Title: Artificial Intelligence CIS 342
1Artificial IntelligenceCIS 342
- The College of Saint Rose
- David Goldschmidt, Ph.D.
April 24, 2007
2Remaining Assignments!
- Remaining assignments
- 4/24 Draft of Research Presentation
- 5/1 Research Paper
- 5/1 Research Presentation
- 5/8 Final Exam
- 5/9 Extra Credit Project 4 (Genetic Algorithms)
3Computational Complexity (i)
- How long does it take for an algorithm to produce
a solution? - Depends on the size of the input and
the complexity of
the algorithm - The size of the input is n
- The complexity of the algorithm is classified
based on its expected runtime
4Computational Complexity (ii)
- Consider a telephone directory with n entries
- Name, address, telephone number, etc.
- How do we look someone up...
- ...if names are not in alphabetical order?
- ...if names are alphabetized?
- How do we sort into alphabetical order?
5Computational Complexity (iii)
- Big-O notation measures the expected runtime of
an algorithm (i.e. its computational complexity) - Constant time O(1)
- Logarithmic time O(log n)
- Linear time O(n)
- Linearithmic time O(n log n)
- Quadratic time O(n2)
- Exponential time O(c n)
- Factorial time O(n!)
6Genetic Algorithms
- Genetic algorithms are often well-suited to
producing reasonable solutions to intractable
problems - Intractable problems are problems with excessive
computational complexity - Polynomial (P) vs. Non-Polynomial (NP)
- A reasonable solution is a partial or inexact
solution that adequately solves the problem in
polynomial time
7Genetic Algorithms Example (i)
- Consider the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) in
which a salesman aims to visit n cities exactly
once covering the least distance/cost/etc. - http//mathworld.wolfram.com/TravelingSalesmanPro
blem.html - http//www.tsp.gatech.edu/games/index.html
- Starting at any given node, choose from n1
remaining nodes, then choose from n2 remaining
nodes, etc. - Testing every possible route takes (n1)! steps
- see http//bio.math.berkeley.edu/classes/195/2000/
8Genetic Algorithms Example (ii)
- Use a genetic algorithm to evolve a near-optimal
solution to the TSP - Label cities A, B, C, D, E, F, etc.
- Example circuits ABCDEF, BDAFCE, FBECAD
- How do we perform crossover or mutation
operations? - Similar to the cryptogram project, basic
crossovers might result in invalid members of the
population - Combining ABCDEF and BDAFCE may result in ABAFEF
9Genetic Algorithms Example (iii)
- Key challenge of developing a genetic algorithm
is often the representation of the problem - For TSP, consider a standard ordering ABCDEF,
assigning code 123456 - All other sequences encoded
based on the removal
of letters - Basic crossover works
10Genetic Algorithms Example (iv)
- All other sequences encoded based on
the removal of letters from standard
ordering - Sequence BDAFCE has code 231311
- B is 2 in ABCDEF
- D is 3 in ACDEF
- A is 1 in ACEF
- F is 3 in CEF
- C is 1 in CE
- E is 1 in E
11Genetic Algorithms Example (v)
- Combining ACEDB with ABCED...
- Crossover Operation
12Genetic Algorithms Example (vi)
another approach http//www.dna-evolutions.com/d
- Combining ACEDB with ABCED...
- ...yields ACBED
- from A.K. Dewdneys The (New) Turing Omnibus,
Computer Science Press, New York, 1993
13Definitions of Intelligence
- Essential English Dictionary, Collins, London,
1990 - Ability to understand and learn things
- Ability to think and understand instead of doing
things by instinct or automatically - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, 2006
- Capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding
- Aptitude in grasping truths, relationships,
facts, etc.
14Machine Learning
- Machine learning involves adaptive mechanisms
that enable computers to - Learn from experience
- Learn by example
- Learn by analogy
- Learning capabilities improve the performance of
intelligent systems over time
15The Turing Test (i)
- Alan Turing, British mathematician (1912-1954)
- Computing machinery and intelligence paper in
1950 - Can machines think?
- The Turing Test
- A computer passes the Turing test if human
interrogators cannot distinguish the machine from
a human based on answers to their questions
16The Turing Test (ii)
- Turing Test
- Objective standard view on intelligence
- Test is independent of the details of the
experiment (i.e. numerous variations) - Provides basis for verification and validation of
intelligent systems - Program thought intelligent in some narrow area
of expertise is evaluated by comparing its
performance to human performance
17History of AI (i)
- Warren McCulloch Walter Pitts (1943)
- Research on the human central nervous system led
to a model of neurons of the brain - Birth of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)
- John von Neumann
- ENIAC, EDVAC, etc.
- Von Neumann Architecture
18Artificial Neural Networks (i)
X x1w1 x2w2 ... xnwn
19Artificial Neural Networks (ii)
X x1w1 x2w2 ... xnwn
Y Ysign
20Multilayer Neural Networks
O u t p u t S i g n a l s
I n p u t S i g n a l s
21Using Neural Networks
- Advantages of neural networks
- Given a solid training dataset, neural networks
learn - Powerful classification and pattern matching
applications - Drawbacks of neural networks
- Solution is a black box
- Computationally intensive
22History of AI (ii)
- Claude Shannon, MIT, Bell Labs (1950)
- Computers playing chess
- Chess game involved about 10120 possible moves!
- Even examining one move per microsecond would
require 3 x 10106 years to make its first move - Need to incorporate intelligence via heuristics
23History of AI (iii)
- John McCarthy, Dartmouth, MIT (1950s)
- LISP defined
- Only two years after FORTRAN
- Formal logic
- Programs with Common Sense paper (1958)
- Marvin Minsky, Princeton, MIT
- Anti-logical approach to knowledge representation
and reasoning called frames (1975)
24Refocusing AI Efforts
- Great expectations during 1950s and 1960s
- But very limited success
- Researchers focused too much on all-purpose
intelligent machines with goals to learn and
reason with human-scale knowledge (and beyond) - Refocus on specific problem domains (1970s)
- Domain-specific expert systems with facts, rules,
etc. - Analyze chemicals, medical diagnoses, etc.
- Knowledge is a theoretical or practical
understanding of a subject or a domain - Those who possess knowledge are called experts or
domain experts - Experts need deep knowledge of both facts and
rules - In general, an expert is a skillful person who
can do things other people cannot
26Facts and Rules
- A fact may be thought of as a unit of knowledge
- A rule enables an artificially intelligent system
derive new facts from existing facts - Rules typically take the form of IF-THEN
statements - IF is the antecedent, premise, or condition
- THEN is the consequent, conclusion, or action
- For example
- http//familydoctor.org/symptom.xml
27Expert Systems (i)
- Expert system performs at a human expert level in
a narrow and specialized domain - Tradeoff between accuracy and speed (e.g. 9-1-1)
- Expert systems use symbolic reasoning to solve
problems - Symbols represent facts and rules (i.e.
knowledge) - Symbols are usually human-readable as opposed to
cryptic variable names, etc.
28Expert Systems (ii)
- Expert systems apply heuristics to guide the
reasoning process - Reduces the search space and time to produce a
solution - Remember the goal is not always
to solve the problem
but often to identify one or more
good solutions
29Expert Systems (iii)
- Expert systems provide explanation facilities to
display reasoning (i.e. rules) to users - How did you come to that conclusion or diagnosis?
- Expert systems make mistakes
- So do human experts!
- Users have to be aware
of this
30Inference Engine (i)
- New facts are discovered (i.e. inferred) by an
expert systems inference engine - Facts serve as data within the knowledge base
- Rules (IF-THEN) describe how new data is inferred
- Inference engine compares each rule with facts it
knows about, matching the antecedent (IF
condition) - When the antecedent matches one or more known
facts, the rule fires and its consequent (THEN)
is executed
31Inference Engine (ii)
32Inference Chain (i)
- An inference chain indicates how an expert system
applies rules to reach a conclusion
33Inference Chain (ii)
- An inference chain indicates how an expert system
applies rules to reach a conclusion
34Inference Chain (iii)
- An inference chain indicates how an expert system
applies rules to reach a conclusion
35Forward Chaining
36Backward Chaining (i)
37Backward Chaining (ii)
38Rule-Based Expert System
39The Bayesian Rule (i)
- The Bayesian rule (named after Thomas Bayes, an
18th-century British mathematician)
40The Bayesian Rule (ii)
- Experts provide p(H), p(H), p(EH), and p(EH)
- Users describe observed evidence E
- Using the Bayesian rule, expert system calculates
p(HE), the posterior probability of hypothesis H
upon observing evidence E - What about multiple hypotheses and evidences?
41The Bayesian Rule (iii)
- Expand the Bayesian rule to work with multiple
hypotheses (H1...Hm) and evidences (E1...En) - Assuming conditional independence among evidences
42History of AI (iv)
- Rebirth of neural networks (1980s-today)
- Adaptive resonance theory (Grossberg, 1980)
incorporated self-organization principles - Hopfield networks (Hopfield, 1982)
introduced neural networks with
feedback loops - Back-propagation learning algorithm
and Ho, 1969) for training
multilayer perceptrons
43History of AI (v)
- Knowledge engineering (1980s-today)
- Fuzzy set theory (Zadeh, 1965) associates words
with degrees of truth or value - Rule-based knowledge systems
- Combining information from multiple experts
- Semantic Web
44Fuzzy Logic (i)
- Need the ability to represent expert knowledge
using vague and inexact terms - Fuzzy Logic describes fuzziness and degrees using
English vocabulary - e.g. degrees of height, speed, distance,
temperature, beauty, intelligence, etc.
45Fuzzy Logic (ii)
- 1965 paper Fuzzy Sets (Lotfi Zadeh)
- Apply natural language terms to a formal
system of mathematical logic - http//www.cs.berkeley.edu/zadeh
- Fuzzy Logic is a set of mathematical principles
for knowledge representation based on
degrees of membership
46Fuzzy Logic (iii)
- Unlike two-valued Boolean logic, fuzzy logic is
multi-valued - Fuzzy logic deals with degrees of membership and
degrees of truth
47Fuzzy Sets (i)
- Fuzzy set depicting height
- Compare to Crisp (Boolean) set
48Fuzzy Sets (ii)
- A fuzzy set provides a natural fit
- High applicability to real-world
49Representing Fuzzy Sets (i)
- Representing height using crisp sets
50Representing Fuzzy Sets (ii)
- Representing height using fuzzy sets
51Representing Fuzzy Sets (iii)
52Fuzzy Expert Systems
- IF height is tall
- THEN weight is heavy
53Applications of Fuzzy Logic (i)
- Why use fuzzy expert systems or fuzzy control
systems? - Apply fuzziness (and therefore accuracy) to
linguistically defined terms and rules - Lack of crisp or concrete mathematical models
exist - When do you avoid fuzzy expert systems?
- Traditional approaches produce acceptable results
- Crisp or concrete mathematical models exist and
are easily implemented
54Applications of Fuzzy Logic (ii)
- Real-world applications include
- Control of robots, engines, automobiles,
elevators, etc. - Cruise-control in automobiles
- Temperature control
- Reduce vibrations in camcorders
- http//www.esru.strath.ac.uk/Reference/concepts/fu
zzy/fuzzy_appl.de20.htm - Handwriting recognition, OCR
- Predictive and diagnostic systems (e.g. cancer)
55History of AI (vi)
- Evolutionary computation (1970s-today)
- Natural intelligence is a product of evolution
- Can we solve problems by simulating biological
evolution? - Survival of the fittest
56Evolutionary Computing
- Evolutionary computation uses an evolutionary
approach to finding high-quality partial
solutions to a problem - Optimization algorithms
- Think of natural
biological systems
as intelligent - Adaptive!
57Genetic Algorithms (i)
58Genetic Algorithms (ii)
59Genetic Algorithms (iii)
60Using Genetic Algorithms
- Advantages of genetic algorithms
- Often outperform brute force approaches by
randomly jumping around the search space - Ideal for problem domains in which near-optimal
(as opposed to exact) solutions are adequate - Disadvantages of genetic algorithms
- Might not find any satisfactory partial solutions
- Tuning can be a challenge
61Thank You
See you in the future!