Title: by Michael Gerbis, P.Eng. President, The Delphi Group
1byMichael Gerbis, P.Eng.President, The Delphi
- Innovation climate change
- Igniting the Next Industrial Revolution
- The Delphi Group
- Climate Change where are we?
- The New Carbon Marketplace
- Thinking Out of the Box!
- Attributes to Thrive and Survive
- Discussion
3The Delphi Group
- In Business since 1987
- Catalyze Change Through Innovative Strategies
that Generate Environmental, Social and Financial
Dividends - Environment Clean Energy Technologies
- Climate Change Sustainable Energy
- Health and Environment
- EXCEL, EECO, GLOBE and Corporate
- 1997 2001 Tripled Size and Revenues
5International consensus
- Earth is warming
- 7 of 10 warmest years on record in the 1990s
- IPCC projected range 1.0 - 3.5ยบ C over next 100
years - Discernible human influence
- Trend to Continue Resulting in Impacts
- more extreme weather events (insurance!!)
- human health, environment, economy, ocean levels,
river and lake systems, agriculture, tourism - Canada more affected than most countries because
of its large size northern land mass
6Impacts of Climate Change
7Climate Change
- UNFCCC (1992)
- The Kyoto Protocol (1997)
- Agreed to 5.2 reductions of GHG
- CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC, SF6
- Flexibility Mechanisms (CDM, JI, IET) sinks
- Critical Dates Timelines
- 1990 baseline
- 1998-2008 transition period
- 2008-2012 budget period
MT CO2 - equivalent
B.C. and Territories
10Pathway to sustainability
11The Path to Sustainable Energy
FOSSIL FUELS Coal Oil Natural
- Renewables
- Solar
- Wind
- Biomass
- Geothermal
- ?
- Fusion
- Hydrogen
- Tidal/wave
Carleton University 2002
12The Emerging Carbon Marketplace
- Converging Forces
- Trend towards Sustainable Energy
- Rapid Innovation
- Global Energy Market Reform
- Concern over health impacts
- Kyoto Potential
- Opportunity Risk
13The Product of Convergence
14corporate Risks
- Uncertainty Factor
- Intl Process Devils in Details
- National Leadership (lack thereof)
- Cost, cost, costbenefits?
- Rate of Return Price of Credits Unknown
- Share-Value Exposure
- Differentials in GHG emissions
- Decreasing Value of Capital Stock
- Production, expansion, acquisitions
- Relative Impact on Global Competitors
15Corporate Opportunities
- Gain Competitive Advantage
- Productivity, Energy Efficiency
- Differentiate Yourself from Competitors
- Hedge Your Bets Offset Future Risk
- Added Value through Offset Credits
- Diversification
- Leverage technology and RD
- Exploit new markets
- Create new value-added business ventures
- Enhance Shareholder Value
16Leaders laggards
- Four Levels of Action
- Strategic Integration
- Sitting on Fence (Baselines Being Done)
- Not on the Radar Screen Yet
- Moving against the flow
- Leaders Moving Ahead
- BP, Shell Intl, Transalta, DuPont, Suncor
Energy, OPG, Alcan, Dofasco - Cities of Toronto, Calgary, Banff, Halifax
- Denmark, UK, Netherlands
17Emerging Innovation
- 600 diversified firms
- Generally High-tech solutions
- Strong RD
- 3 billion 23,000 jobs
- Global Market between 150 - 400 billion
- Increasing 5/yr
18Many companies see opportunities
19So What Does This Have to Do with me?
- New Business Realities gt Next Industrial
Revolution - Radical Increases in Resource Productivity
- Biomimicry
- Evolution From Manufacturing to Service and Flow
Economy - Increasing Investment in Natural Capital
- Taken from Natural Capitalism by P. Hawken, A.
H. Lovins
20IndustryThinking out of the box
- Interface New Factory in Shanghai had a 92
energy saving by new design - Looked at whole pumping system and discarded old
style of economics - Sized pumps based on large pipes rather than
small pipes (50 increase in dia 86 drop in
friction) - Installed pipes first then equipment
- 12 fold reduction in energy, simpler and faster
construction, less floor space, easier
maintenance, and better performance (e.g. saved
70 kW of heat loss) - Taken from Natural Capitalism by P. Hawken, A.
H. Lovins
21Buildingsthinking out of the boxThe
International Netherlands Group (ING) Bank
- 540,000 ft2
- Strong Vision a Multidisciplinary Team
- 3 Year Process Everyone Had to Understand
Everything - Added Capital 700k
- Annual Energy Savings of 2.9 mil (1996) / 1/10th
- 15 reduction in absenteeism
Taken from Natural Capitalism by P. Hawken, A.
H. Lovins
22TransportationThinking out of the box
- Whole-system design
- ultra light low-drag hybrid-electric efficient
accessories - 3 to 5 x better fuel economy
- equal or better performance, safety,
Taken from Natural Capitalism by P. Hawken, A.
H. Lovins
23thinking out of the boxMaunsell Aberfeldy
Golf Club Footbridge Bridge
- Major span 63 m
- 1st major advanced composite footbridge
- Maunsell worked with Dundee Univ. engineering
students who provided the bridge erection team. - Assembled in 10 weeks, no craneage, minimal
foundations, 20 yr maintenance schedule
24thinking out of the boxClean Development
Mechanism (CDM)
- Market-based mechanism
- Assist Annex 1 countries to comply with their
reduction targets under Kyoto - Increase rate of return, financial attractiveness
- Reduce risk and enhance markets
- Sustainable Development
- Build developing country capacity
- Transfer state-of-the-art technologies
- Environmental and health co-benefits
25Attributes to THRIVE survive
- Breadth of Understanding
- Strong technical skills
- Business Savvy but its not just about old
style economics - Interpersonal Communication Skills
- Ability to Think Out of the Box (and assess
different perspectives) - Work within a Fear of Change
- Be Adaptable
26Thinking Out of the Box
27thinking out of the box
- Innovation is not always about having a new
idea, more often its about stopping having an
old idea."
28The Delphi Group
- For More Information Contact
- Mike Gerbis, P.Eng.
- President, The Delphi Group
- 428 Gilmour St.
- Ottawa, Ontario K2P 0R8
- Tel (613) 562-2005 Fax (613) 562-2008
- email mgerbis_at_delphi.ca
- Website www.delphi.ca