Title: Approximate Bisimulations for Constrained Linear Systems
1Approximate Bisimulations for Constrained Linear
- Antoine Girard George J. Pappas
Department of Electrical and Systems
Engineering University of Pennsylvania
CDC ECC 2005 Seville, SpainDecember 12-15,
2Abstractions of Systems
- Notion of approximation of systems (Computer
Science) - Based on language inclusion and equivalence
- Useful to reduce complexity of
- - safety verification
- - controller synthesis
- Initially, for purely discrete systems
- Extended to continuous and hybrid systems
- G.J. Pappas, Bisimilar linear systems,
Automatica, 2003. - A. van der Schaft,
Equivalence of dynamical systems by bisimulation,
IEEE TAC, 2004. - E. Hagverdi, P.Tabuada, G.J.
Pappas, Bisimulations of discrete, continuous,
and hybrid systems, TCS, 2005.
3From Abstraction to Approximation
- Continuous and hybrid systems - natural
metrics on the state space - Language inclusion and equivalence become
- - restrictive (binary) - not robust
- More general approach based on distance between
languages - More significant complexity reduction for
- - safety verification
- - controller synthesis
A. Girard, G.J. Pappas, Approximation metrics for
discrete and continuous systems, IEEE TAC,
submitted 2005.
4Outline of the Talk
1. Usual abstraction framework for systems -
Transition systems - Bisimulation
relations 2. Approximation of systems -
Approximate bisimulation relations -
Bisimulation functions 3. Approximation of
constrained linear systems
5Transition Systems
- A transition system
- consists of
- A set of states Q
- A subset of initial states Q0 ? Q
- A set of labels S
- A transition relation
- A set of observations ?
- An observation map ?q? p
- The sets Q, S, and ? may be infinite.
6Transition Systems
- A state trajectory of S (Q,Q0,S,?,?,?.?) is
- Similar to a possibly non-deterministic
automaton. - The associated external (observed) trajectory is
noted - The set of external trajectories is the language
of S (noted L(S)).
7Constrained Linear Systems as Transition Systems
S generates the transition system T (Q, Q0, S,
?, ?, ?.? ) where The set of states Q Rn
The subset of initial states Q0 I The set
of labels is time S R The transition
relation is given by The set of observations
? Rp The observation map ?x? Cx
8Bisimulation Relations
- Language equivalence is difficult to verify
(even for discrete systems) - Bisimulation relations pointwise
characterization of language equivalence -
- Consider two transition systems
- R ? Q1 x Q2 is a bisimulation relation
between S1 and S2 if it - 1. respects observations if (q1,q2) ? R then
?q1?1 ?q2?2 - 2. respects transitions if (q1,q2) ? R then
9Bisimilar Systems
- If R ? Q1 x Q2 is a bisimulation relation
between S1 and S2 and - then we say that S1 and S2 are bisimilar
(noted S1 ? S2) - Equivalence result
- If S1 ? S2 then L(S1) L(S2)
10From Exact to Approximate
- The previous notion is exact
- For continuous systems natural metric d? on
the set of observations ?Rp. - Notion of approximate language equivalence
Each trajectory of S1 is a trajectory of S2 (and
Each trajectory of S1 has a neighboring
trajectory of S2 (and conversely).
11Approximate Bisimulation Relations
- Consider two transition systems and d ? 0
- R ? Q1 x Q2 is a d approximate
bisimulation relation if it 1. respects
observations if (q1,q2) ? R then d?(?q1?1,
?q2?2) ? d - 2. respects transitions if (q1,q2) ? R then
- For d 0, we recover the usual notion of exact
bisimulation relation.
12Approximately Bisimilar Systems
- If R is a d approximate bisimulation
relation and - then S1 and S2 are approximately bisimilar
with precision d (S1 ?d S2) - If S1 and S2 are approximately bisimilar with
precision d then
13Application to Safety Verification
If S1 ?d S2 then Reach(S1) ? N(Reach(S2),d)
Reach(S2) ? N(?F,d) ? ? Reach(S1) ? ?F ?
14Computational Framework
- How do we compute
- - approximate bisimulation relations
- - an evaluation of the bisimulation metric
between two systems - An effective approach based on functions
- A function V Q1 x Q2 ? R ? ? is a
bisimulation function if - RV(d) (q1,q2) V (q1,q2) ? d
- is a d-approximate bisimulation relation
- A bisimulation function defines a parameterized
family of approximate bisimulation relations.
15Bisimulation Functions
- Intuitively, a bisimulation function
- - bounds the distance between the observations
- does not increase under the evolution of the
systems - Characterization of bisimulation functions
- Bound on the bisimulation metric between S1 and
16Bisimulation Functions for Constrained Linear
is a bisimulation function between S1 and S2 if
17Quadratic Bisimulation Functions for
Deterministic Linear Systems
is a bisimulation function if
Two stable deterministic linear systems are
approximately bisimilar (the precision can be
very bad)
18Quadratic Bisimulation Functions for Constrained
Linear Systems
is a bisimulation function between S1 and S2
Then, S1 and S2 have exactly the same asymptotic
behaviors (V(0)0).
?Too restrictive
19Truncated Quadratic Bisimulation Functions for
Constrained Linear Systems
Search a bisimulation function of the form
holds for the approximation of the transient phase
holds for the approximation of the asymptotic
20Truncated Quadratic Bisimulation Functions for
Constrained Linear Systems
is a bisimulation function between S1 and S2 if
21Truncated Quadratic Bisimulation Functions for
Constrained Linear Systems
- Truncated quadratic bisimulation functions are
universal for stable constrained linear systems - Extension to non-stable constrained linear
systems - decompose systems into
stable/unstable subsystems - - bisimulation function of the form
Two stable constrained linear systems are
approximately bisimilar (the precision can be
very bad)
Two constrained linear systems with exactly
bisimilar unstable subsystems are approximately
Metrics for Approximate TransItion Systems
Simulation and Equivalence
- MATLAB toolbox
- Functionalities
- - Computes a bisimulation function between a
system and its projection. -
- - Evaluates the bisimulation distance between
a system and its projection. - - Finds a good projection of a system (given
the desired dimension). - - Performs reachability computations using
zonotopes. - Available at
- http//www.seas.upenn.edu/agirard/Software/MATISS
Metrics for Approximate TransItion Systems
Simulation and Equivalence
Example of application safety verification of a
ten-dimensional system
10-dimensionaloriginal system
- A new framework for system approximation.
- Approximate versions of usual notions of
abstraction - - approximate language inclusion.
- - more robust, more significant complexity
reduction. - Computational framework based on bisimulation
functions - Approximation of constrained linear systems
- - Lyapunov like characterization of bisimulation
functions - - Computations based on LMIs Games
- - Implemented in the toolbox MATISSE
- - Useful to simplify safety verification