Title: International Ice Charting Working Group IICWGV Applied Science
1International Ice Charting Working
GroupIICWG-VApplied Science
ResearchStanding Committee Report
- Co-Chairs
- Dean Flett Lars-Anders Breivik
2Applied Science and Research IICWG IV Action Items
- SC4.1
- Distribute information on the NASA Data
Assimilation Workshop for sea ice at Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution to other members of
science committee. - Responsible
- M. Van Woert.
- Status
- Short Course on Data Assimilation for Sea-Ice
Modelers took place May 10-11, 2003 at Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institute.
3Applied Science and Research IICWG IV Action Items
- SC4.2
- Report to ASRC and IICWG-V on NASA Data
Assimilation Workshop. - Responsible
- M. Van Woert.
- Status
- The lecture material is available at
http//ecco.jpl.nasa.gov/sea_ice. - Reference text is The Ocean Circulation Inverse
Problem by Carl Wunsch.
4Applied Science and Research IICWG IV Action Items
- SC4.3
- IICWG recommends converting sea ice model output
in a common data format, netCDF, in order to
better share/exchange data. - Responsible
- Members of Science Committee.
- Status
- met.no/DMI The OSI SAF sea ice products will be
available in netCDF. This is a part of the EU
FP-6 project MERSEA. In MERSEA it will be
organized as a common met-ocean data distribution
server for exchange of data. This will also
include sea ice model output from met.no/MERSEA
site. - CIS CIS Modeling Lab has the capability to
generate netCDF format output. Transition to this
as standard format will occur over the next year
as coordination is required to integrate and be
compatible with the Canadian Meteorological
5Applied Science and Research IICWG IV Action Items
- SC4.4
- Investigate the possibility of direct
assimilation of passive microwave radiance,
scatterometer backscatter, infrared radiances,
and visible reflectance. - Responsible
- Members of Science Committee.
- Status
- To be discussed at IICWG-5 Science Workshop.
- To be addressed as part of DA activities.
6Applied Science and Research IICWG IV Action Items
- SC4.5
- Identify national science leads at each ice
center in order to develop a structure for
collaboration. - Responsible
- IICWG National representatives.
- Status
- U.S. Mike Van Woert
- Norway Lars-Anders Breivik
- Canada Tom Carrieres
- Denmark Rashpal Gill
- Russia Sergey Klyachkin
- Other national leads TBD.
7Applied Science and Research IICWG IV Action Items
- SC4.6
- Focus of next science workshop will continue to
emphasize modelling DA, advanced tutorials on
model, satellite algorithms, and data
assimilation. Model performance info
incorporating guidance from CJRS paper. - Responsible
- Science Committee Co-Chairs.
- Status
- IICWG-5 Science Workshop agenda addressed most
of these items. - Further discussion and action to be undertaken
during IICWG-5 committee sessions.
8Applied Science and Research IICWG IV Action Items
- SC4.7
- Recommend that national model leads attend next
workshop and present latest results. - Responsible
- IICWG members.
- Status
- Canada, US, and Norway leads presented.
- New presentations from centres and institutes in
Germany, Norway, and UK.
9Applied Science and Research IICWG IV Action Items
- SC4.8
- Finalize and publish the "White Paper on Data
Assimilation," under an official publication. - Responsible
- T. Carrieres, L-A. Breivik.
- Status
- Appropriate target publication and/or agency has
not been identified. Input still required (see
SC4.9) and paper requires further work. - To be addressed during IICWG-5 committee
10Applied Science and Research IICWG IV Action Items
- SC4.9
- Provide national input data, model and data
assimilation inventory, national input to
modeling system requirements and further comments
to ASRC and JCOMM ETSI chair by June 30, 2003. - Responsible
- IICWG members and specific information from
Baltic Sea Ice Services WG. - Status
- Incomplete. To be addressed during IICWG-5
committee sessions.