Title: Proposal Preparation, Processing and Review
1Proposal Preparation, Processing and Review
2 Contact Information
- Judy Harris Division of Sponsored Research,
Proposal Processing - 392-9267 jaharris_at_ufl.edu
3 Learning Outcomes
- Participants will be prepared to assist faculty
in completing the proposal package, be
knowledgeable in reading and interpreting
guidelines, and will be cognizant of the
university's processing requirements. They will
be able to use the web to access current
information regarding changes in preparation and
submission processes.
- Division of Sponsored Research
- College Level
- Full Service
- Office of Engineering Research
- IFAS Office of Sponsored Programs
- Standard College Service
- Departments
5 Role of Research
- Estimated over 100,000 research
administrators/sponsored programs personnel in
the US - Fastest growing sector is Departmental
Administration - Professional Development NCURA Teleconference
Series NCURA Region III SRA Southern Section
6In competitive times, quality applications and
great ideas are essential for fundingSponsors
are funding projects which evidence significant
potential for success. They are also very
reluctant to continue to fund individuals or
organizations who do not conduct projects in
accordance with their stated rules or to meet
their expectations of a successful project.
7 What is a Proposal?
- A proposal is a document that describes
(according to the sponsors specified format and
requirements) what will be done, who will do it,
how much it will cost, and other details - Proposal formats vary. Some may be very short,
others may provide significant documentation and
back-up data. The sponsor dictates the format
and required content - The purpose of the proposal is to persuade the
sponsor that the applicant has the knowledge, the
capacity/resources, the skill, and the qualified
personnel to accomplish the work proposed.
Sponsors also use proposals to justify why and
how they have made awards.
8 How are Proposals Reviewed
- Proposals are reviewed in a variety of different
ways most federal agencies use the peer review
process experts from backgrounds similar to the
applicants evaluate proposals based on a set
criteria - Proposals may also be reviewed by the sponsors
own personnel, and judgment may be made based on
personal interviews or knowledge of the
applicants strengths. Certain foundation and
corporate grants may be reviewed in this manner - At times the review process may not be used at
all. Procurements issued to a specific entity
may be used based on prior work done by the
applicant or by the need for a quick turn-around.
Usually the sponsor is required to have back-up
for their decision to use this type of sole
source awarding. Some sponsors issue a master
agreement, order agreement or open contract to
create a long-term relationship with an
organization to facilitate procurement for
specific tasks
- Federal, State, local government, industry
- or commercial?
- Foundation or Association
- Local or international
- What are they interested in?
- Who have they funded in the past?
- What are their funding guidelines?
10Federal Sponsors
- Federal
- Must be responsive to legislative mandate
- Must be accountable to Congress for outcome and
performance - Must fund projects of global, national or
specific program significance - Must review in accordance
- with their stated criteria (impartial
review process) - Some RFPs may request non-research services
usually in specific locations, deliverables of a
specific nature. i.e., cleaning services on a
Awards are usually in the form of grants, with a
grant notice serving as the award some Defense
agencies utilize contracts as award mechanisms
11State Sponsors
- State
- Must fund projects with utility for the state
- May identify areas of need and request projects
to meet specific needs - May target specific geographic areas
- Competition is usually only from in-state
organizations - Will fund projects that match their state
mandates (e.g., Department of Agricultural and
Consumer Services, Department of Transportation,
SCOPE OF WORK - State funds are usually awarded through contracts
12Private Foundations
- Private Foundations
- Different types of foundations corporate
affiliated, family, etc. - Must make awards according to their IRS
determination - Review process is often very fluid personal
contact is important - Unless they are national in scope, tend to fund
in their own backyard - Generally will use grants with flexible budget as
mechanism of award - Guidelines are sometimes available, but smaller
foundations may not have web sites, etc.
13Getting Started in Research at the University of
Basic Information
- Community of Science Funding Opportunity Database
- Grants Database (Courtesy of HSC Library)
- Grants Net (Training-Biological Medical
- NIH Guide to Grants Contracts
- NSF Guide to Programs
- Federal Register CBD
15 For More Information..
- Check out Carole Oglesbys sessions on Finding
Funding - Researcher Resources Grant Funding Info, Agency
Updates, Internal Funding Opportunities
16 Types of Calls for Proposals
- Program announcements
- Whitepapers
- Letter of Intent
- Pre-proposals
17 Types of Submissions
- New, Revised, Continuation, Renewal, Supplemental
- Internal
- Multiple Submissions to Different Sponsors
- Multiple Submissions with Partial Budgets
- Not Received in Time for Review
- Electronic (more)
- A Quick Review of Guidelines
- Required Elements
- Format Page Restrictions, appendices, of
Copies - Budget Allowable Costs, IDC, Cost-sharing
- Award Language (May need exceptions)
- When and How - Deadlines
- Forms
- Other?
19 Packaging and Submission
- The proposal format
- Appendices
- Binding
- Cover letters
- Deadline Receipt/Proof of Postage
20 University of Florida
Submission Guidance
- The next few slides will cover
- Who is eligible to submit?
- What forms must be used to approve a submission?
- Who has to sign the proposal?
- What special conditions do I need to know about?
- http//rgp.ufl.edu/research/handbook/researcher_ha
21 Who May Submit a Proposal?
- The award is made to the University, not to the
individual - The University is responsible for the appropriate
management of the funds - The Principal Investigator (PI) is responsible
for the successful conduct of the project - http//rgp.ufl.edu/research/handbook/researcher_ha
ndbook/section2.html - Exceptions Must be approved in writing.written
request for approval of the ineligible individual
to serve as Co-PI. Must include statement from
eligible applicant which states he/she is willing
to serve as Co-PI and willing to take
responsibility for the project, should it be
funded. Letter should be sent in advance of
routing the proposal for review.
22 What Forms Are Used?
- DSR1 Provides the University with a means of
documenting approval and commitment - Cost-sharing Provides documentation of the
Universitys commitment to provide funds/time to
the project - Financial Conflict of Interest Identifies
potential conflict between the PI and the work
he/she is proposing to do (Required for NSF, PHS,
and American Heart proposals)
23 Who Has to Sign the
- Single Authorizing Official!!!!!
- No application should be submitted without
processing through DSR - The Principal Investigator (PI) responsible for
the project - Any Co-PIs who are contributing effort to the
project - Supervisors (unit head) of all participating
faculty (if they are contributing or being
compensated for effort to the project) - Deans of all above
- Appropriate Vice President
24 Other Signatures?
- Centers Center Director if Center
faculty/facilities are involved - Intercollegiate Signatures of all applicable
individuals from previous slide (may be possible
to start DSR1 pages in separate colleges) - Third Party/Collaborators Letter documenting
their contribution and participation - Subcontractors Should have appropriate form
signed by authorizing official, plus scope of
work and separate budget
25 What Special Conditions Do I need to
Know About?
- Animal Care IACUC Some sponsors require review
before submission others before award can be
made review guidelines - Research with Human Subjects IRB - Some sponsors
require review before submission others before
award can be made review guidelines - Recombinant DNA
- Intellectual Property Checklist to determine if
there is a potential product that will be
developed out of the funded project - Biohazards
- Required special approvals http//rgp.ufl.edu/res
26 Examining the Budget
- Critical Items Salary and Fringe Benefits,
Possible CAS issues, Tuition, IDC, Allowable
Costs - Calculations
- Cost-Sharing
- Budget Narrative
- The Proposal in Review
- Compare all forms for consistency
- Be aware that there are certain unallowable
charges to federal projects, including
flow-through awards - Basically, administrative and clerical support,
office supplies, postage and telephones, etc.
- Be aware that there are three types of
cost-sharing - Mandatory the sponsor requires the applicant to
cover a portion of the total project costs - Voluntary Committed the sponsor doesnt require
cost-sharing but the University offers it at the
time the proposal is submitted - Voluntary Uncommitted after the award is
received, - the University/PI provides more cost-sharing
than is - promised or required
- Proposals and/or other applications containing
cost-sharing must be accompanied by a
cost-sharing form
29 Contracts and Subcontracts
- How subcontracts are handled
30 What DSR/COE/IFAS Look for in
Their Review and How Do I Know Where My Proposal
is in the Process?
- Checklists
- On-Line Information
- Division of Sponsored Research Search Proposals
Administration Mail Log
31 Review and Submission
- Requirements
- Timeframe
- Services
- Services
- Buck Slips
- Engineering
- Services
32 ERA (and all that jazz!)
- Fast lane
- Grants.gov
- NIH Commons
- Others American Heart, NASA, etc.
33 Post-Submission Follow-Up
- What Sponsors May Need From You
- Further budget detail
- Explanation of Fringe/IDC
- Additional Forms
- Revised Budget
- Revised Scope
- Additional Signatures
- Proof of collaboration
- What Can You Send to a Sponsor
- Abstract of published work
- Additional Support Letters
- Always ASK
34 For Further Information
- http//rgp.ufl.edu/research/training/
- Budget Development
- Proposal Writing
- Finding Funding
- NCURA Series
35 In summary.
- Reading and Interpreting Guidelines
- Sample guidelines
- Web sites for additional program information
- Completing the Proposal Package
- Instructions and forms
- Submission guidance
- University Processing Requirements
- Eligibility, forms required, who signs, special
items to include - Web sites for University processes
- Researchers manual, check lists, updates
36Good Luck!