Title: Florida Department of Transportation Communications Champions Present
1Florida Department of TransportationCommunication
s ChampionsPresent
2- Statewide Communications Champions define
Communication as - Effective communication is the delivery,
reception and understanding of an intended
message. Effective communication must be clear,
concise, consistent, and timely. - 2. It is essential to get feedback verifying the
message was received and understood as intended.
3- Three Action Plans were adopted by the Executive
Board, Nov. 2003 - Customizing your Communication Techniques to your
audience - Employee Involvement in Decision Making
- Providing Periodic Open Communication Forums with
4Customize Your Communication Techniques to your
- Objective Educate employees to identify and be
sensitive to barriers to communication with
various individual and audience - 1. Develop a checklist of recommended
communication techniques. - 2. Develop and implement a process for
distributing the checklist - 3. Develop a feedback process for determining
implementation effectiveness (solicit best
practices, survey, etc.).
5- 4. Develop and implement an awareness campaign
about barriers to communication. - 5. Distribution of checklist
6Improve Communications by Employee Involvement in
Decision Making
- 1. Managers and Supervisors seek input from staff
on the decision making process - Job empowerment for completion of tasks by the
appropriate staff - Open forum to discuss issues, ideas and concerns
- More face to face interaction
- Openly seek suggestions for improving efficiency
- Feedback to employees on outcome of decisions
7Improve Communications by Employee Involvement in
Decision Making (continued)
- 2. At staff and/or unit meetings,
- add idea sharing agenda items including
- a. Staff explores ways to improve work processes
- b. Opportunities to recognize individual and
team efforts
8Improve Communications by Employee Involvement in
Decision Making (Continued)
- Celebrate Successes
- Recommendations for improvement or solutions to
problems - e. Invitations for staff to attend Statewide
Teleconferences - f. Recognition of new hires, promotions, people
leaving, etc. (timing is important)
9Improve Communications by Employee Involvement in
Decision Making (Continued)
- 3. Unit Managers/Supervisors with their employees
develop surveys and action plans - a. Determine which categories the unit is going
to focus on over next year - b. Identify tasks necessary to achieve
improvement - c. Set goal for improvement
- d. Identify and present Best Practices for areas
above 2.0
10Improve Communications by Employee Involvement in
Decision Making (Continued)
- Identify training and development needs for unit
and individual staff - December 2003 develop 2004 training plan for
unit - All employees complete process mapping training
by December 2004 - Immediate supervisors meet with employees to
develop ITPs - Managers and Supervisors identify any necessary
changes during mid-cycle evaluations
11Improve Communications by Employee Involvement in
Decision Making (Continued)
- Implement Employee Suggestion (s) Team
- Develop program guidelines (Central, Turnpike,
District) - Implement program
- Follow up
- Document and respond to suggestions
- Publicize actions taken
12Provide Periodic Open Communication Forums with
- Leadership meetings (District/Central once a
month for all employees - Provide an agenda and minutes (3 days)
- Share and clarify information
- Recognize achievements
- List employee suggestions/provide feedback
13Provide Periodic Open Communication forums with
Employees (continued)
- 2. Encourage regular meetings
- Division Meetings Quarterly recommended. Allow
a portion for Q A. Openly address rumors and be
honest in giving information. Discuss topics of
interest to employees. - Field Office Visits at least twice a year by
appropriate Directors and District Secretary.
Visits should be informal and should dwell on
issues important to the employees. - Every supervisor and/or manager should meet twice
monthly with their direct reports to share
14Provide Periodic Open Communication forums with
Employees (continued)
- 3. Communication Champions
- communicating,
- helping with implementation,
- and reporting results.
15Comments Questions Concerns