y-axis
In the plot above, three mathematical estimates
mean, median and mode all indicate that typical
leaf width equals 8 cm in this example
  • The mean or average is calculated by adding up
    all of the leaf widths in column 1 of Table 1 and
    dividing this sum by the total number (n) of
    leaves measured (30 in this case) 238/30 7.9.
    Because we are measuring our leaves to the
    nearest cm, 7.9 is rounded off to 8.
  • The median is determined by dividing the total
    number of leaves measured (n) by 2 and counting
    down the list of leaves ranked by size (from
    column 1) to the size designating that leaf. In
    the example 30 leaves/2 the 15th leaf and from
    column 1, we see that the 15th leaf 8 cm in
  • The mode is equal to the most numerically
    prominent or common leaf. From columns 2 and 3 in
    Table 1, we see that the maximum number of leaves
    of a particular width in the sample was 8 (from
    column 3) and that these eight leaves were each 8
    cm in width (from column 2).

  • Note that these measures of central tendency or
    typical trait value do not always come out to be
    the same number.
  • The estimate that is used most is the mean as it
    provides the most accurate number (i.e., 7.9
    compared to 8 for median and 8 for mode).
  • The spread of leaf widths to the left and right
    of the peak at 8 cm on the graph provides a
    measure of variation in leaf width. The wider the
    number of intervals on the X-axis, the greater is
    the variation.
  • Calculate the mean, median, and mode for leaf
    width in your sample of 30 leaves from Container
    B. Mark the location of the mean, median and mode
    on the graph you have made.

  • Just as the typical value can be calculated, so
    can the variation in trait values around this
    typical value.
  • Variance is the most common measure of how
    variable a trait is.
  • Variance is calculated from the mean.
  • Calculate variance for your sample of leaves
    using the equation summarized on the next slide.

  • Subtract each leaf width value from the mean
    value you calculated under 8 and square the
    result of each subtraction ((mean leaf width
    value leafn)2). (Leaf values would come from
    column 1 of Table 1 but would not need to be
    sorted as in this column).
  • Write your results down as you complete these
    difference calculations.
  • Then add (sum (S)) all the new values together,
    and divide this sum by the quantity (n1), where
    n the total number of leaves in the sample.
  • The following equation prescribes the calculation
    of variance
  • Variance S((mean value leaf1)2 (mean
    value leaf2)2 mean value leaf3)2 mean
    value leaf4)2 . . . ) /n-1.
  • The larger the value for variance relative to its
    mean, the greater is the variability in leaf size
    among leaves in the sample.

3b. Comparing the sizes of leaves from two
  • Container B contains two batches of 30 leaves
    collected from two different trees or shrubs.
  • In this exercise we will quantitatively compare
    the typical leaf sizes of two species of trees.

  • Students will learn
  • how to determine whether two estimates are
    different from one another or not.
  • the degree to which trait variability limits the
    ability to discriminate species as being

  • Develop a distribution curve for each species as
    you did under Exercise 3a
  • first making a table with the needed columns
  • and then developing a graph with two axes.
  • (You can use the data from the leaf sample you
    measured under 3a and only measure the other leaf
    sample here).
  • This time you will plot two sets of points on
    your graph. Be sure to use different symbols for
    the two sets so that you do not confuse them when
    you are drawing your lines between points.
  • Fig. 2 provides a model for you to follow in
    preparing this graph. Be sure to make the X-axis
    long enough to accommodate the largest size leaf
    present in the two samples and the Y-axis should
    accommodate the largest number of individuals of
    a given size.

Fig. 2. Example of two species comparison of leaf
size distributions as estimated by leaf width.
  • Examine Figure 2. Which species has the
    typically smaller leaves? Which species has the
    broader distributions of leaf sizes (greater
    variation)? Ask the same questions about your own
    two species comparison.

  • Calculate the mean, median, and mode for the two
    species you are comparing and show these results
    with arrows on your figure.
  • Calculate the variances of leaf widths for
    species A and B. Do your numerical results fit
    what you would conclude from looking at your
    graph? They should, unless the two species are
    very similar in size.

  • We can actually determine whether the two means
    (central tendencies) noted for your leaf widths
    or other measures differ enough from one another
    to be able to say that the difference is
    meaningful or significant.
  • Scientists conclude that two samples differ
    significantly from one another in trait value if
    at a probability of 95, the difference could not
    be accounted for by chance.
  • When we make such comparisons, we are doing
    statistics or a statistical analysis. We apply a
    Students t-test to determine whether two sample
    means differ from one another.

  • The student's t-test for the comparison of two
    means uses the samples sizes (N), means,
    variances and standard deviations of the two
  • Because you know the sample sizes and have
    already calculated the mean and variance for
    species A and also for species B, you will not
    need to recalculate these here.
  • Instead, find these values and list them as
    follows on a sheet of paper or the blackboard
  • MeanA VarianceA NA SDA
  • MeanB VarianceB NB SDB

The standard deviation (SD) is equal to the
square root of the sample variance.
  • Take the square roots of VarianceA and VarianceB
    and record your values in the table you are
    setting up under species SDA and SDB.
  • Now you need to calculate the pooled estimate of
    standard deviation for the two species samples A
    and B. Lets call it SDAB.
  • To calculate SDAB, you need to
  • 1. Multiply the number of leaves minus one (NA
    -1) for species A times its variance. Write this
    value down (NA -1) VarianceA _____.
  • 2. Do the same for species B (NB-1) VarianceB
  • 3. Add the two numbers together ((NA -1)
    VarianceA (NB -1) VarianceB _______
  • 4. Take the square root of the sum just
    calculated under step 3. Write this number down
    as SDAB.
  • 5. Sum the two sample sizes (NA NB) and
    subtract 2 from this sum as in (NA NB)-2 ____
  • _.
  • 6. Finally Divide the values calculated under
    step 4 by the sum calculated under step 5.
    value4/value 5 SDAB

  • The equation that describes these calculations
    looks like this
  • SDAB (NA -1) VarianceA (NB -1) VarianceB
  • (NA NB) - 2
  • Congratulations! You have calculated the pooled
    standard deviation of the two means.
  • We also have to calculate the test statistic t
    that will be compared to a standard from a table
    to determine whether the means differ
  • ___ MeanA - Mean B
  • SDAB 1/NA 1/ NB t

  • Subtract the mean for species B from that for
    species A _____
  • Divide the sample size (number of leaves) of
    species A into 1 ________.
  • Divide the sample size (number of leaves) of
    species B into 1 ________.
  • Sum the results for steps 2 and 3 and take the
    square root of this sum.
  • Multiply the result from 4 by the pooled species
    estimate of standard deviation. _____
  • Divide the difference between the two means from
    1) by the result of the calculation in 5).

  • Now you need to check your value for t against a
    predicted distribution.
  • We have looked this up on a table of statistical
    values for a sample size of 30 leaves for each of
    two populations.
  • If your value for t is greater than 2.83, the
    sizes of your two species of leaves differ
    significantly at P lt 0.05.
  • This means that 95 of the time, the differences
    you measured would not be due to errors in
    measuring the leaves or some other random effect.

Exercise 4 Simple Shell Match (very simple)
  • Materials
  • Shells from containers C or D

  • Exercise 2 helps students learn how to
    discriminate between shells that are of like and
    unlike type

  • The teacher will spread the shells in Container C
    out on a desk at the front of the room.
  • Each student will pick out a shell and take it to
    his or her seat
  • The teacher will then display the different shell
    types on the screen at the front of the room
  • When a student sees the image of the shell in his
  • raise your hand
  • bring the shell up to the front for verification
    and return to the table

Directions continued
  • If some students still have shells, remaining at
    the end of one round of showing pictures, have
    them bring them up to the front where they can
    attempt to find a matching shell that has been
  • At this point, ask the class the name of the
    unknown shell.
  • Return to the images to locate that shell type
    and discuss the characteristics of this shell
    that make it unique.
  • Put all of the shells back in Container C
  • For images and names of the shells in Container
  • Repeat the exercise with the shells from
    Container D
  • For images and names of the shells in Container D

Container C Moon Shell
Container C Turban Shell
Container C Calico Scallop
Container C Pear Whelk
Container C Spindle Shells
Container C Rose Cockles
Container C Osyters
Container C Nucleus Scallops
Container C Orange Scallop
(No Transcript)
Container D White Nautica
Container D Ecphora (Fossil)
Container D Nerite
Container D King Crowns(highly variable)
Container D Cebu Beauty
Container D Lettered Olive
Container D Candy Cane

Container D Money Cowrie
Container D Babylon
Container D Horse Conch
Container D Lace Murex
Container D Apple Murex
Container D Yellow Land Snail
Shell Guide Box D continued
Exercise 5. Making Sense of Variation The
Matching Game
  • Mollusc shells come in a truly amazing variety of
    shapes, sculptures, patterns and colors.
  • There are about 100,000 species in all, each with
    its own special combination of features.
  • Each mollusc shell in Container C has
    characteristics that distinguish it from every
    other shell in the box. Yet some individuals
    share more characteristics in common than do
  • We should be able to sort these shells on the
    basis of size, color pattern, shape, texture, and
    so on.
  • This exercise and Exercise 6 demonstrate how
    biologists make decisions about the relationships
    among organisms based on the characteristics they
    share and dont share with other individuals.

(No Transcript)
  • Before starting this exercise, check to see that
    each shell in Container C has a red dot on it
  • Use Fig1. below to review some of the features
    of mollusc shells and Fig. 2 on the next slide

Fig. 1 Basic features of Gastropod/snail
Bivalve/clam shells Handout
Fig. 2. Examples of different characteristics of
shells handout
  • Spread the shells from Container C out on a table
    at the front of the room.
  • Each student should pick one of these shells.
  • After everyone has a shell, each individual
    should seek out others in the class who have
    shells that resemble his/hers.
  • Each group then
  • Should make up a group name and write this at the
    top of two sheets of paper
  • Should develop a list of characteristics that
    accurately describe the shell type all members of
    the group share and list these characters on both
    sheets of paper
  • On the first sheet of paper, list the numbers
    found on each shell

  • Return your shells to the front desk and give
    your teacher the second sheet that has only your
    group name and the list of shell characteristics
    you have developed
  • After all groups have turned in their shells and
    shell descriptor lists, the teacher will give
    each group a list of descriptive characteristics
    made by a different group.
  • The teacher should now spread the shells out on a
    long table.
  • Using the lists of shell descriptive
    characteristics, the new groups should try to
    find the correct shells.
  • Once they think that they have found all of the
    correct shells
  • each group will read the descriptive list of
    traits out loud to the rest of the class showing
    the matching shells they found as they do so.
  • They should also read the numbers on the shells
    so that the group making the list can compare
    these numbers to their list of shells.

  • If a new group had trouble identifying the
    correct shells, the class should discuss what
    changes might be made in the list of descriptive
    characters that would make it easier to identify
    the correct shells.
  • Please check to see that all red dot shells are
    placed back in Container C.
  • At the end, the class can check the names and
    general types of their shells on the Shell Guide

(No Transcript)
Exercise 6. Finding Species
  • The Animal Kingdom is at the apex or top of a
  • This Kingdom consists of multicellular organisms
    that obtain their food by eating other organisms.
  • The Kingdom is divided into approximately 30
    Phyla, which share similar body plans.
  • The phylum is at the next highest level of the

  • The Mollusca is a phylum characterized as having
    a body cavity that houses organs, a mantle cavity
    that in part provides gas exchange, and some form
    of shell for protection.
  • Each Phylum is divided into classes the Mollusca
    has five classes. The two classes of molluscs
    used in this exercise include the Gastropoda
    (snails) and the Bivalvia (clams and their
  • Below the Class level in the hierarchy, there are
    four additional levels of organization Order,
    Family, Genus and finally Species.

  • In this exercise, you will learn about
    classification and how it is hierarchically based.

  • Your goal in this exercise is to partition the
    samples of molluscs into two groups down a
    hierarchical scale to the point at which only
    very similar shells are present in each group
  • During the process, you will develop a tree
    similar to the one shown below
  • If you are successful, each group of shells that
    you have derived by your successive splits of the
    original sample of 30 shells will represent a

Step 1. As a class examine Figures 1-2 on the
next 3 slides that show different features and
characteristics of shells and discuss how a
sample of shells was partitioned in a
hierarchical scheme.
Fig. 1. Names and locations of traits on a
gastropod (snail) shell (upper diagram) and
bivalve (clam) shell (lower diagram).
Fig. 2. Examples of different characteristics of
Fig. 3. Partitioning example
  • In the example, the first split separates one
    species from all others a clam (Bivalvia) - on
    the right (B in the figure) versus 8 species of
    snails (Gastropoda) on the left (A in the
  • The character used was whether the shell was
    spiraled or not
  • Inspection of the figure shows that there were
    five splits completed to get down to species
    level 1 split separated bivalves from gastropods
    and 4 additional splits in group A were required
    to get down to the species level in the snails.

Directions continued
  • Step 2. Spread the shells from Container C (red
    dot) out on a table in the front of the room.
  • Step 3. Divide the class into groups of 3-4
  • Step 4. Each group should have the opportunity to
    visit the shell sample and complete a number of
    splits on them to arrive at the individual
    species, using the handouts at the table
  • Characteristics features of shells
  • Example of hierarchical scheme
  • Step 4. Each group should make a drawing of the
    hierarchy made on a sheet of paper.
  • Be sure to label the trait differences you used
    in each split.
  • Write down the numbers on each shell where it
    ends up in the diagram
  • Include the names of all members of the group
  • When all the groups have completed to exercise,
    they will each copy their hierarchy onto the
    board, including the shell numbers

Time To Check Your Answers
  • Box C Each shell has a unique number, listed
    below by type

(No Transcript)
Directions continued
  • Have a class discussion that compares and
    contrasts the
  • different hierarchies formed using the same
    sample of shells.
  • Some Example Questions For Discussion
  • What splits are similar, dissimilar?
  • Did they all end up with the partitioning of
  • Are the clams and snails separated early on in
    the hierarchy?
  • Be sure that all red dot shells are put back in
    Container C.
  • Repeat this exercise using the Shell sample
    found in
  • Container D.

Box D Each shell has a unique listed in
table by type
(No Transcript)
Shell Guide Box D continued
Exercise 7. Mechanisms
  • Thus far in our exploration of variation, we have
    learned that individuals differ in various traits
    and that we can measure these differences.
  • We have also learned that individuals vary in the
    degree to which they differ from other organisms
    and that individuals are grouped with other
    individuals that are most similar into species,
    to those who are a bit less similar into genera,
    to those who are even less similar into families
    and so on up a hierarchical scale that deals with
    the classification of organisms.
  • This particular exercise introduces you to the
    mechanisms that may underlie trait variation. We
    will use leaves and flowers as examples here.

  • Exercise 7 helps students understand why
    organisms vary.

  • Examine the leaves in Fig. 1. These leaves were
    collected off of the same tree. In fact, they all
    came from the same branch but note that the
    individuals differ in size.
  • Differences in size as well as other traits
    frequently are associated with development or
  • As the young leaf unfolds from its leaf bud, it
    now has room to grow into a larger size. All it
    needs is nourishment and time to increase in size
    to that typical for the mature (adult or fully
    grown) leaf of this species.
  • Rank the leaves in Figure 1 from smallest to
  • STOP ! The answer is next

From smallest to largest C, A, B
Fig. 1.Variation in leaf size as it is influenced
by age.
  • Do you know which tree species the leaves in
    Fig. 1 belong to?

STOP ! The answer is next
Tulip Poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera)
  • Examine the two sugar maple leaves in Fig 2.
    Unlike those shown in Fig. 1., these two leaves
    are both mature. Yet they differ markedly in
  • These two leaves were collected from different
    parts of the tree one from a branch near the top
    of the tree where it is exposed to the sun and
    the other from one of the lower branches, where
    there is less sun.
  • These leaves are influenced by the environment in
    which they are growing.

Fig. 2. Two mature (adult) leaves from different
locations on the same tree.
  • Leaves have genes that program plasticity or
    flexibility in growth. This plasticity permits
    individual leaves to adjust to the light
    environment in which they are located in so that
    each leaf can contribute as much food to the tree
    as possible.
  • Which leaf in Fig. 2 was collected from the
    lower branch that was in the shade and why is
    this leaf the size it is compared to the other

STOP ! The answer is next
Leaf A came from a top branch that was exposed to
the sun, and B from a lower branch that was in
the shade. Because leaves trap sunlight to
produce food for the plant, leaves that are in
the shade need a greater surface area over which
to catch the suns rays than leaves that are in
full sun. If both leaves were the same size,
then A would be producing a much larger quantity
of sugar than B.
  • Examine the sassafras leaves in Fig. 3.
  • Note that there are four different leaf shapes
  • 1. elliptical (balloon-shaped)
  • 2. two lobes, one on either side of the main part
    of the leaf blade
  • 3. a single lobe on the left side
  • 4. a single lobe on the right side
  • Morphs 3 and 4 look like left and right-handed
    mittens. Find each of the four leaves on the

Fig. 3.
  • Sassafras is a tree that produces all four leaf
    types and often on the same branch.
  • We call a distinct variant that has a genetic
    basis a morph.
  • Sassafras exhibits a shape polymorphism (many
    morphs) consisting of 4 morphs.
  • Can you think of other examples of polymorphisms?

STOP ! The answer is next
Other examples of polymorphism include butterfly
and flower colors within the same species. Some
spider species have different body patterns such
as the Hawaiian Happy Face Spider that has
several different faces. Many animals including
fishes have different male morphs such as a
small individual that sneaks matings and a large
male that defends females from other males.
These are just a few examples.
  • We have learned that leaves vary in size and
    shape for a number of reasons.
  • Examine the flowers in Fig. 4 Can you see
    differences between the two flowers shown from a
    red lily plant (Fig. 4a) or among the many
    flowers pictured of purple coneflowers in Fig.
  • Of all the parts of a plant, the flower is the
    least variable. We call traits that show little
    inter-individual variation conserved traits.
  • Flowers house the reproductive organs of the
    plant and to reproduce, flowering plants need
    animals to carry pollen produced by the male
    anthers to the female organ (pistil) of another

Fig. 4. Examples of lack of variation in flower
structure a) red lily, b) purple coneflower
  • It is important that the animal species that
    pollinates a particular plant species recognizes
    its flowers as unique from other species so that
    it can visit only flowers of the correct type.
  • Every mistake that a bee makes in visiting the
    wrong flower is wasted pollen to the plant the
    bee has visited earlier.
  • Pollen is very costly to make and is species
    specific. Seeds will not form if the wrong pollen
    is encountered. Thus the flowers of a particular
    plant species do not vary much from one another.

Exercise 8. Mystery Shell
  • What is it?
  • STOP!!! The Answer is next!!!
  • The mystery shell is actually the operculum of a
    snail. The operculum is a shell door, which many
    but not all snails have. With this door, the
    snail is able to close its shell to survive
    periods of drought and to gain protection against
    predators. Snails that live along the seashore
    are often exposed to air when the tide goes out
    and there are many animals that feed on snails,
    especially birds.

Suggested Readings
Survival of the Sickest A Medical Maverick
Discovers Why We Need Disease by Sharon Moalem,
Jonathan Prince, Jonathan Prince The Three
PigsDavid Wiesner, David Wiesner
(Illustrator) Mutants On Genetic Variety and
the Human BodyArmand Marie Leroi Calculus of
Variations by I. M. Gelfand, S. V. Fomin, Richard
A. Silverman (Editor), Richard A. Silverman
Exercise 6 http//science.education.nih.gov/custom
ers.nsf/HSGenetic.htm http//www.standards.dfes.g
Table 1.
Column 2 Possible leaf widths (cm) smallest to la
Column 1 Leaf widths ranked by size (cm)
Column 3 Number of leaves in size classes listed
in Column 2
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