Title: Child Health Clerkship
1Child Health Clerkship
2Organization of Rotation
- 4 weeks of inpatient care
- 2 weeks on the pediatric wards (7E and 6E)
- 1 week night float (three calls)
- Two half days of community events during night
float week - 1 week in newborn nursery (CRH)
3Organization of Rotation
- 4 weeks of outpatient care
- 2 weeks of general pediatric outpatient clinics
- 2 x 1 week of pediatric subspecialty clinics
- Patient centered care clinic one half day during
4Continuity Clinic
- Each student is assigned to a half day clinic
that will occur every week in the same day and
time at the same location supervised by the same
attending - This clinic will take priority over any other
part of the rotation - Please check carefully and make sure there are no
schedule conflicts (e.g. patient centered care
and same day clinic at same time) - Please make sure your same day clinic is aware if
you are out of town for two weeks so they know
not to expect you those two weeks - For students assigned to Monday AM clinics, next
week will be your first clinic
- Long overnight ward call
- Nursery call
- ER call
6Ward Call
- During one week each student will do three
overnight calls from 1700 until end of resident
check out rounds the next morning to present
newly admitted patients - Call is three consecutive nights
- If there are no admissions overnight the
night-call student does not have to stay for
check out rounds - Night call students are not required to attend
noon lectures unless they are scheduled for oral
exam during week of night call - You are expected to attend same day clinic during
night call week
7Nursery Call
- Only when in nursery for 1 week
- Pick one week night when student will stay until
22.00 pm - Student will cover one weekend day to round with
attending - Pay attention to the last week of the rotation as
students may switch sites over the weekend and
not on - Monday
8ER Call
- During 4 weeks of outpatient rotations
- Students may switch as long as changes indicated
on paper call schedule on 7 E and Ruth Sypes
notified of changes - Call starts at 17.00 and ends at 22.00 on week
days and weekend days - Please report to pediatric resident doing ER
9Patient Centered Care Clinic
- Each student is assigned to a patient centered
care clinic for one half day - Some students will leave their scheduled activity
for half day to attend this clinic - For some students these clinics are part of their
rotation that week
10Community Events
- Each student will participate in at least two
half day community events - YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DO VOLUNTEER WORK
- Participation should happen during night call
week - Time can be spend during day or evening, weekdays
or weekend - Coyote Hill should be visited by ALL STUDENTS for
a half day, student needs to arrange date and
time with house parent
11Community Events
- Contact numbers are on list that is in
orientation package - PLEASE SCHEDULE IN ADVANCE
- Let Ruth know what events you participated in and
what you thought of it so we can keep track of
this, NO formal write-up is required - There is a running list on Child Health student
website with comments from all students last year
regarding experience
12Educational conferences
- Problem-conference Tuesday at noon
- Once a month med-peds conference on first
Thursday of the month at 08.00 at M437 - Grand Rounds Friday at 08.15 in Acuff
- Noon lectures or oral presentations. Weekly
updates are provided.
13Clerkship Grade Make-up Onsite
- 20 NBME shelf exam
- 10 CLIPP exam
- 30 outpatient evaluation (attendings only)
- 30 ward inpatient evaluations (attendings and
residents) - 10 nursery evaluations (attending and residents)
14Other requirements to pass Child Health clerkship
- Passing score (gt50) of Oral Exam
- Attendance at all teaching conferences unless out
of town - Meeting the minimum patient encounter
requirements as specifically set for Child Health
and entering data in PLOG - Completion of all CLIPP cases
- Participation in at least one observed History
and Physical patient encounter (does not count
for grade calculation) - Completion of on-line evaluations (not able to
sit for exam if not completed)
15American Disability Act
- Please notify the Course Director or Course
Coordinator within the first week of the rotation
if you have special needs to be addressed under
the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Failure to notify us by the end of the first week
of the rotation may forfeit your rights to
request special accommodations (including but not
limited to extended examination time
allotments). Reasonable effort will be made to
accommodate special needs for which documentation
is provided.
16Official ADA policy
- If you need accommodations because of a
disability, if you have emergency medical
information to share with me, or if you need
special arrangements in case the building must be
evacuated, please inform me or Ruth Sypes
immediately. Please see me privately at my
office. - Office location Dr. Kersten N723
- To request academic accommodations (for example,
a note taker or extended time on exams), students
must also register with the Office of Disability
Services (http//disabilityservices.missouri.edu
17 18First, spy a baby.
19Second, be sure that the object you spied was
indeed a baby by employing classic sniffing
techniques. If you smell baby powder and the
wonderful aroma of wet diapers this is indeed a
20Next you will need to flatten the baby before
actually beginning the hugging process.
21The "paw slide" - Simply slide paws around
baby and prepare for possible close-up.
22Finally, if a camera is present, you will need to
execute the difficult and patented "hug, smile,
and lean" so as to achieve the best photo quality
- Students will work in two teams
- Teams alternate daily in taking new admissions
- Team starts taking admissions from 0800 AM until
1700 and picks up admissions overnight until
0800 the following morning - Student is not expected to do full admission on
more than two patients per day but should be
involved with as many admissions as possible if
maximum of 5 patients has not been met - Students are not expected to actively follow more
than 5 patients
- Students should write full admission notes and
progress notes on their patients by using
Powernotes - All notes should be forwarded to hospitalist
attending physician - Students should give preference to patients from
general ward attending but can also admit and
follow patients from subspecialists when maximum
of 5 patients has not been met
- All admission notes should include Weight, Height
and Head Circumference (under 2 years of age) and
include on which percentile growth measurement
falls - Daily progress notes should include weight trends
on all our infants as well as all children
admitted for failure to thrive
26Ward Call
- Call starts at 1700 and ends after check out
rounds the next morning - Three calls in one week period
- Newly admitted patients are handed off during
check out rounds to the student team that
admitted during daytime previous day - Call student is expected to present newly
admitted patients overnight during check out
rounds up to a reasonable amount
27Ward Call
- Call student not expected to do more than two
full HPs during call period but should be
involved with as many admissions as possible - Overnight call student is not expected to write
daily progress notes on patients the following
morning and should go home as soon as check out
rounds are over. Daily progress notes are the
responsibility of the day team. - Night call students are not expected to attend
noon lectures unless they are scheduled for oral
exam that week
- 600 a.m. Night float hand-off
- 700 - Intern/med student pre-round with senior
- 800 - Morning report T/W/Th
- 830 Hospitalist rounds
- 1030 Hematology/Oncology rounds
- 1215 - Conference
- 100-200 - Work time
- 500 - Check out with night floats
29Observed H P
- Each student is expected to have one observed H
P done with form filled out by resident or
attending - Be pro-active about this and dont wait till last
day - Does not count towards grade but is used to
provide constructive feedback so the earlier you
do it the more beneficial it would be
31Unique Child Health PLOG features
- Partial participation or observed participation
can count towards meeting requirements for
several selected entries - Electronic CLIPP cases can count towards meeting
requirements for several selected entries
32PLOG General Info
- Full participation means that you obtained
history by yourself, performed independent
physical exam and formulated differential
diagnoses with action plan - Partial participation means that you actively
participated in at least one part of the visit
whether that is history, examination or other
type of skill - All entries must be made by Monday 7 a.m. of
following week
33General Child Health PLOG rules
- For disease/symptom entries use only full
participation encounters except for well child
exams from 0-12 years were partial participation
and observation is acceptable for entry as well - For certain skill entries you can have partial
participation when you actively participated in
one specific element of the visit - There are several categories for which simulated
case entries (CLIPP cases) will count towards
total requirements - Well child exams occur in clinic, not in nursery
or on wards - Secure Login
35Simulated Cases
- www.clippcases.org.
- Go to the website and follow directions for new
users, your password will be send by E-mail - Clerkship director has access to CLIPP and is
able to view which cases are done, how much time
spend on a case and what percentage of cards
completed - Registration fees have been paid by department of
Child Health
36Student Evaluation of Clerkship (SEC)
- Students will receive periodic E-mails to
electronically evaluate preceptors and lectures - At end of rotation students will also need to
electronically evaluate the overall clerkship - Responses are anonymous
- Preceptors will only see pooled responses
annually or bi-annually - Completion of evaluations is necessary in order
to sit for the shelf exam on last day of block
37Most Important Rules
- Child Health Website Child Health