Title: Mitigation
1Mitigation Education (MES)Subcommittee Update
- Chris Jonientz-Trisler, FEMA Co-Chair
2Overview of Terms of Reference
- Authority
- The ME Subcommittee will be considered the
primary mechanism for NTHMP partner input to the
mitigation and education component of the NTHMP.
- The subcommittees actions and recommendations
will be achieved by consensus, and considered to
represent the collective will of those partners.
3Overview of Terms of Reference
- Chairpersons
- Approved by a majority of the NTHMP Coordinating
Committee - November 1, 2007
- Chris Jonientz-Trisler (FEMA), Russell Jackson
(NOAA), Tom LeBlanc (State) - Communications
- Meetings will normally be held annually in
conjunction with NTHMP meetings. Between
meetings, communication will occur primarily
through email and conference calls. Notes and
Action Items will be maintained by Chairpersons
and posted to the NTHMP web site. Completion of
actions will be coordinated by the Chairpersons.
Recommendations will be forwarded to the
appropriate organizations by the Chairpersons.
4Action Item Status
- FEMA to edit Mitigation Definition document with
September 19 suggestions, and coordinate CC
review of revised document - Assigned by the NTHMP CC
- Status document revised, reviewed by CC,
Rhoades to recommend refinement of definitions
for discussion at Nov 20 CC meeting.
Preparedness also defined. (from FY09 MES Tasks)
5Action Item Status
- Vertical Evacuation Design Users Guide -Define
team members, clarify the scope of the Users
Guide document, create a timeline to complete it,
and move forward. - Subcommittee Internal Action
- Status ongoing Phase 1 technical document
completed and published by FEMA. Phase 2 Users
Guide in draft, completion early next year.
6Action Item Status
- Develop a Regional Tsunami Loss Estimation
Product that incorporates disparate loss
estimation products and geographic areas in the
NTHMP . - Subcommittee Internal Action
- Status delayed by other priorities in FY08
- Issues requires further planning by MES
7Action Item Status
- Publish update MES Activities Matrix
- Subcommittee Internal Action, now CC tasked
through Strategy document - Status delayed
- Issues needs review against MES Performance
Measures and updating of existing and
in-development products. New State staff. - 18Nov New Action Chris re-issue update Matrix
to MES and others in CC (Dec) to input their info
on mitigation products and activities by Feb.
8Action Item Status
- Develop a Recovery Guidance Document for Local
Communities . - Subcommittee Internal Action
- Status delayed
- Issues lost Lead, needs MES work group and
project development
9Action Item Status
- Form an Education Course Project Work Group .
Establish a focused product to meet needs, and
timeline for delivery, and identify resources to
support project, set up a communication system
for members to meet - Subcommittee Internal Action initially, now CC
tasked through Strategy document - Status ongoing. Will be briefed in CC this
meeting. NOAA leading. WA, OR, CA, PR.
10Action Item Status
- Develop a list of member expertise for easy
access by new MES members. - Subcommittee Internal Action
- Status delayed.
- Issues large turnover in MES membership since
last meeting.
11Action Item Status
- Define critical facilities.
- CC tasked in strategy
- Status Lead Mike Mahoney with 5 states. To be
completed by February.
12Action Item Status
- Provide electronic access to education toolkits
and curricula. - CC tasked in strategy
- Status Lead NOAA revisit if need time beyond
2009 need requirements planning team, need CC
approval on repository (NOAA likely has overall
responsibility for now TBD)
13Action Item Status
- Complete TsunamiReady program review provide
recommendations . - CC tasked in strategy
- Status Lead Chris Maier reviewing
recommendations from recent Seaside meeting,
briefing draft document today to CC.
142009 six tasks 2010 nine tasks 2011 two tasks 2012 zero Beyond three tasks
Define Mit Prep Develop education guidelines Integrate tsunami info into K-12 with 1 state pilott 2015 integrate tsunami building standards into IBC
Define critical facilities Determine baseline of tsunami risk critical facilities communities including tsunami response in emergency response plan Develop/distribute education products for tourist communities 2013 -Develop decision support tools for EM responders to better visualize/plan for potential impacts
Inventory State Fed partners for Mit activities (include non-NTMP) Determine baseline of communities including tsunamis in HazMit Plan
Develop education implementation plan Establish guidelines for evacuation maps
Provide electronic access to education toolkits curricula Establish baseline of existing tsunami evacuation maps
Complete TsuReady program review provide recommendations Develop instructor training program conduct pilot training program
Conduct annual tabletop exercise to ensure response plans integrated effective
Publish national tsunami media toolkit
Conduct evaluations for effectiveness of education products program in 10 selected communities. Repeat every 3 years (goalimprove of informed citizens by 30
15Other work issues
- 90 of action items from Subcommittee meetings
will be completed within one year of being
assigned. - All Subcommittees revise Terms of Reference to
implement strategic plan measures and milestones
by 2009.
16Resources Needs
- MES member focused meetings
- Face to face time during year beyond ½ day CC
meetings - Commitment follow-up by each MES member for
their area of interest and/experience to be
project Leads and/or contributors
17Mitigation Education SubcommitteeFY 09 Funding
Task (Activity) Name NTHMP Performance Metric(s) (from Strategic Plan) Supported Amount of Requested Funds
MES FY09 Workshop The MES must carve out focused time together to develop a plan of action in order to successfully meet MES metrics on time. Performance Metric 90 of action items will be completed within 1 year from being assigned. (Strategy Strengthen NTHMP Subcommittees to execute this strategic plan.) 65,000