Title: Learn about Cascading Style Sheets
1Learn about Cascading Style Sheets
- LACUNY Web Management Roundtable
- October 21, 2005
- http//www.lehman.edu/provost/library/CSS/CSS.ppt
2CSS Separate Style From Structure of a Web Page
- Specify point size and font of text
- Set margins within a web page
- Create a distinctive style for individual web
pages or sets of web pages - Format style to one element of a web page or to a
numerous pages - Control color of different elements of a web
page - Etc.
3Font Appearance of an Element
- HTML code
- ltH3 align"center"gt ltfont face"times new roman,
times, serif" color"800000"gtspecial - Collectionslt/agtlt/fontgtlt/h3gt
- CSS rule
- H1
- Font-family times new roman, 'serif'
- Color 800000
- Text-align center
4Understanding Style Rules
- The style characteristics for an HTML element are
expressed by Style Rules . - A set of style rules is called a Style Sheet.
- Style rules are contained in the ltSTYLEgt element
in the documents ltHEADgt section.
ltHeadgt ltStyle typetext/cssgt P colorblue
font-size 24pt lt/Stylegt lt/Headgt
5Understanding Style Rules
- A Style Rule is composed of two parts a selector
and a declaration. - TH color red.
- The Selector indicates the element to which the
rule is applied. - The Declaration determines the property values of
a selector.
6Understanding Style Rules
- The Property specifies a characteristic, such as
color, font-family, position, and is followed by
a colon (). - The Value expresses specification of a property,
such as red for color, arial for font family, 12
pt for font-size, and is followed by a semicolon
(). - P color red
7Using the ltSTYLEgt Element
- The ltSTYLEgt element is always positioned in the
ltHEADgt section of the document. - The ltSTYLEgt element always contains ltTYPEgt
attribute. The value text/css defines the style
language as Cascading Style Sheets.
ltHeadgt ltStyle typetext/cssgt P colorblue
font-size 24pt lt/Stylegt lt/Headgt
8Using External Style Sheet
- Style Rules can be expressed in an external Style
Sheet - a text document that doesnt contain any
HTML code. There is no ltSTYLEgt element in an
external style sheet. - External Style Sheet has a .css extension.
- http//www.lehman.edu/provost/library/CSS/style_1.
h1, h2, h3 font-family verdana, arial, 'sans
serif' color 9933FF text-align center
9Linking to an External Style Sheet
- To link a Web page to an external style sheet a
ltLINKgt element should be added within ltHEADgt
element of a document with the URL to a style
sheet. It tells the browser to find a specified
style sheet.
ltHeadgt ltTitlegtDemo_1lt/Titlegt ltStyle
typetext/cssgt ltLink hrefstyle_1.css
Relstylsheetgt lt/Stylegt lt/Headgt
10Linking to an External Style Sheet
HREF attribute states the relative URL to the
style sheet
The REL attribute describes the relationship
between the current document and the document
identified by the href attribute
ltHeadgt ltTitlegtDemo_1lt/Titlegt ltStyle
typetext/cssgt ltLink hrefstyle1.css
Relstylsheetgt lt/Stylegt lt/Headgt
11Using the Class Attribute Selector
- CLASS is an HTML attribute that assigns a class
name to any HTML element on a Web page. - Can be used to identify which style sheet rules
should be applied for the particular element of a
Web page
Class Selector
A.navlink colorFF3300 text-decoration none
12Using the Class Attribute Selector
- A class name is created by declaring a style rule
and adding (.) flag character indicating that the
selector is a class selector. - Add it to HTML code of a Web page by using the
CLASS attribute.
A.navlink colorFF3300 text-decoration none
lta href"http//www.eric.org" class"nav"gtERIClt/agt
13Example 1http//www.lehman.edu/provost/library/CS
- CSS Style Sheet
- http//www.lehman.edu/provost/library/CSS/style_1.
14Example 2http//www.lehman.edu/provost/library/CS
- CSS Style Sheet
- http//www.lehman.edu/provost/library/CSS/style_2.
15Example 3http//www.lehman.edu/provost/library/CS
- CSS Style Sheet
- http//www.lehman.edu/provost/library/CSS/style_3.
16Lehman College Library Web Site
17Lehman College Library Web Site
- A.navlink color 990000 font-size 12px
line-height 14px font-family arial, verdana,
geneva, helvetica text-decoration none
A.navvisited color CC3333 font-size 12px
line-height 14px font-family arial, verdana,
geneva, helvetica text-decoration none - HTML
- In the ltHeadgt element
- ltlink rel"stylesheet" href"Welcome_files/style"
type"text/css"gt - In the ltBodygt element
- lttd align"center" height"25"gtlta class"nav"
href"http//mail.lehman.edu"gtCheck your Lehman
e-mail accountlt/agt - lt/tdgt
18Useful Resources
- Schengili-Roberts, Keith. Core CSS Cascading
Style Sheets. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ
Prentice Hall PTR, 2004. - Sklar, Joel. Designing Web Pages with Cascading
Style Sheets. Course Technology, Incorporated,
2001. - W3C http//www.w3.org/Style/CSS/
- WDG Web Design Group lthttp//www.htmlhelp.com/refe