Title: 10 pt
Andrew Jackson
Jackson runs for President
Jacksons Enemies
5 pt
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10 pt
10 pt
10 pt
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25 pt
25 pt
2The production of food and other goods that will
be used by the family and shared with neighbors.
3Household Economy
4A tax on imported and exported goods.
6The refusal to recognize or enforce a law.
8Giving friends and family members jobs once you
are elected to public office.
9Spoils System
10The total number of votes received in an election.
11Popular Vote
12What was Jacksons policy for dealing with Native
13Force west or die
14Why did Jackson want to see the National Bank
shut down?
15Bank owners were too powerful and it treated the
common man unfairly.
16What did Jackson call his unofficial advisory
17Kitchen Cabinet
18What was the nickname given to Jackson by his
19Old Hickory
20What former Vice-President challenges Jackson
from the South Carolina legislature?
21John Calhoun
22Who won the election of 1824?
23John Quincy Adams
24In what year was Jackson elected President for
the first time?
26How did Jackson supporters get westerners to the
27BBQs, picnics, parades
28Why were Jackson supporters outraged by the 1824
29Clay gave his votes to Adams.
30The Coffin Handbills given out by the Adams
supporters claimed what?
31Jackson killed 6 men.
32What was Jackson called by his enemies?
33King Andrew I
34What political party was formed to get Jackson
out of office?
35Whigs or National Republicans
36Which state threatened to secede the union while
Jackson was in office?
37South Carolina
38What was the name of Jacksons Vice-President
that resigned?
39John Calhoun
40Jackson was behind the removal of the Cherokee
Nation from Georgia. What was this movement know
41The Trail of Tears
42What job under the heading Republican Motherhood
were women responsible for?
43Teaching values and morals to their family.
44What groups started to help Christianize the poor
and uneducated by using the money donated during
church services?
45Penny Societies
46Many European writers were horrified by what?
48Who replaced John Calhoun as Vice-President?
49Martin Van Buren
50What name was given to the state banks that
received money from the closing National Bank?
51Pet Banks