The basic question of Computer Science - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The basic question of Computer Science


Definition: A step by step procedure written so precisely that there is ... This means we only check out one path, and it is the optimal path. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The basic question of Computer Science

The basic question of Computer Science
  • What is computable?
  • By asking this we're trying to answer the
    question of what computers
  • can and cannot do. What are their strength?
    What are their limits?
  • Shortest Answer
  • a. Have to be able to write an algorithm for the
    problem solution.
  • b. Algorithm cost cannot be too large o(logn),
    O(n), O(n logn), O(nk).

CS Concepts Computational Power
  • Computational power refers to the types of
    problems a computer can solve.
  • It has nothing to do with how fast a computer is
    nor how nice the graphics are.
  • It turns out very simple computers are just as
    powerful than very expensive ones (although
  • So in terms of computational power, all computers
    are equal.
  • This allows generalized solutions - solve a
    problem for one and we solve it for all.
  • Since all computers are equal, we tend to focus
    on types of problems rather than types of
  • Is the problem computable?

Be able to Identify Patterns of Doubling/Halving
  • Consider two math operations taking a number to
    a power, and taking the log of a number.
  • We will focus on the number 2 (binary no

n 2n n log2n
0 1 1 2 2 4 3 8 8 256 9 512 10 1024 1 0 2 1 4 2 8 3 256 8 512 9 1024 10
Example Color Depth
  • How many colors are available if each pixel uses
    n bits?
  • How many bits are required for 256 colors?
  • 8 bits, because log2 256 8
  • Thats one byte coincidence???

Bits Values Colors
1 2 0 1 00 01 10 11 Black White Black Dark Gray Light Gray White
Bits Values Colors
3 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Black Blue Green Yellow Red Purple Orange White
A Computer Model
Processor Model A black box that performs
specific instructions representing discrete
arithmetic and logical operations.
Memory Model Memory is composed of a single row
of storage locations, each referenced by a
numerical address.

Algorithm Basics
  • Definition A step by step procedure written so
    precisely that there is essentially no
    possibility for variation in its performance.
  • Written in pseudo-code
  • Part English, part computer code
  • Generic enough to be easily translated into most
    computer languages.
  • Five parts, each must be detailed
  • A list of inputs and their types
  • A list of other variables and their types
  • Initialization
  • Computation
  • A list of outputs and end conditions
  • If given a simple algorithm be able to discuss it
    and how it operates.

Why Algorithms are Important
  • Algorithms have no mention of a computer.
  • Remember that CS focuses on the computation not
    the machine.
  • Thus, an algorithmic solution to a problem
    means the problem is solved for every computer
  • Well find a fast machine if we have to.
  • Each step in the algorithm was precise
  • Therefore each step can be described and measured
    in terms of cost.
  • This helps us answer the two big questions Can
    it be computed and at what cost?
  • Lastly Algorithms can be abstracted into

4 Properties of Good Algorithms
  • Correctness
  • The algorithm works correctly for all possible
  • Precision
  • The algorithms procedures are specified in such
    a way that the same actions are taken no matter
    who is performing it (Notice what the book says
    about that on p 32)
  • Incremental Operation
  • Each step specified should consist of a single
    logical step.
  • Abstraction
  • Abstraction allows for many incremental steps to
    be logically grouped into single step.

Example Algorithm Problems
  • What inputs are required?
  • If the program written from this algorithm was
    executed with x 12, y 10 as input, what would
    the output be?
  • Pretend the algorithm was turned into a function,
    foo(x, y). If used in a program like below, what
    is the type of "myvar?"
  • myvar foo( 12, 10)

Algorithm foo(x, y) Inputs Integer x
Number y Others Number z Initialization
Assume x, y, given to us. Computation IF ( y gt
x ) THEN z y / 2 ELSE z (x y) /
2 ENDIF Output return z
Definition of Function
Function A function is a black box that takes
input, operates on it, and produces output. A
function is fully defined by three things
input, output, and a description relating the
output to the input.
Example The Add1 function Input - a number,
x. Output - a number, F(x) Operation - F(x) x
Function Composition
  • Function composition when simple functions are
    combined to form more complex functions.
  • Definition of Add2
  • Input A number, X
  • Output A number, F(x)
  • Operation F(x) x 2

Why are Functions Important?
  • Simple functions are the building blocks of all
  • Remember our model of a Processor allows only
    simple operations.
  • Real Processors allow only simple operations.
  • Simple functions are easily described.
  • Iteration One function repeatedly calling
  • Recursion One function repeatedly calling
  • We can build large programs by composing small
  • We can describe large programs by describing the
    functions that make them up and how they are

Functions are Abstract Algorithms
  • Algorithms take in input, operate on it, and
    produce output.
  • Functions take in input, operate on it, and
    produce output.
  • When we speak of functions we focus on WHAT is
    being done.
  • When we speak of algorithms we focus on HOW
    things are done.
  • Algorithms can specify how functions produce
    their results.
  • Many different algorithms may specify a single
  • Functions can be thought of as abstract
  • Many algorithms can map to the same function.

Order Notation
  • ORDER NOTATION allows us to relate computational
    cost to problem size.
  • Most input data can have a size associated with
    it, like the size of a list.
  • Be able to compare relative sizes of different
  • O(k) lt O(log n) lt O(n) lt O(nlogn) lt O(nk) lt O(kn)
    lt O(n!)

Polynomial (tractable)
Exponential Factorial (intractable)
Why Use Order Notation
  • The order (or cost) of a computation tells us
    whether it is computable or not
  • All O(k) and O(n) problems are computable.
  • O(nk) problems are computable ( usually k 1,
    2, or 3)
  • O(kn) are not computable (except for very small
  • Order notation allows us to compare the
    efficiency of different algorithms that have been
    developed to solve the same problems.
  • Order notation allows us to compare the
    efficiency of our algorithms with known costs for
  • You dont want the cost of your algorithm to be
    larger than the known best costs for a problem.
  • You cannot make an algorithm lower than the
    proven best cost.

Program Control Introduction
  • A list of program statements that always execute
    in sequence from top to bottom is called a BASIC
  • Very few interesting programs can be written
    using only basic blocks.
  • Interesting programs have the ability to react to
    different input data.
  • PROGRAM CONTROL statements allow us to change how
    the program behaves based on decisions made about
    the input data.
  • Two basic program control structures are
  • If-Then-Else structures which act like forks in
    the road during program execution. The program
    either takes the True branch or False branch.
  • Do-Loops which allow the same program statements
    to be executed over and over in a looping style.

Program Control If-Then -Else
  • The If-Then-Else structure has three parts
  • A predicate that must evaluate to True or False
  • Something to do when the predicate is True
  • Something to do when the predicate is False
  • (Note Doing nothing counts as something to do)
  • An example in our algorithmic pseudo-code
  • IF ( X gt Y) THEN
  • print(x)
  • ELSE
  • print(y)
  • Notice We needed a way to tell when we were
    done ENDIF.

Program Control Do-Loop
  • Do-Loops in JavaScript
  • Each loop requires three things an initial
    value, a stopping condition, and a way to change
    the looping variable.
  • The format for this is for(initial value stop
    condition increment rule)
  • Example
  • sum 0
  • For ( j 1 j lt 5 j j 1)
  • sum sum arrayj
  • In our example
  • The initial value was set by j 1
  • The stopping condition was j lt 5 (so j would be
    1, 2, 3, and 4)
  • The increment rule increased the value of j by 1
    each tie through the loop ( JavaScript note j
    is shorthand for j j 1)

  • Why use variables? It would be almost impossible
    to try to program by referring to the numerical
  • Too complicated for the human. ( add memory
    location 1 and memory location 8 )
  • Different machines have different memory
  • Three things describe a variable name, type and
    its structure.
  • The act of specifying a new variable is called
    declaring the variable.

Variable Scope
  • Scope refers to the portions of a program that
    may legally reference a given memory location
    referred to by a variable.
  • Global scope indicates the memory location is
    always accessible.
  • Local scope means the memory location is only
    available during certain portions of the program
  • Memory reserved within functions is only
    available while the function is executing.
  • This means that variable names defined within a
    function may only be used while the function is
  • If a single variable name is repeated, the memory
    location being accessed by using the variable
    name is the most local definition.

Data Types and Data Structures
  • When specifying data in a program we need to
    describe its type and its structure.
  • Data's type impose meaning onto data (semantics)
    and data's structure impose organization
    (syntax)onto data.
  • Data Type (definition) A label applied to data
    that tells the computer how to interpret and
    manipulate data.
  • Type tells the computer how much space to reserve
    for variables and how to interpret operations on
  • Data Structure (definition) The way data is
    organized logically.
  • Describes how different pieces of data are

Data Structures - Atomic
Name Atomic
Definition A data structure containing a single value, or data item, of any type.
Std Functions Assign places a value in the atomic structure. Retrieve returns the value currently stored in the structure.
Non-Std Functions None
Notes This is the most basic data structure, from which all others are built. Contains only one data item Can be placed anywhere in memory.
Data Structures - Array
Name Array
Definition A group of data elements stored in contiguous memory.
Std Functions Assign(n) store a value in the nth element. Retrieve(n) retrieves the value stored in the nth element.
Non-Std Functions Length returns number of elements in the array. Sort sorts the elements of the array. Matrix operations, like determinant, transpose, etc.
Notes Typically, all elements of an array are of the same type. Typically, each element in an array can be of any type. Advantage Instant access to any element in the array (ie it is just as easy to retrieve the value of the first element as any other). Disadvantages Hard to change the size of the array. Hard to insert new elements in the middle of the array.
Data Structures - Linked List
Name Linked List
Definition A group of data elements composed of two parts a value part and a link part. The link points to the next data element in the list.
Std Functions Insert(value) inserts a new element into the list. Remove(value) removes an element from the list.
Non-Std Functions None
Notes The variable representing the linked list points to the head of the list. The last element in the list has a value of NULL for its link. Advantages The linked list can change size easily. Elements can be inserted and deleted easily into linked lists. Disadvantage You do not have quick access to members
Data Structures - Stack
Name Stack
Definition A structure in which only the top element is visible.
Std Functions Push(value) pushes the value on the top of the stack. Pop() Removes the top value in a stack. Peek() Returns the value of the top element on the stack.
Non-Std Functions Push(value1, value2, value3..) - pushes multiple values on the stack. Pop(n) Pops n elements off the stack. Peek(n) - Returns the value of the nth element.
Notes Can be though of as a stack of plates or trays. Exhibits LIFO (Last in First Out) behavior. Useful in task scheduling in which one task must be completed before others can begin.
Data Structures - Queue
Name Queue
Definition A list of elements in which elements are added to one end and removed from the other.
Std Functions Enqueue(value) adds the value to one end of the queue. Dequeue() removes a value from the queue.
Non-Std Functions None
Notes Can be thought of as a line of customers, such as at the bank or grocers. Exhibits FIFO (First in First Out) behavior. Useful in task scheduling in which FIFO is important (Example printer queues)
Data Structures - Stacks Queues
Data Structures - Graph
Name Graph
Definition A set of nodes (data elements) connected by edges in an arbitrary manner.
Std Functions None
Non-Std Functions None
Notes The most versatile data structure (linked lists, trees and heaps are special instances of graphs). Standard Problems Graph Coloring Coloring the nodes of a graph such that adjacent nodes do not have the same color. Traveling Salesman Visiting each node in the graph exactly once for the least cost (start and stop at the same node). Maximum Flow Determine the amount of flow through a network.
Data Structures - Tree
Name Tree
Definition A graph with directed edges connecting parent to child such that there is exactly one node with no parents and all other nodes have exactly one parent.
Std Functions None
Non-Std Functions None
Notes The first element in the tree is the root node, which has no parents, and from which all others can be reached. Nodes with no children are "leaf" nodes. If nodes a and b are connected by an edge, then a is a child of b if b is closer to the root than a. a is a parent of b if a is closer to the root than b Useful in making decisions and categorizing data.
Data Structures - Heap
Name Heap
Definition A tree in which a parent node has a value larger than all its children.
Std Functions Heap(a, H) Add new node a to heap H. Unheap(H) Remove the root element from heap H and re-establish the heap.
Non-Std Functions None
Notes Flexible data structure useful for sorting elements as they arrive. This allows sorting on lists whoses size change constantly. Used in priority queues or other situations where maintaining and accessing a maximum element is important.
Data Structures - Graph
Data Structures - Graph
Graph Problems
  • There are literally thousands of graph problems,
    but we will focus on three that are occur very
    commonly and show the diversity of the graph
  • The Traveling Salesman Problem.
  • Graph Coloring Problem.
  • Maximum Flow Problem.
  • Each problem has a decision form and an
    optimization form. The decision form asks "Can
    we do it?" and the optimization form asks "How
    well can we do it?"
  • At least one of these problems is solved by you
    every day without you realizing it (until now).
  • The fact that the nodes and edges can represent
    anything means that the graph structure is very
    versatile and virtually any problem can be mapped
    to a graph problem.

Graph Problems - Traveling Salesman
  • Description Given a graph, G N, E, where
  • N a set of cities.
  • E travel routes between the cities, each having
    a cost associated with it.
  • One special node, s.
  • You must begin at city sand travel to each of the
    other cities exactly once and then return to city
    s. Thus you make a complete cycle of all cities
    in the graph.
  • Decision form of the problem Can a route be
    found where the total cost of the trip is less
    than X? (Answer is yes or no).
  • Optimization form of the problem What is the
    absolute lowest cost?

Graph Problems - Graph Coloring
  • Description Given a graph, G N, E, where
  • N a set of nodes.
  • E edges between the nodes.
  • The object is to color the graph such that no
    nodes connecte by an edge have the same color.
  • Decision form of the problem Can the graph be
    colored with X or less colors? (Answer is yes or
  • Optimization form of the problem What is the
    fewest number of colors required to color the

Graph Problems - Maximum Flow
  • Description Given a graph, G N, E, where
  • N a set of nodes.
  • E edges representing pipes, each assigned a
    given capacity.
  • Two special nodes. Node s is a source node that
    can potentially spit out an infinite amount of
    material. Node f is a sink node that can
    potentially absorb an infinite amount of
  • The object is to determine the maximum amount of
    material that can flow through the network for
    the source to the sink.
  • Decision form of the problem Can X amount of
    material be pushed through the network from the
    source to the sink? (Answer is yes or no).
  • Optimization form of the problem What is the
    maximum amount of material that can flow through
    the material from the source to the sink?

Artificial Intelligence
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the name given to
    encoding intelligent or humanistic behaviors in
    computer software.
  • Problem Nobody has created a widely accepted
    definition of intelligence.
  • At one time was considered a uniquely human
  • Now generally accepted to be an animal quality.
  • Has been linked to tool use, tool creation,
    learning, adaptation to novel situations,
    capacity for abstraction.
  • Problem Nobody has created a widely accepted
    definition of artificial intelligence.
  • Cognitive models attempt to recreate the actual
    processes of the human brain.
  • Behavioral models attempt to produce behavior
    that is reasonable for a situation regardless of
    how the behavior was produced.
  • Tend to focus on reasoning, behavior, learning,

Artificial Intelligence Challenges
  • Format and Size of Knowledge the data
    structures we have discussed so far capture data
    values, but not data meaning. How is knowledge
    represented? How are relationships between
  • Ambiguity Knowledge ultimately represents
    natural phenomena that are inherently ambiguous.
    How do we resolve this?

Proposed AI Systems
  • Rule Based Behavior designed behavior
    specifying sets of conditions and responses.
  • Wealth and complexity of rules limits
  • Case-based and Context-Based Reasoning attempt
    to reduce search space of possible behaviors by
    only considering those associated with certain
    situations or contexts.

Proposed AI Systems
  • Emergent Behavior (Ant Logic) Overall behavior
    resulting from the interaction of smaller rule
    sets or weak individual agents. Overall behavior
    is not designed but desired.
  • Genetic Algorithms represents behavioral rules
    as long strings, termed genomes. Behavior is
    evolved as various genomes are tried and
    evaluated. Higher rated genomes are allowed to
    survive and reproduce with other high ranking
  • Synthetic Social Structures Models more complex
    animal social behaviors, such as those found in
    herds and packs. Allows efficient interaction
    without much communication.

Parallel Processing
  • Parallel Processing occurs when more than one
    processor works together to solve a single
  • Your lab has a lot of PC's but that doesnt mean
    parallel processing is going on. Each separate
    PC is working on solving separate problems.
  • Parallel processing speeds up solution times in
    two ways
  • Multiple computers simply add "horsepower" to an
    existing algorithm
  • New algorithms can be designed to actually lower
    the cost of the problem solution.
  • Two kinds of parallelism
  • Data parallelism when the data is divided up
    among processors
  • Task parallelism When the parts of an algorithm
    are divided up.

Types of Parallel Processing
  • Pipelining (not usually considered true
  • This occurs when separate processers, each with a
    specific job, work on a phase of a problems
  • Most common example is your PC. The "single"
    processor is actually made up of many smaller
    special purpose processors.
  • Parallel Processing
  • Separate processors, usually identical work with
    one memory.
  • Usually requires special purpose machines. These
    machines may contain thousands of simple
    processors (usually in a multiple of 2, like 4096
    or 8192, etc)
  • Distributed Processing
  • Separate processors of any type each with their
    own memory.
  • Networks or the internet. This is the most
    general and flexible type of processing, but
    communication costs between processors may be

Stages of Parallel Computation
  • Everything has a benefit and a cost - parallel
    processing has an overhead cost.
  • The goal is to let the benefit of multiple
    processors working on a single problem outweigh
    the cost of keeping track of them.
  • Stages of a parallel computation
  • (cost) Division of problem/data and distribution
    to processors
  • (cost) Start up of remote processes
  • (benefit) Parallel Computation
  • (cost) Transfer local results to a common
  • (cost) Collate results and present

  • Closed Problems These problems are well
    understood. The known cost and known algorithms
    are of the same order. It is known whether they
    are computable or not
  • Open Problems These problems are not as well
    understood. The cost of known algorithms to
    solve them and the theoretical best are not of
    the same order.
  • Tractable Computable, specifically with respect
    to cost. Cost is polynomial.
  • Intractable Not computable, specifically with
    respect to cost. Cost is exponential or worse.

More Terminology
  • Undecidable Problems These are problems for
    which no algorithm can be written (regardless of
    cost). They are not computable.
  • Deterministic Algorithms Algorithms that have
    no randomness associated with them. They will
    always behave the same when given the same input.
  • Nondeterministic Algorithms Algorithms that
    have random elements. They may behave
    differently when run repeatedly,even if the input
    is the same.

  • Oracles A theoretical device that magically
    selects the correct choice for an algorithm when
    the algorithm has choices to make.
  • They don't exist, but are used to classify the
    "hardness" of problems.
  • Example Traveling Salesman with oracle
  • We want to travel to n cities.
  • Recall that Traveling Salesman is an O(n!)
  • With an oracle, we always make the best choice on
    each leg of the trip.
  • This means we only check out one path, and it is
    the optimal path.
  • Since there are n cities, we made n correct
    choices and the problem is O(n).
  • Since Traveling Salesman is intractable without
    the oracle, but tractable with the oracle,
    Traveling Salesman is an NP problem.

The Hierarchy of Problems
P Polynomial, O(nk). Easy to solve, easy to
verify solution. Ex Searching, sorting. NP
Non-Deterministic Polynomial,
O(kn) Hard to solve, easy to verify solution Ex
Traveling Salesman Decision. Hard Hard,
O(kn) Hard to solve, hard to verify solution. Ex
Listing all n-digit numbers.
NP-Complete Problems
  • There are literally hundreds of them.
  • They can all be mapped to each other (hence the
    "complete" part of the name).
  • They all have exponential upper bound costs (not
  • They all have polynomial lower bound costs
  • It is possible that polynomial algorithms will be
    developed to solve one of them
  • If one is solved quickly, then they all are.
  • Until then the notion of nondterministic
    algorithm guided by an oracle is used to discuss

Cost of Typical Problems
Name Description Cost
GetMax What is the largest number in an unordered list of numbers? O(n)
Search (Unordered list) Given a list and a key, determine if the key is in the list. O(n)
Search (Ordered List) Given a list and a key, determine if the key is in the list. O(log n)
Sort (BubbleSort) Given an unordered list, rank all elements from smallest to largest. O(n2)
Sort (QuickSort) Given an unordered list, rank all elements from smallest to largest. O(nlogn)
Sort (Problem) Given an unordered list, rank all elements from smallest to largest. O(n log n)
Cost of Graph Problems
Name Description Cost Comments
Traveling Salesman Decision Does a route exist with cost less than X? O(n!) Hard to solve, easy to verify yes answers.
Traveling Salesman Optimization What is the least cost route. O(n!) Hard to solve, hard to verify.
Graph Coloring Decision Can a graph be colored properly using X colors? O(kn) where k is the number of colors Hard to solve, easy to verify yes answers.
Graph Coloring Optimization What is the least number of colrs required to properly color a graph? O(kn) where k is the number of colors. Hard to solve, hard to verify.
Maximum Flow What is the most material that can be pushed through a network? O(n3) Polynomial solution time means easy to solve, easy to verify.
Given a Problem, How do you Determine if it is
  • Method One (usually the hard way)
  • Write an algorithm to compute the solution for
    all inputs.
  • Determine the cost of the algorithm.
  • Compare to the problem hierarchy.
  • Method Two (usually the easy way)
  • Show that the new problem can be mapped to a
    known problem.
  • The new problem then has the same cost as the
  • If the old was computable, then so is the new.
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