Title: Methods for Understanding
1If a thing exists, it exists in some amount and
if it exists in some amount, it can be measured.
E. L. Thorndike (1914)
2If you haven't measured it you don't know what
you are talking about. -Lord Kelvin
3Todays Questions
- What does it mean to measure a psychological
variable? - What is the difference between categorical and
continuous variables, and why does the difference
4- exercise on class composition
5Basic Terminology
- Variable a characteristic that can vary or take
on different values - Example height is a variable
- Value a number representing one of many possible
states of the variable - Example some possible values of height are 6
feet or 4 feet 2 inches - Score a specific value for a given person
- Example my score on the variable of height is 6
6Systematic Observation
- In order to systematically observe something, it
is critical to have a well-defined or
quantitative system of measurement. - Simple example How tall is Mike Marks?
7A More Complex Example
- What about a question such as How shy is Tim
Miura? - This seems a bit more tricky because shyness,
unlike height, isnt something that were used to
measuring with an everyday tool. It is a bit
more abstract and elusive.
8Can Psychological Properties be Measured?
- However, there are two points worth considering.
- Height isnt exactly a thing in the way that a
desk is a thing. Height, however, is an
extremely useful abstraction. Is there any
reason why shyness should be any more intractable
than height? - There is nothing intrinsically concrete about
inches, feet, miles, and meters. These are
standard (i.e., conventional and agreed upon),
but ultimately arbitrary, metrics.
9Can Psychological Properties be Measured?
- Finally, we must address a common complaint
Psychological variables cant be measured. - We regularly make judgments about who is shy and
who isnt who is suffering and who isnt which
marriages are functioning well and which are not
- Implicit in these statements is the notion that
some people are more shy, for example, than
others - This kind of statement is inherently
quantitative. - Quantitative subject to numeric qualification.
11Interim Summary
- Shyness, like distance, is a useful abstraction
- We use the concept of shyness, like height, in
quantitative ways (e.g., greater than, less than) - One goal of psychological measurement is to find
standard and useful ways to systematically
measure psychological constructs, such as shyness
- An important first-step in measurement is
determining whether a variable is categorical or
continuous. - Why? This property of a variable determines how
we quantify the variable, how we model its
statistical behavior, and the way we analyze data
regarding that variable.
13Nominal Scale
- With categorical, taxonic, qualitative, or
nominal variables, people either belong to a
group or they do not - Examples
- country of origin
- biological sex (male or female)
- animal or non-animal
- married vs. single
- Quantitative question How many people belong to
each category?
14Scales of Measurement Nominal Scale
- Sometimes numbers are used to designate category
membership - Example
- Country of Origin
- 1 United States 3 Canada
- 2 Mexico 4 Other
- However, in this case, it is important to keep in
mind that the numbers do not have numeric
implications they are simply convenient labels
15Continuous Variables
- With continuous variables, people vary in a
graded way with respect to the property of
interest - Examples
- age
- working memory capacity
- marital discord
- Quantitative question How much? or To what
extent or degree?
16Scales of Measurement Continuous Variables
- When we assign numbers to people (i.e., scale
people) with respect to a continuous variable,
those numbers represent something that is more
meaningful than those used with nominal variables - Exactly what those numbers mean, and how they
should be treated, however depends on the exact
metric of the continuous variable...
17Scales of Measurement Ordinal
- Ordinal Designates an ordering quasi-ranking
- Does not assume that the intervals between
numbers are equal - Example
- finishing place in a race (first place, second
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
4th place
1 hour 2 hours 3 hours 4 hours 5 hours 6 hours 7
hours 8 hours
18Scales of Measurement Interval
- Interval designates an equal-interval ordering
- The distance between, for example, a 1 and a 2 is
the same as the distance between a 4 and a 5 - Example Common IQ tests are assumed to use an
interval metric
19Scales of Measurement Ratio
- Ratio designates an equal-interval ordering with
a true zero point (i.e., the zero implies an
absence of the thing being measured) - Example
- number of intimate relationships a person has had
- 0 quite literally means none
- a person who has had 4 relationships has had
twice as many as someone who has had 2
20Scales of Measurement Additional Comments
- In general, most observable behaviors can be
measured on a ratio-scale - In general, many unobservable psychological
qualities (e.g., extraversion), are measured on
interval scales - We will mostly concern ourselves with the simple
categorical (nominal) versus continuous
distinction (ordinal, interval, ratio)