Title: Edith Gagnon
1Pharmaceutical Disposal Programs A Canadian
Perspective Maine, November 10-11, 2008
International Symposium on Pharmaceuticals in the
Home and Environment Catalysts for Change
- Edith Gagnon
- Environmental Impact Initiative
- Health Canada
- Context
- Disposal programs
- Canada
- Other countries
- Other programs
- Next steps
- The Environmental Impact Initiative (EII)
Division of Health Canada, is researching Best
Management Practices (BMPs) for commodity groups
regulated under the Canadian Food and Drugs Act
(FDA), including pharmaceuticals - BMPs aim at reducing the exposure of the
environment to FDA substances and products, to
prevent direct environmental impacts and indirect
human health impacts - If necessary, existing Canadian BMPs will be
improved or more appropriate BMPs will be
4Context (2)
- Pharmaceuticals are being found in the
environment - Consumption versus disposal practices
- Canadian consumers dispose of a large part of
their unused and expired pharmaceuticals in
garbage, toilets, and sinks - By changing the behaviour of consumers,
environmental contamination can be reduced - Disposal programs may reduce the levels of
pharmaceuticals entering the environment
5Disposal programs
Source Wikipedia, 2007
- Alberta ENVIRx Program (since 1988)
- Alberta Pharmacists Association
- Voluntary
- Funded by producers with grants from provincial
government - Collection by pharmacies (up 7 from 2006-07)
- Antibiotics, painkillers, and medications for
heart conditions - Encouraged to remove packaging
- Sharps was accepted prior to 2000 (27 tonnes per
year) - Incineration at Wainwright Regional Waste to
Energy Facility in Wainwright, Alberta - Brochures
7Canada (2)
- British Columbia Medications Return Program
(since 1996) - Post-Consumer Pharmaceutical Stewardship
Association - Recycling Regulation requires brand-owners to
provide free consumer access to return/collection
facilities - Funded by brand-owners
- Enforcement and monitoring responsibility of the
provincial government - Regulated programs in development in Ontario and
Manitoba - Collection by community and hospital
(out-patients) pharmacies - Up 17 from 2006-07
- Participation of consumers 20 and awareness
31 in 2007 - Incineration at Beiseker Envirotech Inc. in
Beiseker, Alberta - Posters and brochures, websites, newspapers
8Canada (3)
- Nova Scotia Medication Disposal Program (since
90's) - Pharmacy Association of Nova Scotia
- Voluntary
- Destruction and transport are paid by
manufacturers - Collection by pharmacies (up 18 from 2005-06)
- Also the Safe Sharps Bring-Back Program
- Incineration
9Canada (4)
- Prince Edward Island Take It Back Program (since
2004) - Island Waste Management Corporation (provincial
crown corporation) - Voluntary
- Disposal is paid by the provincial government
- Collection by pharmacies
- Also the Dont Get Stuck Program for sharps
- Licensed hazardous waste disposal facilities
10Canada (5)
- Saskatchewan Pharmaceutical Waste Disposal
Program (since 1997) - Pharmacists' Association of Saskatchewan
- Voluntary
- Pharmacies have to pay for the pick-up of
pharmaceutical wastes - Collection by pharmacies
- Sharps are also accepted
- Incineration by BioMed
- Posters reminding consumers to return all expired
or unwanted pharmaceuticals, brochures and other
consumer information
11Comparison of Canadian programs
Note Weight may include packaging, sharps, etc.
12Other countries
- Australia Return Unwanted Medicines (RUM) Program
(since 1999) - National Return Disposal of Unwanted Medicines
Limited, national non-profit company - Voluntary
- Funded by the government with limited support
from industry - Restricted to collection and disposal costs
- Government initial funds 3 million for 3 years
- Federal budget for July 2005 gt6 million for 4
years - Funding review June 2009
- Collection by pharmacies (up 2.3 from 2005 to
2006) - Incineration
- Brochures and consumer awareness campaign for
health professionals and consumers
13Other countries (2)
- France Cyclamed Program (since 1993)
- Being restructured to stop the redistribution to
destitute people of France and emerging countries
lt 5 (planned for 2009) - Medicines distribution chain (pharmacies,
wholesalers, industry) - Pharmacies are required by legislation to collect
and dispose of pharmaceutical wastes (since 2006)
- Industry finances external costs and wholesalers
provide transportation from pharmacies to their
facilities free of charge - Collection, transportation, incineration (63)
- Communication, personnel expenses, humanitarian
donation (37) - Collection by pharmacies (down 6.2 from 2005-06)
- Incineration with energy recovery (7,000 houses x
year) - TV, radio, poster and comics
14Other countries (3)
- Spain Integrated Waste Management System (SIGRE)
(since 2002) - Initiative of the Spanish pharmaceutical industry
with the collaboration of pharmacies and
distributors - European Directive 94/62/CEE on the management of
packages - Voluntary
- Funded by industry, based on volume of sales
(non-profit) - Collection by pharmacies (up 16.5 from 2006-07)
- Separation into toxic, non toxic, and recyclable
materials - Recycling or destruction
- Disposal into trash dropped from 42 in 2003 to
8 in 2007 - Logos and website
15Other countries (4)
- Portugal Valormed Program (since 2001)
- Initiative of the Portuguese Associations of the
Pharmaceutical Industry, pharmacists and
distributors (European Directives) - Voluntary
- Funded by members of the pharmaceutical
associations, including community pharmacies,
pharmaceutical manufacturers, pharmaceutical
distributors, and chemical and pharmaceutical
importers - Eco-fee of 0.00504 euro for each package placed
on the market - Collection by pharmacies (up 11 from 2006-07)
- Incineration
- Criticized for incinerating packaging rather than
recycling them
16Other countries (4)
- Sweden Apoteket AB Environmental Program (since
2002) - Government (the national pharmacy)
- Incorporated European Directive on waste into
national legislation - Funded by the government (Apoteket AB,
non-profit) - Collection by pharmacies (up 12 from 2006-07)
- Prescription, over the counter, recreational
drugs, needles - Consumers, care centers, dentists, hospitals,
farmers (vet products) - 65 to 75 of all unused pharmaceuticals
- Participation of consumers 73 (target 80 for
2010) - Incineration (gas is cleaned before being
released) - Campaigns in media, at pharmacies and clinics in
order to raise awareness, transparent plastic
bags provided to consumers to dispose of their
17Comparison of programs of other countries
Note Weight may include packaging, sharps, etc.
Exclude packages
18Other programs
- Aimed at reducing pharmaceutical wastes
- By decreasing consumption and increasing
compliance, e.g. - Reducing the size of prescriptions
- Selecting the most appropriate therapies
- Respecting quality of life and treatment costs
- Promoting full use of prescriptions
- Promoting the use and development of
environmentally-friendly pharmaceuticals
19Next steps
- How do pharmacies, health care facilities
(hospitals, long-term care facilities, nursing
homes, etc.), manufacturers, etc., dispose of
expired, unwanted, unsold pharmaceuticals (as
well as veterinary drugs), and packaging (direct
and external packaging)? - Survey Canadian health care sector and
20Next steps (2)
- What are the best environmentally friendly
disposal methods for pharmaceutical wastes
(including any products that may contain residues
of pharmaceuticals, i.e. packaging, sharps, human
fluids, etc.)? - A comparative analysis of final disposal
practices for drug wastes - Does Canada need a national program and what
should be its scope (regulatory or
non-regulatory, targeting consumers, pharmacies,
health care facilities, etc.)? - Multi-stakeholder consultations with provincial,
territorial and municipal governments
industries environmental non-governmental
organizations and consumer associations
22Pharmaceutical Disposal Programs A Canadian
- For further information about this presentation
or to have a copy of the paper please contact - Edith Gagnon
- (613) 948-7925
- E-mail edith_gagnon_at_hc-sc.gc.ca