Title: Kinematics
Kinematics - the study of relative motion
- Mechanism - a mechanical device that transfers or
transforms motion or energy from an input source
to an output - Examples
- Linkages
- Gears
- Cams
3Kinematic Diagrams
Kinematic skeleton diagrams are used to easily
describe mechanism geometry.
4Kinematics Roadmap
5Four-bar Linkage
Four-bar Linkage - simplest close-loop mechanism
has four links and four joints.
6Slider-Crank Linkage
Slider-Crank Linkage - when a link of a four-bar
mechanism is replaced with a slider.
- Examples
- Piston, connecting rod, and crank shaft
- Can crusher
7Linkage Synthesis
- Analysis - analysis is determining motion of a
mechanism with known geometry - Synthesis - determining linkage geometry to
perform a specified task
8Relative Motion
- Relative motion - motion of one point with
respect to another point. - Absolute motion - motion of a point with respect
to ground (the fixed link) - Reference frames
- Examples
- You
- Coupler curves
9Types of Motion
- Pure Rotation one point is fixed with respect to
the reference frame - Pure Translation all points on a body have
parallel paths - Complex Motion both rotation translation
10Degrees of Freedom
- Degrees of Freedom (DOF) - the number of
independent inputs required to define the
position of all links of a mechanism
11Link Types
12Joint Types
13Kinematic Pairs
- Lower Pairs - joints that allow one degree of
freedom of relative motion. Pin (revolute)
joints, sliders (prismatic joints), and screws
are examples.
- Higher Pairs - allow two degrees of freedom of
relative motion between mating links. Cams are
14Degrees of Freedom Cont.
15Grueblers Equation
F 3(n-1) - 2f1 - f2
Where n number of links f1 number of lower
pairs f2 number of higher pairs
16Degrees of Freedom Examples
n f1 f2 F
n f1 f2 F
17Equivalent Mechanisms
n f1 f2 F
n f1 f2 F
18Degrees of Freedom Cont.
Different values of DOF mean different things. F
0 Structure F lt 0 Statically indeterminate
structure F ? 1 Mobility is allowed
n f1 F
- Grueblers equation has some exceptions to watch
for. These usually involve special geometry or
redundant constraints.
20Six-bar Chains
Watt chain - the ternary links are connected
Stephenson chain - the ternary links are
separated by binary links
21Linkage Transformation
Transformation of a crank-rocker to a slider-crank
22Mechanism Inversions
Mechanism inversions are produced by making
another link the fixed link.
23Grashofs Law
- Grashofs Law - for at least one link to have
full rotation
Where s - the length of the shortest link l -
the length of the longest link p and q - the
lengths of the other links
25Change-point Mechanisms
- If s l p q, the mechanism has a change
point where all links are colinear. The mechanism
may go into another configuration at the change