Title: Sustainable Energy Technologies Reference and Information Systems
1Sustainable Energy Technologies Reference and
Information Systems
Fuel processing and synfuels B. Kavalov European
Commission DG Joint Research Centre Institute
for Energy CEU-ACETech
2Pathways to syngas
Hydrocarbon feedstock
Natural gas
Syngas (CO H2)
Gasification for power generation ? gasification
for syngas production
3Natural gas resource prospects
Oil and natural gas reserves by world regions in
1983, 1993 and 2003
Source BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2004
Similar prospective geopolitical distribution of
oil and gas reserves Large gas fields for GTL
mainly in the Persian Gulf
4Coal and biomass resource prospects
Coal reserves by world regions in 2003
Source BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2004
Coal Different geopolitical distribution of coal
reserves from those of oil and gas dirty
technology (if no flue gas cleaning and CCS)
Biomass renewable, clean, but immature,
logistics economic challenges
5World syngas market by applications
Source ECN
Demand for NH3 ? demand of fertiliser industry ?
? cereals markets ? population growth
6World cereals stocks and stocks-to-utilisation
ratio within 1991-2004
Source FAO
Record low level of world cereal stocks, possible
further declines ? likely upward impact on
fertiliser (syngas) demand markets
7EU-25 past (1990, 2000) and projected (2010-2030)
consumption of petrol, diesel and total middle
Source EUR 21378 / 2004
Petrol demand Stable Diesel demand Growth (road
transport) Middle distillates demand Huge
growth (road AIR transport) Increasing middle
distillates supply ? (imports, hydrocracking
heavy oil fractions) EUR 21378 / 2004
8Syngas for methanol and GTL production of fuels
and chemicals
MeOH Major chemical feedstock, expected huge
growth in use F-T naphtha Perfect chemical
feedstock DME F-T diesel ? increase diesel
(middle distillates) supply
9Typical breakdown of fractions in oil refining
and in GTL synthesis
Source Fleisch T. et al., 2002 Emergence of
the Gas-to-Liquids industry a Review of Global
GTL Developments, Journal of Natural Gas
Chemistry, 2002
GTL suits better than oil refining the recent
trends in EU world fuel demand (increasing
middle distillates consumption)
10Competing alternatives to synfuels
Energy assessment criteria 1) Security
diversity of energy supply 2) Energy
efficiency 3) Environmental performance 4) Costs
- Syngas can be obtained from a number of
feedstocks. Each feedstock - has advantages and disadvantages. With
present technologies it is - not possible to select an ultimate
feedstock for syngas production. - The syngas pathway can provide a number of
products for numerous - energy and non-energy applications.
- The syngas pathway competes with other energy
transformation - pathways and applications of feedstocks.
The HyPoGen concept - appears as a particularly suitable
alternative of the nuclear syngas - route.
12Thanks for your attention!
Boyan Kavalov 31 224 56 54 78 boyan.kavalov_at_jrc.n
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