Title: Tectonic Geomorphology
1Tectonic Geomorphology
- Introduction to the San Andreas Fault System
- Simple model for earthquake cycle elementary
dislocation theory
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4Areas of contrasting behavior along the San
Andreas Fault (from Allen, 1968)
Carrizo Plain
5Long and short term deformation along the San
Andreas Fault
- Examples of issues of spatial and temporal scale
of interest. Also indicates rate of deformation.
61906 M7.8 San Francisco EarthquakeBeginning of
modern earthquake science
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81906 earthquake surface rupture. 8 fence offset
above http//mnw.eas.slu.edu/Earthquake_Center/19
06EQ/1906thumb.html And http//quake.wr.usgs.gov/i
9Reids elastic rebound hypothesis
Edge dislocation
Screw dislocation
Dislocation simple idealization of displacement
discontinuity in continuous body
11Idealization of brittle crust with embedded
strike slip fault (Thatcher, 1990)
12Strike-slip parallel displacements from simple
screw dislocation model (Thatcher, 1990)
131906 coseismic displacements
14Best fit depth 7000 m
15Buried screw dislocation to interpret steady
interseismic motion along central SAF From swath
of SCEC crustal motion model (derived from
geodetic measurements of benchmark motionGPS
older trilateration, etc.). Compare rate with
Wallace Creek 3700 yr slip rate.
16Young, et al., 2001
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