Conservative Water Quality Lecture 7 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Conservative Water Quality Lecture 7


Conservative Water Quality. Lecture 7. Chemical Properties: dissolved oxygen ... post-feeding period, etc. (2x, 1-6 hrs post feeding) Oxygen Consumption vs. Size ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Conservative Water Quality Lecture 7

Conservative Water QualityLecture 7
Chemical Properties dissolved oxygen
  • Remember, along with temperature, dissolved
    oxygen (D.O.), is paramount in metabolic
  • D.O. and temp. both determine the environmental
    niche aquatic organisms occupy
  • occupation of niches is controlled by a complex
    set of behavioral and physiological activities
  • acclimation is slow wrt D.O. (hours, weeks)

Chemical Variables dissolved oxygen
  • Although O2 is rather abundant in the atm (21),
    it is only marginally soluble in water (6 ppm is
    not much)
  • What are the implications to fish/invertebrates?
  • Even metabolic rates of aqua-communities can
    effect rapid changes in D.O.
  • this effect increases with temp (interaction)
  • solubility decreases with increased temp/sal
  • other factors BP (direct), altitude (indirect),
    impurities (indirect)

Oxygen Solubility Curve
Chemical Variables dissolved oxygen
  • factors affecting D.O. consumption
  • water temperature (2-3x for every 10oC)
  • environmental (medium) D.O. concentration
    (determines lower limit)
  • fish size (Rc greater for small vs. large)
  • level of activity (resting vs. forced)
  • post-feeding period, etc. (2x, 1-6 hrs post

Oxygen Consumption vs. Sizefor Channel Catfish
O2 cons. Rate Increase in
(mg/kg/hr) oxygen consumption Fish size
(g) Nonfed Fed from feeding () 2.5 880 1,230 40
100 400 620 55 500 320 440 38 1,000 250 400
From Lovell (1989)
Chemical Variables dissolved oxygen
  • What might be considered minimal levels of
    maintenance of D.O.?
  • hard to determine due to compounding effects
    (cant standardize conditions)
  • major factor exposure time
  • for most species
  • long-term 1.5 mg/L
  • medium term 1.0 mg/L
  • short-term 0.3 mg/L

Chemical Variables dissolved oxygen
  • In general warm-water species are more tolerant
    of low D.O. concentrations
  • Ictalurus punctatus adults/1.0 mg/L,
    fingerlings 0.5 mg/L
  • Procamberus clarkii adults/2.0 mg/L,
    juveniles/1.0 mg/L
  • Litopenaeus vannamei adults/0.5-0.8 mg/L
  • Litopenaeus stylirostris adults/1.2-1.4 mg/L

Chemical Variables dissolved oxygen
  • Many practical aquaculturists will recommend that
    D.O. concentrations do not drop below 6.0 mg/L
  • this is an impractical guideline in that this
    level can seldom be achieved at night
  • a more practical guideline might be to maintain
    D.O. levels around 90 saturation
  • no lower than 25 saturation for extended periods

Chemical Variables dissolved oxygen/behavior
  • if D.O. levels in the medium are adequate, fish
    meet increased demands due to locomotion or
    post-feeding by increased rate of ventilation or
    large gulps of water
  • declining D.O. seek zones of higher D.O.,
    reduce activity (reduced MR), stop consumption of
  • compensatory point when D.O. demand cannot be
    met by behavioral or physiological responses

Chemical Variables dissolved oxygen/behavior
  • upon reaching compensatory point gaping at
    surface, removal of oxygen from surface
  • shown in both fish and invertebrates
  • small aquatic animals are more efficient
  • some oxygen provided by glycolysis or anaerobic
    metabolism, but blood pH drops
  • pH drop in blood reduces carrying capacity of
    hemoglobin (hemocyanin?)--gt death

Oxygen/Temperature Interaction
  • Oxygen consumption increases with temperature
    until a maximum is achieved
  • peak consumption rate is maintained over a small
    temp range
  • consumption rate decreases rapidly as temp
  • lethal temperature finally achieved

Chemical Variables dissolved oxygen/sources
  • major producer of D.O. in ponds is primary
    productivity (up to 80), diffusion is low (lt3)
  • incoming water can often be deficient depending
    upon source water conditions
  • major consumers primary productivity, aquatic
    species (density dependent), COD
  • diel fluctuation
  • indirect relationships (algae, secchi)

Oxygen Budget
Diel Oxygen Fluctuation
  • Typical pattern oxygen max during late
  • difference in surface vs. benthic for stratified
  • dry season faster heating at surface and less

Influence of Sunlight on Photosynthesis/O2
Photorespiration predictable
Chemical Variables total alkalinity
  • total alkalinity the total amount of titratable
    bases in water expressed as mg/L of equivalent
  • alkalinity is primarily composed of the
    following ions CO3-, HCO3-, hydroxides,
    ammonium, borates, silicates, phosphates
  • alkalinity in ponds is determined by both the
    quality of the water and bottom muds
  • calcium is often added to water to increase its
    alkalinity, buffer against pH changes

Chemical Variables total alkalinity
  • thus, a total alkalinity determination of 200
    mg/L would indicate good buffering capacity of a
    water source
  • natural freshwater alkalinity varies between 5
    mg/L (soft water) to over 500 mg/L (hard water)
  • natural seawater is around 115-120 mg/L
  • seldom see pH problems in natural seawater
  • water having alkalinity reading of less than 30
    mg/L are problematic

Chemical Variables total alkalinity
  • total alkalinity level can be associated with
    several potential problems in aquaculture
  • lt 50 mg/L copper compounds are more toxic,
    avoid their use as algicides
  • natural waters with less than 40 mg/L alkalinity
    as CaCO3 have limited biofiltration capacity, pH
  • low alkalinity low CO2 --gt low nat prod
  • low alkalinity high pH

Chemical Variables total hardness
  • total hardness total concentration of metal ions
    expressed in terms of mg/L of equiva- lent CaCO3
  • primary ions are Ca2 and Mg2, also iron and
  • total hardness approximates total alkalinity
  • calcium is used for bone and exoskeleton
    formation and absorbed across gills
  • soft water molt problems, bone deformities

Chemical Variables pH
  • pH the level or intensity of a substances
    acidic or basic character
  • pH the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion
    concentration (activity) of a substance
  • pH -log(1/H)
  • ionization of water is low (1x10-7 moles of H/L
    and 1x10-7 moles OH-/L)
  • neutral pH similar levels of H and OH-

Chemical Variables pH
  • at acidic pH levels, the quantity of H
  • acidic pH pH lt 7, basic pH gt7
  • most natural waters pH of 5-10, usually 6.5-9
    however, there are exceptions
  • acid rain, pollution
  • can change due to atm CO2, fish respiration
  • pH of ocean water is stable (carbonate buffering
    system, later)

Chemical Variables pH
  • Other sources of change
  • decay of organic matter
  • oxidation of compounds in bottom sediments
  • depletion of CO2 by phytoplankton on diel basis
  • oxidation of sulfide containing minerals in
    bottom soils (e.g., oxidation of iron pyrite by
    sulfide oxidizing bacteria under anaerobic

Chemical Variables carbon dioxide
  • normal component of all natural waters
  • sources atmospheric diffusion, respiration of
    cultured species, biological oxidation of organic
  • usually transported in the blood as HCO3-
  • converted to CO2 at the gill interface, diffusion
    into medium
  • as the level of CO2 in the medium increases, the
    gradient allowing diffusion is less

Chemical Variables carbon dioxide
  • this causes blood CO2 levels to increase,
    lowering blood pH
  • with lower blood pH, carrying capacity of
    hemoglobin decreases, also binding affinity for
    oxygen to hemoglobin
  • this phenomenon is known as the Bohr-Root effect
  • CO2 also interferes with oxygen uptake by eggs
    and larvae

CO2 Level Affects Hemoglobin Saturation
Chemical Variables carbon dioxide
  • in the marine environment, excesses of CO2 are
    mitigated by the carbonate buffering system
  • CO2 reacts with water to produce H2CO3, carbonic
  • H2CO3 reacts with CaCO3 to form HCO3-
    (bicarbonate) and CO32- (carbonate)
  • as CO2 is used for photosynthesis, the reaction
    shifts to the left, converting bicarbonates back
    to CO2
  • what large-scale implications does this have?

The Effect of pH on Carbonate Buffering
Chemical Variables carbon dioxide
  • Concentrations of CO2 are small, even though it
    is highly soluble in water
  • inverse relationship between CO2 and
  • thus, CO2 solubility depends upon many factors

Chemical Variable carbon dioxide
  • CO2 is not particularly toxic to fish or
    invertebrates, given sufficient D.O. is available
  • maximum tolerance level appears to be around 50
    mg/L for most species
  • good working level of around 15-20 mg/L
  • diel fluctuation opposite to that of D.O.
  • higher levels in warmer months of year

Part II Nitrogenous Compounds in Water
Evolution of the Nitrogen Cycle
  • Unlike carbon or oxygen, nitrogen is not very
    available to life
  • its conversion requires biological activity
  • nitrogen cycle is required by life, but also
    driven by it
  • cycle is rather complex and has evolved as the
    atmosphere became oxygenated
  • as we know, Earths original atm was oxygen-poor

Evolution of the Nitrogen Cycle
  • Earliest forms of nitrogen-reducing bacteria had
    to have been anaerobic
  • other option NH4 already existed in some form
  • today these ancient N-fixers either only exist in
    anaerobic environments or the N-fixing apparati
    are carefully guarded from intracellular oxygen

Evolution of the Nitrogen Cycle
  • As Earths atmosphere became more O2-rich, more
    NO3 became available
  • this created niches occupied by organisms that
    could reduce NO3 to NH3 (many higher plants can
    do this)
  • converting NO3 back to N2 (denitrification) is an
    arduous process and has evolved more recently

Gaseous Nitrogen
  • Nitrogen is the major gas in the atmosphere
  • after oxygen, second limiting factor
  • constitutes 78.1 of total gases in air
  • solubility in water is largely dependent upon two
    physio-chemical factors temperature and
  • at saturation/equillibrium it has higher values
    than oxygen or CO2?

Nitrogen Saturation Values
Generalized Nitrogen Cycle
  • Nitrogen dynamics in the environment involves
    some fairly complex cycling
  • N is relatively unreactive as an element
  • cyclic conversions from one form to another are
    mainly mediated by bacteria
  • Cycle occurs in both aerobic and anaerobic

nitrogen cycle
Process 1 fixation
  • Nitrogen fixation refers to the conversion of N2
    to either NO3 or NH4 by bacteria
  • terrestrial systems soil bacteria in root
    nodules of legumes
  • aquatic systems blue green algae
  • biological, meteorological, industrial
    transformations also occur

Nitrogen Fixation
Type of Fixation N2 fixed (1012 g per year)
industrial About 50
combustion About 20
lightning About 10
Total About 80
Agricultural land About 90
Forest nonag land About 50
Sea About 35
Total About 175
Process 2 nitrification
  • The term nitrification refers to the conversion
    of ammonium to nitrate (pathway 3-4 opposite)
  • Responsible nitrifying bacteria known as
  • These bacteria gain their energy by oxidizing
    NH3, while using CO2 as a source of carbon to
    synthesize organic compounds

The nitrogen cycle, once more!
Process 3 denitrification
  • By this process, NO3 in soil or water is
    converted into atm N2, nitric oxide or nitrous
  • this must occur under anaerobic conditions
    (anaerobic respiration)
  • presence of O2 can reverse the reaction
  • again, mediated by bacteria (Pseudomonas sp.,
    Alkaligenes sp. and Bacillus sp.)

Denitrification step 5, above
Aquatic Nitrogen Cycling
  • For aquaculturists, cycling transforms usually
    begin with the decomposition of organic matter
    from either plant or animal sources
  • major source in aquaculture feeds
  • ultimately excreted as amine groups on amino
    acids or excreted in soluble form primarily as
    NH3/NH4, other compounds

amino acid
Release of NH3
  • NH3 separated from organic protein via microbial
  • Process referred to as deaminification or
  • NH3 is released to water column (mineralization)
    and assimilated into primary productivity (NH3
    H --gt NH4)
  • ammonification is heterotrophic, under aerobic or
    anaerobic conditions

Aquatic Nitrogen Cycling
  • NH3 and NH4 are both either assimilated by
    aquatic plants for growth or nitrified (oxidized)
    to NO3- (nitrate)
  • nitrate can also be used as a growth substrate
    (Guillards F medium)
  • two step process
  • NH4 1.5O2 ? NO2- 2H H2O
  • NO2- 0.5O2 ? NO3-
  • Note these are oxygen-driven reactions

Aquatic Nitrogen Cycling
  • Conversion of ammonia (NH3) to nitrate (NO3-) is
    via chemoautotrophic bacteria
  • first step by Nitrosomonas sp.
  • second step by Nitrobacter sp.
  • Both steps/reactions use NH4 and NO2- as an
    energy source, CO2 as a carbon source
  • this is a non-photosynthetic type of growth

Aquatic Nitrogen Cycling
  • Reaction runs best at pH 7-8 and 25-30oC
  • however under low DO, it runs in reverse
  • NO3- is converted to NO2 and other forms
  • can go all the way backwards to NH3
  • occurs in the hypolimnion under eutrophic
    (stagnant) conditions
  • REM nitrogen also fixed by leguminous plants,
    free living bacteria, blue-green algae
  • magnitude of this transform not well studied

Nitrogen aqueous forms
  • Gaseous form of nitrogen (N2) is most prevalent
  • followed by nitrite, nitrate, ammonia or
  • nitrite is seldom a problem unless DO levels are
    low (to be discussed later)
  • ratio of NH3NH4 rises with pH
  • unfertilized ponds TAN (NH3 NH4) 0.05-0.075
  • fertilized ponds TAN 0.5 mg/L, 0.075 mg NO3-

Nitrogen Amendments
  • Nitrogen added as fertilizer to ponds urea
  • Immediately upon addition, it starts to decline
  • only small portion detectable from metabolic
  • plants typically take it up, die, mud deposit
  • inorganic nitrogen typically denitrified in the
  • high afternoon pH increased volatization

Nitrogen Equillibria NH3/NH4
  • ammonia (NH3) is toxic to fish/inverts
  • pH affects proportion of NH3/NH4
  • as pH increases, NH3 increases
  • calculation example TAN 1.5 mg/L, 26oC, pH
  • answer 0.35 mg NH3/L

Affect of pH/temp on NH3/NH4 equillibria
More on Ammonia
  • As mentioned, initial source feed, direct
    source excretion
  • can calculate daily dosage/loading if you know
    NPU and protein in feed
  • NPU is 0.4 (approx.) for most aquaculture feeds
  • equ. (1.0 - NPU)(pro/6.25)(1000) g NH3/kg
  • for 1.0 ha pond receiving 100 kg of 30 protein
    feed/day, loading is 1,920 g NH3
  • dilution in 10 x 106 L is 0.192 mg NH3/L
  • if NPU stays constant, NH3 production increases
    with increased feeding

Ammonia Toxicity
  • Both NH3 and NH4 are toxic to fish/inverts
  • as medium NH3 increases, ability to excrete
    internal NH3 decreases (fighting gradient)
  • blood/tissue NH3 increases causes increase in
    blood pH
  • result imbalance in enzyme activity, reduced
    membrane stability
  • increased O2 consumption by tissues, gill damage,
    reduced O2 transport (Root/Bohr, but other
  • reduced growth, histological changes in
    gills/other organs

Ammonia Toxicity
  • Short term exposure toxic at 0.7-2.4 mg/L
  • 96 hr LC50 varies from 0.5-3.8 mg/L for most fish
  • toxicity tolerance varies due to biological
    variability of different strains of species
  • eggs are most tolerant (fish)
  • larvae least tolerant, older more tolerant
  • same probably holds true for inverts

Ammonia Toxicity
Ammonia Toxicity in Ponds
  • NH3 is more toxic when DO levels are low
  • however, toxic effect is probably nullified by
    resultant increase in CO2
  • thus, increased CO2 decreased NH3
  • increased CO2 decreased pH
  • in some cases, fish have been shown to acclimate
    to increases in NH3

Nitrite (NO2-) Toxicity
  • Nitrite reacts with hemoglobin to form
  • in process, iron converted from ferrous (Fe2) to
    ferric (Fe3) form
  • ferric form of iron cannot bind with oxygen
  • blood changes from red to brown, appears anemic
  • those fish having methemoglobin reductase enzyme
    can convert iron moeity back to ferrous
  • maybe same for crustaceans?

Nitrite (NO2-) Toxicity
  • Recovery from nitrite toxicity usually occurs
    when fish are transferred to better water
  • complete recovery can occur in 24 h
  • how does it get into system in first place?
  • Nitrite is quickly transported across gill
    membrane by lamellar chloride cells
  • cells cant distinguish between NO2- and Cl-
  • thus nitrite absorption regulated by
    nitritechloride ratio in medium

Nitrite (NO2-) Toxicity
  • Nitrite is about 55 times more toxic in
    freshwater vs. 16 ppt seawater
  • Question Can you add NaCl to water to reverse
    nitrite toxicity?
  • 24 hr LC50 values vary tremendously in fish
  • safe bet authors say 4.5 mg/L

Nitrite (NO3-) Toxicity
Nitrate (NO3-) Toxicity
  • Nitrate builds up in ponds, like nitrite, when
    ponds are cooler
  • Nitrobacter does not function well under cool or
    cold water conditions
  • however, nitrates are least toxic form of soluble
  • effects are similar to nitrite toxicity, but
    values of levels are much higher

Nitrate Toxicity
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