Title: Fighting Cyber Crime: CASES The BEST Value Proposition http:Security'WebUrb'dkframeEWISdocCASES'html
1Fighting Cyber CrimeCASES The BEST Value
Proposition http//Security.WebUrb.dk/frame/EWIS
2What are the Challenges for Civil Society
- home users going online
- broadband
- always online (e.g., with cable)
- wireless
- running an access point at home
- server
- anti-virus
- firewall
- distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack
- Yes IPv6
- will parti-
- ally fix the
- problem
Users dont Want to pay!
- This increases users
- risks for virus infections, hacking and DDoS
attacks - costs (e.g., anti-virus solution for server
3How Can CASES Help?
- Cyberworld
- Awareness and
- Security
- Enhancement
- Structure
- We need CASES to improve security for society but
in particular for - home/private user or public, and
- small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
4What is CASES? http//Security.WebUrb.dk/frame/EW
- Trans-national effort for data and information
sharing - focuses on
- coordinating efforts regarding critical
infastructure protection of data and information - Internet
- electricity grids
- health,
- telecommunication networks
- e-government
- e-commerce and
- others (e.g., industry and regional networks)
5What is CASES? http//Security.WebUrb.dk/frame/EW
- pan-European interest by several countries
including but not limited to - Belgium promoter (contact martine.ducobu_at_ibpt.b
e) - Italy
- Luxembourg
- UK
- Finland, France, Netherlands, Spain, and others
- Candidate Member States
- Slovenia and others
- Affiliates
- Switzerland
- Norway
- and others
6What will CASES do?
- Preparation and distribution of best practices
material for target groups/markets - educational materials
- awareness
- Verification and distribution
- warnings alerts
- collection of information from sources
- Warning, Advisory Reporting Point(s) (WARPs)
7How Does CASES Support and Leverage Efforts Made
by the European Network and Information Security
- is hierarchically under the European Network and
Information Security Agency (ENISA) - ENISAs steering committee is suggested to be
made up of 6 people nominated by the Council and
6 by the Commission - CASES will link to the ENISAs advisory council
of 9 experts that is charged to interface with
Member States activities
8CASES Structure
CASES enables countries to share information,
leverage expertise and improve cybersecurity
9How Does CASES Differ from European Cybersecurity
- CASES is not limited to EU focuses on
- developing/measuring benchmark figures supporting
eEurope Action Plan - 2005 - statistics (what incident, where, how damage
caused - RISK management) - Improving awareness and defense mechanisms
- developing educational tools
- communicating information to
- managers and decision-makers
- system experts
- users
- through partners (e.g., CERTs media)
- European Network and Information Security Agency
is an EU organization that does such tasks as - strategy
- policy, and
- regulation
- while incorporating information provided by CASES
amongst others to further facilitate its
important work
10How Does CASES differ from CERTs?
- A CERT may
- offer services for a subscription fee
- private versus public CERTs
- have a very narrow defined constituency, such as
- government agencies (e.g., dept. of defense)
- firms that subscribe and pay for particular
services (e.g., alerts) - firm provides CERT type of services to external
clients - large firms CERT for internal clients and
divisions - provide on site help fire services
- technical help
This can limit information sharing and creating
of synergies amongst different CERTs
11How Can CASES Help Governments Society?
- CASES national nodes provide
- threat assessments,
- statistical data,
- identify trends and
- warn about new vulnerabilities
- to all constituencies (organizations and private
Improve information sharing and creating of
synergies across agencies, CERTs, vendors and
the public
12What Resources are Needed to Run a a CASES
National Node?
- human resources
- could be from 2-6 people,
- resources already in-house (e.g., government
CERT), - being available on a flexible schedule
- securing 27x7x365 coverage with other national
nodes - UK is back-up for Luxembourg during Christmas eve
2003 and vice versa for Pentacoste 2004 - team must have
- good technical, and
- incident handling skills
13What Resources are Needed to Run a CASES National
Node Effectively?
- Essential is such as
- hardware and software budget,
- Internet browsing capabilities,
- several e-mail accounts with at least 2
- running on different infrastructure providers
(e.g., telecom, cable and wireless) - ISPs using different backbone providers and
- different Internet exchange services if at all
possible - several telephone lines, fax, mobile phones,
pagers, laptops, - encryption/digital signature capabilities,
- trusted communication facilities
- up to date windows OS, plus mail programs,
- backup facilities
- research machine with UNIX/Linux, and
- training and travel budget
14Where are the Synergies with FP6?
- categorization and naming schemata needed for
malicious code / viruses - database for such code with graphical and other
interfaces - thereby helping CASES in its efforts to provide
an accurate picture about cybersecurity on the
Internet regarding malicious code and viruses
(e.g., statistics and benchmarks)
- Society needs IT security services that are
- complementing CERTs but not replacing the latter
- low regarding start-up and resource costs (i.e.
cost-effective), - versatile and flexible,
- geared to information sharing, while leveraging
of scarce resources, - promote security, trust and confidence, and
- support training and awareness efforts
16Conclusion CASES can Help
- CASES is intended to establish a network of
national nodes for information sharing across
borders regarding - national virus warning alert schemes including
other CASES National Nodes, - CASES coordination/management node,
- CERTs and Warning, Advisory and Reporting Points
(WARPs) in industry (e.g., electricity EoN), - education awareness initiatives, and
- vendors who provide warning (vulnerability
alert) material
17Conclusion CASES TIME Table
- Tenders have been requested
- Proposal for trial operation / incubator will be
written and submitted to promoter (BE) by May - Trial starts June 2003
- setting up national nodes
- implementing trusted communication
- implementing system for data collection and
distribution of information - developing of best practice, awareness and
educational material - statistical analysis and trends
18Conclusion -- CASES as a Value Proposition
- Fire Marshalls provide information about chemical
fires accumulated and recorded in a database,
cases provide the insurance industry with - risk data permitting the
- setting of insurance rates for offering clients
the option to insure their assets against
chemical fires - CASES provides a comprehensive national
international picture about computer viruses,
malicious code, vulnerabilities and hacking
attacks permitting firms governments to use
these data to - obtain risk information for
- deciding about what, how, when and why to invest
in IT security as a value proposition
- Reducing the risk for cybersecurity incidents
with CASES is far cheaper than extinguishing
numerous annual brush fires regularly
- Leveraging scarce resources amongst participating
nations to further protect - e-government/e-commerce efforts, while
- facilitating Internet access/use for citizens and
20Resources Dependability and Cyber Security
- Newslwetter-Archive (newsboard)
- http//security.weburb.dk/frame/newsletters/other/
information_security.html - Subscribe to weekly IT security newsletter for
FREE by sending an empty e-mail to - Security-Subscribe_at_NewsWebUrb.dk
- Comprehensive solutions against viruses, spam
and hackers for citizens from - http//www.BullGuard.comFree Trial
21Resources Dependability and Cyber Security
- CASES temporary home with much info about the
project can be visited here - http//Security.WebUrb.dk/frame/EWISdoc/CASES.html
- more documents at this link
- http//brief.weburb.dk/frame.php?locview/subjects
/cases.html - See you May 10-13, 2003, at the IT security
conference of the year - http//Conference.EICAR.org