Title: Doing business in Mexico
1Doing business in Mexico
2Comments about history and politics
- Spanish dominance in 1521 by Hernán Cortéz
- Independence war by Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla
1810 - 1821 - Mexican Revolution 1910 - 1917
- Mexican law (Constitución Mexicana) 1917
- During 71 years PRI was the political party in
power - Present time
- President Vicente Fox Quesada
- Main political parties
- Presidential election 2006
- Country extension 1 964 375 km²
- 14 world place in country extension
- Population over 100 million people
4Free trade agreements between Mexico and the world
- Méxicos free trade agreements include a total
of 46 countries - The most recent agreement was with Japan
- It will be formally effective from April 1st,
2005 - It is a great opportunity to develop
international business activities with México
5 Acuerdos
de Complementación Económica (ACEs) Chipre,
Eslovenia, Estonia, Hungría, Letonia, Lituania,
Malta, Polonia, República Checa, República
Acuerdos de Complementación Económica
(ACEs) Chipre, Eslovenia, Estonia, Hungría,
Letonia, Lituania, Malta, Polonia,
República Checa, República Eslovaca
6Cultural aspects
7Cultural aspects
- Culture
- Culture defines people identity, roots, behaviors
and personal development vision - 50 of international businesses does not concrete
because of cultural problems
8Cultural aspects
- Closing a deal is more than just signing a
contract. It demands socialization skills,
friendship (in Latin America), protocols and
knowledge about the foreign culture - Main cultural aspects
9Cultural aspects Mx North AmericaFamily
- Mexico
- Priority 1 in life
- Work in second term
- Father, head of family
- Children stay in home usually until get married
- Company executives base promotion decisions in
different cities on family interests
10Cultural aspects Mx North AmericaReligion
- Mexico
- Majority of the population is Catholic
- Religion is a fundamental element in life
- Religious symbols may have an important influence
in work environment
11Cultural aspects Mx North AmericaFeelings
- Mexico
- People base its decisions on feelings
- People avoid conflict and situations of win- lose
- Avoid to say no
- Work issues may be considered as personal
12Cultural aspects Mx North AmericaNationalism
- Mexico
- Nationalism
- Proud of history and traditions
- People like to stay in Mexico but economic
pressures promotes migration - People living out of Mexico prefer to buy Mexican
13Cultural aspects Mx North AmericaSocial
protocols - Status
- Mexico
- It is very important academic development in
social spheres - Strong idea of the gentleman concept
- Status and professional titles are very important
- Status in society is more important than personal
14Cultural aspects Mx North America
- Mexico
- Personal presentation
- First impression never forgets
- Ethics
- There are problems of corruption in public
institutions and government - In general, there is a general interest in
society to improve this issue
15Cultural aspects Mx North AmericaStyles
- Mexico
- Romantic, artistic, enjoy music and mystic
elements - In business situations, ceremonies and social
recognition is very important
16Cultural aspects Mx North America
- For doing business in Mexico
- First recommendation
- Work to win people trust
- Second recommendation
- Be aware of creating unreachable expectations
about business ideas
17Doing business in Mexico
18Sources of information
- Review the following web pages
- http//www.contactopyme.gob.mx
- http//www.siem.gob.mx/portalsiem/
19Exporting to México
- Review the following web pages
- http//www.aduanas.gob.mx/
- http//www.economia.gob.mx/
20Thank you!
- Jorge Franco
- franco_at_itesm.mx