Title: CMO and GPGA Ops Review Agenda
1Unlocking the Power of Local Information
Richard Allan SOCITM Conference - 23rd April
2exemplars ShowUsABetterWay.com
3enablers poi recipe
engage discover use re-use map sustain
4engage relevant communities
5discover signposting
6use best practice
7re-use backstage
Interaction Layer
Presentation Layer
Analysis Layer
Access Layer
Data Layer
Access Layer
8map gmap vs os
9sustain business models
10next steps
final report poit.cabinetoffice.gov.uk ministers
response to taskforce backstage
innovate.direct.gov.uk local government beacon
status maps trading funds review sustainability
coi and cabinet office
11Working Together - Public services on your
side The Government welcomes the task forces
vision and in 2009 we will seek to deliver the
followingOpen information. To have an
effective voice, people need to be able to
understand what is going on in their public
services Open innovation. We will promote
innovation in online public services to respond
to changing expectations Open discussion. We
will promote greater engagement with the public
through more interactive online consultation and
collaboration Open feedback. Most importantly,
the public should be able to have a fair say
about their services (http//www.hmg.gov.uk/work
12Further Information powerofinformation.wordpress
.com email ricallan_at_cisco.com