Title: Development Through the Lifespan 2nd edition Laura E' Berk
1Development Through the Lifespan 2nd edition
Laura E. Berk
Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle
PowerPoint Presentations Produced by
Joe Rizzo - Professor of Behavioral Sciences Rick
Lizotte - Curriculum Developer Felix Rizvanov -
Instructional Designer
Northern Essex Community College
2Chapter 9Physical and Cognitive Development in
Middle Childhood
- Development Through the Lifespan 2nd edition Berk
Figure 9.1
- Add 2 to 3 inches in height and 5 pounds each
year - Girls slightly shorter and lighter than boys at
ages 6 to 8 by age 9 this trend is reversed. - Girls have more body fat and boys more muscle.
- After 8, girls accumulate fat at a faster rate.
- Bones lengthen and broaden ligaments not firmly
attached - From 6 to 12, primary teeth are replaced with
- Poverty is a predictor of ill health.
- Myopia (nearsightedness) common
- Prolonged malnutrition retards physical growth
and intelligence. - Poor coordination
- Inattention and distractibility
- Obesity
- Greater than 20 percent increase over average
body weight - 25 percent of American children suffer from
obesity. - Obese children are at risk for health problems.
7Causes of Obesity
- Overweight parents
- Identical twins more likely than fraternal twins
- Low-SES more likely to be overweight
- Parents use food as a reward and to relieve
anxiety. - More cued to external stimuli
- Less active
- TV time correlated with obesity
8Psychological Consequences of Obesity
- Less accepted
- Low self-esteem, depressed, and more behavior
problems - Difficult to treat as it is a family disorder.
- Effective interventions are family based and
focus on changing behaviors.
9Bedwetting Nocturnal enuresis
- Failure of muscular responses that inhibit
urination - Hormonal imbalance permits urine to accumulate.
- Treated by urine alarm
- Wakes the child at sign of dampness
- Conditioning principles
- Higher rate of illness in first 2 years of
elementary school - Immune system is still developing.
- Asthma
- Most frequent cause of absence and
hospitalization - Increased by 40 over the last decade.
- Greatest risk for
- Boys
- African Americans
- Those with low birth weight
- Those with parents who smoke
- Poor
11Unintentional Injuries
- Increase over middle childhood into adolescence
- Higher rate for boys
- Mostly auto and bicycle collisions
- Risk takers parents
- Do not act safely
- Use punitive or inconsistent discipline
- School-based safety programs help.
Figure 9.3
- Gross Motor Development
- Motor skills improve in flexibility, balance,
agility, and force. - Improvement in reaction time
13Fine Motor Development
- Improves steadily
- Girls ahead in fine motor-balance and agility
- Boys outperform girls on other gross motor tasks.
- Environment plays a large role in motor
14Fine Motor Development (cont.)
- Gains in writing and drawing
Figure 9.4
15Organized Games With Rules
- Gains in perspective allow understanding of
several players. - Organized games help concepts of fairness.
- Adult-structured athletics may impede development.
16Physical Education
- Regularly scheduled exercise and play
- Average is only 20 minutes a week.
- National children and youth fitness study
- 2/3 of 10- to 12-year-old boys
- 1/2 of 10- to 12-year-old girls meet fitness
standards - Informal games and individual exercise most
likely to last into later years.
- 7 to 11 years
- Thought is more logical, flexible, and organized.
- Conservation
- Clear evidence of operations
- Mental actions that obey logical rules
- Decentration
- Focus on several aspects of a problem at once
- Reversibility
- Mentally go through steps in a problem and then
return to the starting point
- Hierarchical classification
- Group objects into hierarchies
- Collections common
- Seriation
- Order items by dimension
- Transitive inference
- Ability to perform seriation mentally
- Spatial Reasoning
- More accurate understanding of space
- 7 and 8, perform mental rotations
- Identify left and right for positions they do
not occupy - 8 to 10, give clear directions using "mental
22Limitations of Concrete Operational Thought
- Think logically only when dealing with concrete
information - Horizontal décalage
- Gradual development occurs within stage
- Conservation of number, length, mass, and liquid
grasped in this order
23Research on Concrete Operational Thought
- Cultural and school practices impact mastery.
- To master conservation etc., must take part in
activities that promote thinking. - School promotes mastery of tasks.
- Logic is often socially generated .
24Information-Processing View
- Operational thinking due to gains in processing
capacity - Schemes repeated
- Demand less attention, become automatic more
working memory space results - Coordinate specific skills into logical principle
- Brain development contributes to two changes in
processing. - Increase in information-processing capacity
- Gains in cognitive inhibition
- Ability to resist interference
- Attention more selective, adaptable, and planned
- Flexibly adjust attention
- Scan details for similarities and differences
more thoroughly - Make decisions in an orderly fashion
- Learning and behavior problems can be ADHD.
27Memory Strategies
- Deliberate mental activities to store and retain
information - Rehearsal
- Repeating information over and over again
- Organization
- Grouping together related items
- Elaboration
- Creating a relation between two or more items
- Organization and elaboration combine into
meaningful chunks.
28Knowledge Base and Memory Performance
- Increasingly elaborate, hierarchically structured
networks - Knowledge makes new information more meaningful
and familiar.
29Culture and Memory Strategies
- Non-Western cultures with no formal schooling do
not use memory strategies. - Western children use memory strategies.
- Do not refine other techniques
- Memory strategies are a product of demands and
30School-Age Child's Theory of Mind
- School-age children have an improved ability to
reflect. - Older children know doing well depends on focus.
- Studying least-known for later recall
- Take account of interactions among variables
31Cognitive Self-regulation
- Continuously monitoring progress toward goal
- Not well developed until adolescence predicts
academic success - Providing instructions to monitor progress has
impact. - Self-regulatory skills develop confidence.
32Application to Academic Learning
- Reading
- Whole-language approach
- Parallels children's natural language
- Basic-skills approach
- Phonics
- Rules for translating written symbols into
sounds. - Neither approach is proven superior some believe
a mixture is best.
33 Application to Academic Learning(cont.)
- Mathematics
- Understand multiplication as repeated addition
- School may not make use of children's grasp of
number concepts. - Blend of drill and conceptual understanding works
- By 6, IQ becomes more stable and correlates with
academic achievement. - Intelligence tests provide score (IQ),
representing general intelligence. - Intelligence is many capacities, not all on
tests. - Factor analysis determines sets of items that
35Intelligence Tests
- Group administered tests
- Large numbers tested at once
- Individually administered tests
- Demand considerable training to administer
36Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale
- For individuals between 2 years and adulthood
- Verbal and quantitative factors
- Culturally loaded
- Fact-oriented
- Spatial reasoning factor
- Tests ability to see complex relationships and is
less culture biased
37Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-III
- WISC-III for 6- through 16-year-olds
- Assesses general intelligence
- Verbal and performance
- Non-English-speaking and children with speech
disorders can demonstrate intellectual strengths.
38Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-III
Figure 9.6
39Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-III
Figure 9.6
- Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence
- Three interacting subtheories
- Componential subtheory
- Information-processing skills that underlie
intelligence - Experiential subtheory
- Processing skill
- Contextual subtheory
- Adapting information-processing skills
Figure 9.7
41Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences
- Eight independent intelligences
- Emphasizes education required to transform raw
potential - Helpful to understand children's special talents
Table 9.1
42Explaining Individual and Group Differences in IQ
- American black children on average score 15
points below American white average. - 9 point gap between middle-SES and low-SES
- Nature versus Nurture?
- Identical twins have more similar IQs than
fraternal twins. - About half the differences among children in IQ
can be traced to their genetic makeup. - Research indicates poverty depresses
43Cultural Influences
- Language Customs
- Subcultures often foster language skills that do
not fit the expectations of testing. - Familiarity with Test Content
44Reducing Cultural Bias in Intelligence Tests
- IQ scores can underestimate intelligence of
children of other cultures. - Dynamic testing
- Introducing teaching into testing situation
minorities do better. - Intelligence tests are useful if interpreted in
culturally-sensitive ways.
- Vocabulary
- Recognition vocabulary reaches about 40,000 words
by the end of school years. - Grasp double meanings of some words,
understanding of metaphors and puns
- Passive voice expands during middle childhood.
- Infinitive phrases are understood.
- Grammatical distinctions improved by gains in
analysis - Improvements in pragmatics
47Learning Two Languages
- 6 million American children speak another
language at home. - Bilinguals do better on tests of
- Selective attention
- Analytical reasoning
- Concept formation
- Cognitive flexibility
- Ability to reflect on language
48Bilingual Education
- Critics claim time spent communicating in native
language detracts from English. - Bilingual education
- Develops native language while fostering English
- Prevents semilingualism
- Inadequate proficiency in both languages
- Class size influences learning.
- Educational philosophies
- Traditional versus Open Classrooms
- Vygotsky
- Social origins of higher cognitive processes
- Inspire new educational themes
50Children with Special Needs
- Mainstreaming
- Integrating pupils with learning difficulties
into classrooms for part or all of the school day - Resource room
- Special attention part of day
- Mildly mentally retarded
- IQ 55 70 problems with adaptive behavior
- Learning disabilities
- Learning disorders despite average or higher IQ
- Achievement differences for mainstreamed and
those in self-contained classrooms is not great.
51Gifted Children
Figure 9.8
- Exceptional intellectual strengths
- Divergent thinking
- Creativity
- Convergent thinking
- Correct answer to a problem
- Giftedness includes specialized talents.
52Educating the Gifted
- Foster creativity and talent
- Multiple intelligence theory inspired model
programs for all students.
53How Well Educated Are America's Children?
- American children fare poorly when compared other
industrialized nations. - Families, schools, and society must work to
upgrade American education.