Title: che 321: advanced synthesis
1che 321 advanced synthesis
- Syllabus
- expectations
- experiments
- reports/assignments
- http//www.albion.edu/chemistry/abbethune/321_S08
- Need to be able to confirm synthesis, purity
- Absorption spectroscopy
- IR
- Observes vibrations of bonds and provides
evidence of functional groups present - MS
- Bombard molecules with electrons and break them
apart - Analysis of fragments gives MM, possibly
molecular formula, and clues to structure and
functional groups - NMR
- Observe chemical environment of H atoms (or C, F,
P, etc) - Provides evidence for structure of molecule,
functional groups - UV
- Observe electronic transitions
- Provides info on bonding
4Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
- All nuclei have charge
- In some nuclei, this charge seems to spin on
the nuclear axis - Any nucleus with
- Odd mass
- Odd atomic number
- Or both
- Ex 1H, 13C, 19F (but not 12C or 16O)
5NMR, cont
- For each nucleus with spin,
- Number of allowed possible spin states is
quantized - Determined by nuclear spin QN I
- I is a physical constant for each nucleus
- A nucleus will have 2I 1 allowed spin states
- Ex for 1H, I ½ and of spin states2
- For 17O, I5/2 and spin states 6
- These states are degenerate in the absence of an
applied magnetic field (equally populated)
6NMR, cont.
- In the presence of an applied magnetic field,
spin states are no longer degenerate - Spin on nucleus generates a magnetic field of its
7Aligned and opposed spins
- In applied magnetic field, nucleus precesses
about its own axis - with a particular frequency (Larmor)
- Like wobble of spinning top
- Since the nucleus has a charge, this generates an
oscillating electric field of same frequency - If rf waves of this frequency are supplied, the
energy can be absorbed
- hn hw
- Energy of incident radiation equal to energy of
nuclear precession - When frequency of oscillating electric field
component of incoming radiation (hn) equals
electric field generated by precessing nuclei
(hw), the two fields can couple - energy can be transferred (causing spin change)
10NMR instrumentation
- Continuous wave (CW)
- Scans the entire frequency range, exciting nuclei
one at a time - Pulse
- Short burst of energy that excites all of the
magnetic nuclei in the molecule simultaneously
(range of frequencies)
11Pulse experiments
- When pulse is discontinued, excited nuclei
relax - Each nucleus emits EMR as it relaxes
- Simultaneously emittedfree-induction decay (FID)
signal - Fourier transform (mathematical method) used to
render FID (amplitude v. time) to typical
spectrum (amplitude v. frequency)
12Chemical shift (d)
- The peak or chemical shift in an NMR spectrum
is usually given in ppm - ppm chem shift of peak in Hz frequency
of spectrometer in MHz - More useful than Hz, since it does not change
with instrument strength
13Chemical equivalence
- Protons in chemically identical environments are
usually chemically equivalent - Same chemical shift
- Use symmetry
- May or may not be magnetically equivalent
(especially locked systems)
14Chemical environment and d
- Electronegativity effects
- Chemical shift of proton increases (shifts
downfield) as c of attached element increases - Hybridization effects
- sp3
- 0-2 ppm
- d increases strained ring lt 1lt2lt3
- sp2
- 4.5-7 ppm
- C atom more EN due to increased s character
- Anisotropy also responsible
15Chemical environment and d
- Magnetic anisotropy
- Shift in ppm due to presence of unsaturated
(p-electron) system in vicinity of proton - Ring current
- Present in all systems with p electrons
- Characteristic shapes and directions
- sp
- 2-3 ppm due to anisotropy
- On basis of hybridization alone, would expect
downfield of sp2!
16Chemical environment and d
- Acidic protons
- Carboxylic acid proton very deshielded (10-12
ppm) - Due to resonance and EN
- Exchangeable protons
- Protons that are capable of H-bonding (-OH, -NH)
can have extremely variable ppm - More H-bonding more deshielded
- Function of concentration and temp
- Area under chemical shift
- proportional to number of chemically equivalent
protons giving rise to the peak
18Spin-spin splitting (coupling)
- Each type of proton senses the number of
equivalent protons (n) on adjacent carbons - Spin of H on adjacent carbon is sensed
- Its resonance is split into n1 peaks
- Corresponds to number of possible spin
19Pascals triangle
- Gives peak height for first-order splitting
between magnetically
Peak type neighbors Singlet 0 Doublet
1 Triplet 2 Quartet 3 Quintet 4
20Typical splitting patterns
- X-CH-CH-Y X ? Y
- -CH2-CH-
- X-CH2-CH2-Y X ? Y
- CH3-CH-
- CH3-CH2
- CH3
- CH-
- CH3
- CH3-CH2-CH2-
- CH3-CH2-CH2-CH2-