Title: Gastroscope
Advisor Dr. Ata Akin Design Team Casey
Gavinski Kenneth Hoyt Ashish Patel Kalpesh Trivedi
2Problem Background
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Gastroparesis
- Techniques for Diagnosis
- Invasive
- Non-invasive
3Methods of Diagnosis
- Nuclear Medicine Test
- Patient consumes small amount of radioactive
material - Scanner monitors amount of radioactivity in
stomach - Upper Gastrointestinal (GI) Endoscopy Test
- Camera inserted into digestive tract
- Visually examines stomach
- Intraluminal Manometry
- Baloon inserted into stomach
- Measures pressure generated by stomach
contractions - Electrogastrography (EGG)
- Measurement of Gastric Myoelectrical Potential
Signals - Electrodes placed on abdominal surface
- Testing performed during states of Fasting and
Postprandial - Correlation between EGG signals
- and gastric motility
Non-Invasive !!
5EGG Signal
- Gastric Myoelectrical Signals (500µV)
6EGG Signal
- Primary Frequency Component
- 3 cpm (0.05 Hz)
7Existing EGG Systems
- Signal Measurement Bandwidth
- 1-18 cpm (0.02-0.3 Hz)
- Primary Frequency
- Stand Alone
- Mobility Limited
- Portable
- No Graphical Display
- Not Stand Alone
- Portable
- Stand Alone System
- Graphical Display
- Increased Bandwidth
9EGG Signal
- Secondary Frequency Component
- 50 80 cpm (0.8 1.3 Hz)
10Why the 50 to 80 cpm ?
- 3cpm range requires monitoring throughout fasting
and postprandial states. (Differential
Comparisons) - 50 to 80 cpm range provides consistent results
with a short time reading. - 50 to 80 cpm range closely correlated to
Intraluminal Manometry Test in dogs. (Diagnostic
Charts Available) - Create look-up charts for faster more accurate
11Gastroscope System Architecture
12Analog Signal Processing
- DC Amplifier
- Instrumentation Amplifier
- Gain gt 10,000
- Low Noise
- Filter
- Low Pass
- Flat Response
- Sharp Roll-off
13Amplifier Schematic
14Printed Circuit Board (PCB)
15Amplifier Response
- Amplifier and filter response to an input of 100
µv at 1 Hz
16Amplifier Response (Contd)
- Amplifier and filter response to an input of 100
µv at 15 Hz
17Amplifier Response (Contd)
- Amplifier and filter response to an input of 1 mv
at 1 Hz
18Amplifier Response (Contd)
- Amplifier and filter response to an input of 1 mv
at 15 Hz
19DSP Flow Chart
20Matlab Simulation
21Matlab Simulation (Contd)
22Alternative System Design
- Laptop Based Design
- Near Real Time Data Analysis
- LabVIEW Software
- Data Storage in Spreadsheet Format
- GUI Interface
- Portable
- Research Applications
- IRB Approved
23Future Work
- Integrated System
- DSP Based Architecture
- Properly Configured ADC
- Touchscreen Display (LCD)
24Senior Design Expenditures
254 Year Financial Estimation
Note Production at 600 per unit is assumed as
follows Year 1 20 units Year 2 30
units Year 3 40 units Year 4 50 units
26Summary of System Design
Freq Mag
National Instruments DAQ AI 16E