Title: PS 241, Week 1:
1PS 241, Week 1
- Understanding Underdevelopment (continued)
- Follow-up 1 feedback
- Follow-up 2 HDI
- Participation of women GEM
- An interesting pattern
- Sachs piece
- (begin Modernization Dependency)
- Notes in advance
- Movies
- Highlight important parts/topics provide
guidance - Study guide (exams)
- Discussion
- Topics left out (nation-building)
4Human Development Index (Wikipedia)
- HDI measures the average achievements in a
country in three basic dimensions of human
development - (1) A long and healthy life, as measured by life
expectancy at birth - (2) Knowledge, as measured by the adult literacy
rate (with two-thirds weight) and the combined
primary, secondary, and tertiary gross enrollment
ratio (with one-third weight) - (3) A decent standard of living, as measured by
gross domestic product (GDP) per capita at
purchasing power parity (PPP) in USD.
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6Additional info
- Wikipedia, Human Development Index
- Human Development Reports of the United Nations
Development Programme - (Cuban mystery)
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8Women and participation
- In many ways, men have been the agents and the
beneficiaries of modernization, and women its
victims. - Significant exceptions (Indira Gandhi Isabel
PerĂ³n Benazir Bhutto) - But these women are hardly representative
- - Widows or daughters of national heroes
- - Privileged background (family ties, elite
social status)
9GEM (Gender Empowerment Measure)
- A composite index measuring gender inequality in
three basic dimensions of empowerment - economic
participation and decision-making, political
participation and decision-making and power over
economic resources - women in legislature
- female senior officials and managers
- female professional and technical workers
- ratio of female/male earned income
10Economic development, democracy, and
participation of women
11Sachs, The Development Challenge
- What is Sachs main point?
- US assistance for the worlds poorest countries
is utterly inadequate (p. 3) - Is Sachs argument persuasive? Why (or why not)?
- How do we evaluate his argument?
12A pragmatic argument for
- Make promises only if you intend to keep them
- Support for structural reforms should be a basic
objective, not a side effect - Prevention is cheaper than treatment
- Development aid as important as military
spending for national security - An opportunity for US to reassert its moral and
political authority as a world leader
13Do we see a pattern?
- Five countries - Denmark, Luxembourg, The
Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden have already met
the goal (Sachs, p. 8)
14Human Development and the participation of women
15Apparently, there is a pattern
- The countries that have fulfilled their
obligations under the Monterrey Consensus - Are also the countries with the highest HDI and
GEM rankings - Finally, their peoples have the most
post-modern values
16Ronald Ingleharts Theory of Modernization
- A revised version of modernization
- Economic development, cultural change, and
political change are linked in coherent and even,
to some extent, predictable patterns - The process of economic development leads to two
successive trajectories, Modernization and
Postmodernization - Social change is not linear advanced industrial
societies have reached an inflection point and
begun moving on a new trajectory
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- Looking at survey data to map societies on a
two-dimensional conceptual map - (i) Traditional values vs. secular-rational
values - (ii) Survival vs. self-expression values
- (Use of factor analysis a statistical technique
for identifying patterns in the data)
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22Theories of Underdevelopment
- Modernization vs. Dependency
- Modernization
- Dependency
- Discussion/assessment
24Modernization Theory
- Initially the dominant paradigm
- Origins demise of colonialism
- Post-colonial countries direction?
- Modernization becoming like the West
- How? Two tasks
25First task value change
- Traditional values
- Modern values
- (universalistic standards)
26Agents of value change
27Second task institutional change
- Modern political institutions
- Modern economic institutions
28Examplemodern bureaucracy
- Professionalization training
- Merit-based
- Decision-making uniform consistent standards
29Modernization value change institutional
30Critique Conflict Theory
- Modernization theory too optimistic?
- Do all good things go together?
- Conservative critique (Huntington)
- Authoritarianism a necessary evil?
- Reconciliation approach
31Cultural Change Reevaluation
- Modified version of modernization
- - traditional/modern contrast?
- - appeal of modern (Western) values?
- - reevaluation of traditional values
32Dependency Theory
- Challenged modernizations most fundamental
assumptions - Timing is important!
- Western influence?
- Modernization Western influence is beneficial
- Dependency Western influence is harmful
- World system core periphery
- Core advanced capitalist nations
- Periphery developing nations
34DependencyWestern influence
- Unequal core/periphery relationship
- Economic dependency
- Political dependency
35Dependency TheoryCaveats
- Evidence?
- Associated dependent development (F. H. Cardoso)
- Negative social consequences
- Negative political consequences
36A crucial test East Asia
- (East Asia the giraffe of dependency theory)
- Economic growth and even income distribution
- (also democratic, except Singapore)
- According to dependency theorists, East Asia did
all the wrong things
37Current perspective
- No single theory of development
- Neither modernization, nor dependency
- Both useful, both limited
- Focus on more specific issues
38Modernization vs. Dependency
39Modernization vs. Dependency
40Modernization Dependency
41Modernization vs. Dependency
42Modernization vs. Dependency