Title: BioGeometric Integration
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7Bio-Geometric Integration Bio-Geometric
Integration (BGI) is a unique and powerful
approach to Chiropractic. It embraces the time
honored vitalistic principles of Chiropractic and
the same time advances a fresh and positive new
way of thinking. BGI is an understanding of the
force dynamics surrounding the creation and
release of the subluxation. The key concepts
that make BGI unique are Geometry, Integration,
Potential. Geometry. All things in nature are
based on patterns. These patterns are known as
Sacred Geometry. One such pattern is the Tree of
Life. The Tree of Life has been part of various
healing traditions dating back thousands of
years. The innate geometry of the human body
that was discovered during the evolution on BGI
is exactly that of the Tree of Life. The
knowledge of this innate geometry can be used as
a very precise means of analyzing and adjusting
subluxations. Integration. As we go through
life we are subjected to different stresses.
These stresses can be classified as physical
stresses (injury, surgery, illness, etc.),
chemical stresses (pollution, junk food, alcohol,
caffeine, medications, etc.), and mental or
emotional stresses (anger, fear, job related
stress, relationship stress, etc.) Chiropractors
refer to these stresses as trauma, toxins and
thoughts, or, the Three Ts. BGI actually
helps your body use the three Ts in a positive
and productive manner. Rather than trying to
alleviate or manage these stresses, BGI empowers
your body to integrate them. Stresses are an
important part of the human experience. It is
unrealistic and counterproductive to try to
negate them. By integrating stress, your body
and psyche grow and learn from them. Potential.
In Chiropractic, the conventional approach to
subluxations is to view them as problems that
need to be fixed. In BGI, subluxations are seen
as Potential! When we adjust a subluxation,
were doing much more than merely fixing a
problem. We are releasing your Potential to
express the beauty and perfection that is
inherent within you. Although Bio-Geometric
Integration is still fairly new, it has already
gained tremendous respect within the Chiropractic
Profession. Dr. Sue Brown, the founder and
developer of BGI is a highly regarded
Chiropractic speaker and educator. BGI was
recently featured in The American Chiropractor
magazine as one of the Ten Great Chiropractic
Techniques. Magazine title aside, its
important to understand that BGI is not a
technique, but an entirely new and beautiful
approach to Chiropractic.