Title: Introduction to Statistics
1Introduction to Statistics
- Data
- Statistics
- Population
- Census
- Sample
2Types of Data
- Parameter vs. Statistic
- Quantitative vs. Qualitative
- Discrete vs. Continuous
- Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, and Ratio
3Figure 1-1
4Double the length, width, and height of a cube,
and the volume increases by a factor of eight
Figure 1-2
597 yes Should the President have the line
item veto to eliminate waste? 57 yes Should
the President have the line item veto, or not?
6Would you say that traffic contributes more or
less to air pollution than industry? 45 blamed
traffic, 27 blamed industry
Would you say that industry contributes more or
less to air pollution than traffic? 24 blamed
traffic, 57 blamed industry
7 - Refusals
- Percentages
- Correlation and Causality
- Self-Interest
- Over-Precise Numbers
- P 17 1. A study showed that truck drivers weigh
more than adults who do not drive trucks.
Conclusion Trucks cause people to gain weight. - P 17 6. After the last national census was
conducted, the Poughkeepsie Journal ran this
front-page headline 281,421,906 in America.
- P 17 8 In an ABC Nightline poll, 186,000
viewers each paid 50 cents to call a 900
telephone number with their opinion about keeping
the United Nations in the United States. The
results showed that 67 of those who called were
in favor of moving the United Nations out of the
United States. Interpret the results by
identifying what we can conclude about the way
the general population feels about keeping the
United Nations in the United States.
- P 18 11 The Hawaii State Senate held hearings
when it was considering a law requiring that
motorcyclists wear helmets. Some motorcyclists
testified that they had been in crashes in which
helmets would not have been helpful. Which
important group was unable to testify? - P 18 12 The author received a survey from the
investment firm Merrill Lynch. It was designed
to gauge his satisfaction as a client, and it had
specific questions rating the authors personal
Financial Consultant. The cover letter included
this statement Your responses are extremely
valuable to your Financial ConsultantWe will
share your name and response with your Financial
Consultant. What is wrong with this survey?
- P 19 25 Write a survey question that addresses
a topic of your interest. First word the
question objectively, then word it to encourage
responses in one direction, then reword it a
third time to sway responses in the opposite
direction. - You may work with each other, but make sure that
you indicate who you worked with.