SVM and Its Applications to Text Classification - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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SVM and Its Applications to Text Classification


KTT condition indicates many of the ai are zero ... xi with non-zero ai are called support vectors (SV) ... Execute the training algorithm and obtain the ai ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: SVM and Its Applications to Text Classification

SVM and Its Applications to Text Classification
  • Dr. Tie-Yan Liu
  • WSM Group, MSR Asia
  • 2006.3.23

  • A Brief History of SVM
  • SVM A Large-Margin Classifier
  • Linear SVM
  • Kernel Trick
  • Fast implementation SMO
  • SVM for Text Classification
  • Multi-class Classification
  • Multi-label Classification
  • Our Hierarchical Classification Tool

History of SVM
  • SVM is inspired from statistical learning theory
  • SVM was first introduced in 1992 1
  • SVM becomes popular because of its success in
    handwritten digit recognition
  • 1.1 test error rate for SVM. This is the same as
    the error rates of a carefully constructed neural
    network, LeNet 4.
  • See Section 5.11 in 2 or the discussion in 3
    for details
  • SVM is now regarded as an important example of
    kernel methods, arguably the hottest area in
    machine learning

1 B.E. Boser et al. A Training Algorithm for
Optimal Margin Classifiers. Proceedings of the
Fifth Annual Workshop on Computational Learning
Theory 5 144-152, Pittsburgh, 1992. 2 L.
Bottou et al. Comparison of classifier methods
a case study in handwritten digit recognition.
Proceedings of the 12th IAPR International
Conference on Pattern Recognition, vol. 2, pp.
77-82, 1994. 3 V. Vapnik. The Nature of
Statistical Learning Theory. 2nd edition,
Springer, 1999.
What is a Good Decision Boundary?
  • Consider a two-class, linearly separable
    classification problem
  • Many decision boundaries!
  • The Perceptron algorithm can be used to find such
    a boundary
  • Are all decision boundaries equally good?

Examples of Bad Decision Boundaries
Class 2
Class 2
Class 1
Class 1
Large-margin Decision Boundary
  • The decision boundary should be as far away from
    the data of both classes as possible
  • We should maximize the margin, m

Class 2
Class 1
Finding the Decision Boundary
  • Let x1, ..., xn be our data set and let yi ÃŽ
    1,-1 be the class label of xi
  • The decision boundary should classify all points
    correctly Þ
  • The decision boundary can be found by solving the
    following constrained optimization problem
  • The Lagrangian of this optimization problem is

The Dual Problem
  • By setting the derivative of the Lagrangian to be
    zero, the optimization problem can be written in
    terms of ai (the dual problem)
  • This is a quadratic programming (QP) problem
  • A global maximum of ai can always be found
  • w can be recovered by

If the number of training examples is large, SVM
training will be very slow because the number of
parameters Alpha is very large in the dual
KTT Condition
  • The QP problem is solved when for all i,

Characteristics of the Solution
  • KTT condition indicates many of the ai are zero
  • w is a linear combination of a small number of
    data points
  • xi with non-zero ai are called support vectors
  • The decision boundary is determined only by the
  • Let tj (j1, ..., s) be the indices of the s
    support vectors. We can write
  • For testing with a new data z
  • Compute
  • and classify z as class 1 if the sum is
    positive, and class 2 otherwise.

A Geometrical Interpretation
Class 2
Class 1
Non-linearly Separable Problems
  • We allow error xi in classification

Class 2
Class 1
Soft Margin Hyperplane
  • By minimizing Ã¥ixi, xi can be obtained by
  • xi are slack variables in optimization xi0 if
    there is no error for xi, and xi is an upper
    bound of the number of errors
  • We want to minimize
  • C tradeoff parameter between error and margin
  • The optimization problem becomes

The Optimization Problem
  • The dual of the problem is
  • w is recovered as
  • This is very similar to the optimization problem
    in the linear separable case, except that there
    is an upper bound C on ai now
  • Once again, a QP solver can be used to find ai

Extension to Non-linear Decision Boundary
  • So far, we only consider large-margin classifier
    with a linear decision boundary, how to
    generalize it to become nonlinear?
  • Key idea transform xi to a higher dimensional
    space to make life easier
  • Input space the space the point xi are located
  • Feature space the space of f(xi) after
  • Why transform?
  • Linear operation in the feature space is
    equivalent to non-linear operation in input space
  • Classification can become easier with a proper
    transformation. In the XOR problem, for example,
    adding a new feature of x1x2 make the problem
    linearly separable

Transforming the Data
Feature space
Input space
  • Computation in the feature space can be costly
    because it is high dimensional
  • The feature space is typically infinite-dimensiona
  • The kernel trick comes to rescue

The Kernel Trick
  • Recall the SVM optimization problem
  • The data points only appear as inner product
  • As long as we can calculate the inner product in
    the feature space, we do not need the mapping
  • Many common geometric operations (angles,
    distances) can be expressed by inner products
  • Define the kernel function K by

An Example for f(.) and K(.,.)
  • Suppose f(.) is given as follows
  • An inner product in the feature space is
  • So, if we define the kernel function as follows,
    there is no need to carry out f(.) explicitly
  • This use of kernel function to avoid carrying out
    f(.) explicitly is known as the kernel trick

Kernel Functions
  • In practical use of SVM, only the kernel function
    (and not f(.)) is specified
  • Kernel function can be thought of as a similarity
    measure between the input objects
  • Not all similarity measure can be used as kernel
    function, however Mercer's condition states that
    any positive semi-definite kernel K(x, y), i.e.
  • can be expressed as a dot product in a high
    dimensional space.

Examples of Kernel Functions
  • Polynomial kernel with degree d
  • Radial basis function kernel with width s
  • Closely related to radial basis function neural
  • Sigmoid with parameter k and q
  • It does not satisfy the Mercer condition on all k
    and q

Modification Due to Kernel Function
  • Change all inner products to kernel functions
  • For training,

With kernel function
Modification Due to Kernel Function
  • For testing, the new data z is classified as
    class 1 if f ³0, and as class 2 if f lt0

With kernel function
Why SVM Works?
  • The feature space is often very high dimensional.
    Why dont we have the curse of dimensionality?
  • A classifier in a high-dimensional space has many
    parameters and is hard to estimate
  • Vapnik argues that the fundamental problem is not
    the number of parameters to be estimated. Rather,
    the problem is about the flexibility of a
  • Typically, a classifier with many parameters is
    very flexible, but there are also exceptions
  • Let xi10i where i ranges from 1 to n. The
  • can classify all xi correctly for all
    possible combination of class labels on xi
  • This 1-parameter classifier is very flexible

Why SVM Works?
  • Vapnik argues that the flexibility of a
    classifier should not be characterized by the
    number of parameters, but by the capacity of a
  • This is formalized by the VC-dimension of a
  • The addition of ½w2 has the effect of
    restricting the VC-dimension of the classifier in
    the feature space
  • The SVM objective can also be justified by
    structural risk minimization the empirical risk
    (training error), plus a term related to the
    generalization ability of the classifier, is
  • Another view the SVM loss function is analogous
    to ridge regression. The term ½w2 shrinks
    the parameters towards zero to avoid overfitting

Choosing the Kernel Function
  • Probably the most tricky part of using SVM.
  • The kernel function is important because it
    creates the kernel matrix, which summarize all
    the data
  • Many principles have been proposed (diffusion
    kernel, Fisher kernel, string kernel, )
  • There are even research to estimate the kernel
    matrix from available information
  • In practice, a low degree polynomial kernel or
    RBF kernel with a reasonable width is a good
    initial try for most applications.
  • It was said that for text classification, linear
    kernel is the best choice, because of the
    already-high-enough feature dimension

Strengths and Weaknesses of SVM
  • Strengths
  • Training is relatively easy
  • No local optimal, unlike in neural networks
  • It scales relatively well to high dimensional
  • Tradeoff between classifier complexity and error
    can be controlled explicitly
  • Non-traditional data like strings and trees can
    be used as input to SVM, instead of feature
  • By performing logistic regression (Sigmoid) on
    the SVM output of a set of data can map SVM
    output to probabilities.
  • Weaknesses
  • Need to choose a good kernel function.

Summary Steps for Classification
  • Prepare the pattern matrix
  • Select the kernel function to use
  • Select the parameter of the kernel function and
    the value of C
  • You can use the values suggested by the SVM
    software, or you can set apart a validation set
    to determine the values of the parameter
  • Execute the training algorithm and obtain the ai
  • Unseen data can be classified using the ai and
    the support vectors

Fast SVM Implementations
  • SMO Sequential Minimal Optimization
  • SVM-Light
  • LibSVM
  • BSVM

SMO Sequential Minimal Optimization
  • Key idea
  • Divide the large QP problem of SVM into a series
    of smallest possible QP problems, which can be
    solved analytically and thus avoids using a
    time-consuming numerical QP in the loop (a kind
    of SQP method).
  • Space complexity O(n).
  • Since QP is greatly simplified, most
    time-consuming part of SMO is the evaluation of
    decision function, therefore it is very fast for
    linear SVM and sparse data.

  • At each step, SMO chooses 2 Lagrange multipliers
    to jointly optimize, find the optimal values for
    these multipliers and updates the SVM to reflect
    the new optimal values.
  • Three components
  • An analytic method to solve for the two Lagrange
  • A heuristic for choosing which multipliers to
  • A method for computing b at each step, so that
    the KTT conditions are fulfilled for both the two

Choosing Which Multipliers to Optimize
  • First multiplier
  • Iterate over the entire training set, and find an
    example that violates the KTT condition.
  • Second multiplier
  • Maximize the size of step taken during joint
  • E1-E2, where Ei is the error on the i-th

SVM for Text Classification
Text Categorization
  • Typical features
  • Term frequency
  • Inverse document frequency
  • TC is a typical multi-class multi-label
    classification problem.
  • SVM, with some additional heuristic, has been
    regarded as one of the best classification scheme
    for text data, based on many benchmark
  • TC is a high-dimensional sparse problem
  • SMO is a very good choice in this case.

Multi-Class SVM Classification
  • 1-vs-rest
  • 1-vs-1
  • MaxWin
  • DB2
  • Error Correcting Output Coding
  • K-class SVM

  • For any class C, train a binary classifier to
    distinguish C from C.
  • For an unseen sample, find the binary classifier
    with highest confidence score for the final

  • Train CN2 classifiers, which distinguish one
    class from another one.
  • Pairwise
  • MaxWin (CN2 tests)
  • Error-correcting output code
  • DAG
  • Pachinko-machine (N tests)

Error Correcting Output Coding
  • Code Matrix (MNxK)
  • N classes, K classifiers
  • Hamming Distance
  • Class Ci with Minimum Error wins

M 12 13 14 23 24 34
1 1 1 1 0 0 0
2 -1 0 0 1 1 0
3 0 -1 0 -1 0 1
4 0 0 -1 0 -1 -1
M 1,2 1,3 1,4 2,3 2,4 3,4
1 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1
2 1 -1 -1 1 1 -1
3 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1
4 -1 -1 1 -1 1 1
Intransitivity of DAG
  • For C1?C2?C3, if , then
  • , we say is transitive.

Divided-by-2 (DB2)
  • Hierarchically divide the data into two subsets
    until every subset consists of only one class.

Divided-by-2 (DB2)
  • Data partitioning criterion
  • group the classes such that the resulting subsets
    have the largest margin.
  • Trade-off use clustering methods
  • k-mean use the mean of each class
  • Balanced subsets minimal difference in sample

K-class SVM
  • Change the loss function and constraints

Multi-label SVM Classification
  • How does multi-label come?
  • Whole-vs-part Share concepts

  • Common for parent-child relationship
  • Add an Other category, and do binary
    classification to distinguish the child from the
    other category.
  • Since the classification boundary is non-linear,
    kernel methods may be more effective.

Share concepts Training
  • Mode-S
  • Label multi-label data with the class to which
    the data most likely belonged, by some perhaps
    subjective criterion.
  • Mode-N
  • consider the multi-label data as a new class
  • Mode-X
  • Use the multi-label data more than once, using
    each example as a positive example of each of the
    classes to which it belongs.

Share concepts Test
  • P-cut
  • Label input testing data by all of the classes
    corresponding to positive SVM scores. If no
    scores are positive, label that data to the class
    with top score.
  • S-cut
  • Train a threshold for each class by cross
    validation, and Label input testing data by all
    of the classes corresponding to higher scores
    than the threshold.
  • R-cut
  • For any given test instance, always assign it r
    labels according to the decedent confidence
  • r can be learned from training data.

Evaluation Criteria
  • Micro-F1
  • Measure the overall classification accuracy (more
    consistent with the practical application
  • Macro-F1
  • Measure the classification accuracy on the
    category level. Can reflect the classifiers
    capability of dealing with rare categories.

  • Martin Law, A Simple Introduction to Support
    Vector Machines.
  • Bredensteiner, E. J., and Bennett, K. P.
    Multicategory Classification by Support Vector
    Machines, Computer Optimization and Applications.
    53-79, 1999.
  • Dumais, S., Chen, H. Hierarchical classification
    of Web content, In Proc. SIGIR, 256-263, 2000.
  • Platt, J. Fast training of support vector
    machines using sequential minimal optimization.
    Advances in Kernel Methods - Support Vector
    Learning, 185-208, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA,
  • Yang, Y., Zhang, J., and Kisiel, B. A scalability
    analysis of classifiers in text categorization.
    SIGIR, 96-103, 2003.
  • Yang, Y. A study of thresholding strategies for
    text categorization, SIGIR, 137-145, 2001.
  • Tie-Yan Liu, Yiming Yang, Hao Wan, et al, Support
    Vector Machines Classification with Very Large
    Scale Taxonomy, SIGKDD Explorations, Special
    Issue on Text Mining and Natural Language
    Processing, vol.7, issue.1, pp3643, 2005.

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