Title: Intro to Computer Science Class
1Intro to Computer Science Class 3Formalizing
Variables, Methods and Inheritance
- Instructor Ms. Catherine Stocker
- Teaching Assistants Alex, Katie, Siraaj,
Isaiah, Allison, Thibault - University of Pennsylvania
- 6 February 2008
2Todays Agenda
- Discussion (Reaction paper and BotPlay)
- Javadocs
- Variables
- Methods
- Objects
- Intro to Inheritance
- BetterBot
- Lets talk about the reaction paper and what you
discovered in BotPlay.
4Reminder What to do if youre stuck
- Try things out! Dont be scared of the computer.
(Just make sure to have a backup copy of your
work!) - Check out the resources page
- Post to the bulletin board! (you can get to it
now ) - Come talk to us (before/after class).
- Email me cstocker_at_seas.upenn.edu
5Reminder What is Java?
- From someone who didnt know last week...
- A high-level, object-oriented, programming
language - Language
- A way for people to communicatewith computers
- Made of vocabulary and syntax (rules for how to
arrange the vocabulary)which youll learn in
this class - High-level High-level of abstraction
- Abstraction Hiding unimportant detailslike what
type of computer were communicating with. - Object-Oriented Thinking about your program as a
collection of objects that have a state and a
6Reminder Other Objects
- Abstract away the unnecessary details only keep
the important (relevant to the program) ones in
the state. - Program1 Keep track of baseball stats
- Object Baseball Player
- State name, G, AB, R, H, HR, on base, at bat
- Behavior run, walk, hit ball, slide, batting
- Program2 Simulate how athletes lifestyles affect
their popularity with fans, salary and injury
rate - Object Athlete
- State name, sport, salary, days injured,
popularity - Behavior negotiate contract, party, complain,
Baseball Player
Ryan H
Ryan H
7Reminder How Do We Translate What Weve Talked
About Into Java?
- class Athlete
- String name
- String sport
- int salary
- int daysInjured
- String popularity
- Athlete(String n, String s)
- name n
- sport s
- salary 0
- daysInjured 0
- popularity average
- void negotiateContract(int newSalary)
- salary newSalary
class (object blueprint)
instance variables (hold the state)
- constructor.
- Creates the object
- Sets the starting state
- methods
- modify the instance variables (behaviors changing
the state) - return the instance variables (tell us about the
8Summary of Last Week
- We learned about Java and objects and classes and
methods - But we didnt discuss the formal rulesso what?
- Theres no room for interpretation when we
communicate with computers! - I wnt to. class Yesterday, Ok for humans
- String yesterday Tuesday
- Yesterday Monday,
- whats wrong with this code?
- Computers are case-sensitive
- ? . ? ,
- Today were going to discuss the formal
definition of methods
9Summary of Last Week
- We learned about Java, objects, classes,
variables and methods - But we didnt discuss the formal rulesso what?
- Theres no room for interpretation when we
communicate with computers! - I wnt to. class Yesterday, Ok for humans
- String yesterday Tuesday
- Yesterday Monday,
- whats wrong with this code?
- Computers are case-sensitive
- ? . ? ,
- Computers do EXACTLY what you tell them. Even if
youre wrong! - Today were going to formalize all of that!
- Used to store and retrieve a value in/from memory
- ex. int x 5 int y x2
- Must be declared once before being used.
- Why? So the computer knows
- How much space in memory is needed to hold it.
- What operations are allowed to be performed on
it. - 12? .537.5? truefalse?
- Definitions of the different ways to use
variables - Instance variables Store the state of each
object. - Declared at top of class.
- Scope Accessible to the entire object.
- Local variables Stores the temporary state of a
method. - Declared at top of method.
- Scope Accessible to the entire method.
- Parameters Passed to methods.
- Scope Accessible to the entire method.
- Class variables Well talk about later in the
11Snapshot of a modified Athlete class
- class Athlete
- String name
- String sport
- int salary
- int daysInjured
- String popularity
- Athlete(String n, String s)
- name n
- sport s
- salary 0
- daysInjured 0
- popularity average
- void negotiateContract(int newSalary)
- int bargain 2
- salary newSalary/bargain
instance variables
local variable
12Structure of a Variable Declaration
- type_of_variable variable_name
- type_of_variable
- Primitive types
- Defined by Java, part of its vocabulary already
keywords - Acted on with operators ,-,/,,,,lt,gt,etc
- Only 8
- int - whole number (-2,147,483,648,, -2, -1, 0,
1, 2,2,147,483,647) - double - fractional/floating-point number
(-2.0,-1.9,-1.89,0.34123,12.3) - char a single character enclosed by single
quotes (a, , 1) - boolean - truth value (true, false)
- Also byte, short, long, float, but we wont use
those. -
- Non-primitive types
- Any class defined by us (or Java) becomes a new
type - We can declare variables of that type
- String Anything enclosed by double quotes (a,
, 1, Hello there friend!) - Special case of non-primitive defined by java,
keyword, acted on by an operator () but is
actually an object. - Acted on by methods variable_name.method_name(par
13Structure of a Variable Declaration
- type_of_variable variable_name
- type_of_variable
- Primitive types
- Defined by Java, part of its vocabulary
already keywords - Acted on with operators ,-,/,,,,lt,gt,etc
- Only 8
- int - whole number (-2,147,483,648,, -2, -1, 0,
1, 2,2,147,483,647) - double - fractional/floating-point number
(-2.0,-1.9,-1.89,0.34123,12.3) - char a single character enclosed by single
quotes (a, , 1) - boolean - truth value (true, false)
- Also byte, short, long, float, but we wont use
those. -
- Non-primitive types
- Any class defined by us (or Java) becomes a new
type - We can declare variables of that type
- String Anything enclosed by double quotes (a,
, 1, Hello there friend!) - Special case of non-primitive defined by Java,
keyword, acted on by an operator () but is
actually an object. - Acted on by methods variable_name.method_name(par
14Structure of a Variable Declaration
- type_of_variable variable_name
- type_of_variable
- Primitive types
- Defined by Java, part of its vocabulary
already keywords - Acted on with operators ,-,/,,,,lt,gt,etc
- Only 8
- int - whole number (-2,147,483,648,, -2, -1, 0,
1, 2,2,147,483,647) - double - fractional/floating-point number
(-2.0,-1.9,-1.89,0.34123,12.3) - char a single character enclosed by single
quotes (a, , 1) - boolean - truth value (true, false)
- Also byte, short, long, float, but we wont use
those. -
- Non-primitive types
- Any class defined by us (or Java) becomes a new
type - We can declare variables of that type
- String Anything enclosed by double quotes (a,
, 1, Hello there friend!) - Special case of non-primitive defined by Java,
keyword, acted on by an operator () but is
actually an object. - Acted on by methods variable_name.method_name(par
15Structure of a Variable Declaration
- type_of_variable variable_name
- variable_name (Almost anything you want)
- Should be descriptive!
- ex. salary, name, etc
- Cant use keywords
- What keywords do we know already?
- General rule if it turns a different color when
you write it in drJava, its a keyword - Case-sensitive (hello ? Hello)
- Must begin with
- A letter (also or _ but dont use those)
- Followed by any combination of
- Letters
- Numbers
- _
- No spaces allowed write the 1st word lowercase,
all other words capital - myVariable, yourVariable, thisIsAReallyLongVariabl
16Structure of a Variable Declaration
- type_of_variable variable_name
- variable_name (Almost anything you want)
- Should be descriptive!
- ex. salary, name, etc
- Cant use keywords
- What keywords do we know already?
- General rule if it turns a different color when
you write it in drJava, its a keyword - Case-sensitive (hello ? Hello)
- Must begin with
- A letter (also or _ but dont use those)
- Followed by any combination of
- Letters
- Numbers
- _
- No spaces allowed write the 1st word lowercase,
all other words capital - myVariable, yourVariable, thisIsAReallyLongVariabl
17Structure of a Variable Declaration
- type_of_variable variable_name
- variable_name (Almost anything you want)
- Should be descriptive!
- ex. salary, name, etc
- Cant use keywords
- What keywords do we know already?
- General rule if it turns a different color when
you write it in drJava, its a keyword - Case-sensitive (hello ? Hello)
- Must begin with
- A letter (also or _ but dont use those)
- Followed by any combination of
- Letters
- Numbers
- _
- No spaces allowed write the 1st word lowercase,
all other words capital - myVariable, yourVariable, thisIsAReallyLongVariabl
18Structure of a Variable Declaration
- type_of_variable variable_name
- variable_name (Almost anything you want)
- Should be descriptive!
- ex. salary, name, etc
- Cant use keywords
- What keywords do we know already?
- General rule if it turns a different color when
you write it in drJava, its a keyword - Case-sensitive (hello ? Hello)
- Must begin with
- A letter (also or _ but dont use those)
- Followed by any combination of
- Letters
- Numbers
- _
- No spaces allowed write the 1st word lowercase,
all other words capital - myVariable, yourVariable, thisIsAReallyLongVariabl
19Structure of a Variable Declaration
- type_of_variable variable_name
- variable_name (Almost anything you want)
- Should be descriptive!
- ex. salary, name, etc
- Cant use keywords
- What keywords do we know already?
- General rule if it turns a different color when
you write it in drJava, its a keyword - Case-sensitive (hello ? Hello)
- Must begin with
- A letter (also or _ but dont use those)
- Followed by any combination of
- Letters
- Numbers
- _
- No spaces allowed write the 1st word lowercase,
all other words capital - myVariable, yourVariable, thisIsAReallyLongVariabl
20Structure of a Variable Declaration
- type_of_variable variable_name
- variable_name (Almost anything you want)
- Should be descriptive!
- ex. salary, name, etc
- Cant use keywords
- What keywords do we know already?
- General rule if it turns a different color when
you write it in drJava, its a keyword - Case-sensitive (hello ? Hello)
- Must begin with
- A letter (also or _ but dont use those)
- Followed by any combination of
- Letters
- Numbers
- _
- No spaces allowed write the 1st word lowercase,
all other words capital - myVariable, yourVariable, thisIsAReallyLongVariabl
21Structure of a Variable Assignment
- variable_name data_value
- Examples
- int myAge
- myAge24
- double pi
- pi 3.14
- Whats wrong with this
- int myAge
- myAge 24.5
- Will cause an errorwhy?
- A specific case variable_name new
constructor(parameter_list) - Where have we seen that?
- Well talk about this more in a minute
- Putting it all together type_of_variable
variable_name data_value - We can declare alone or assign alone or do both
at once.
- char firstLetter firstLetter a -
boolean inClass inClass true
- String profession profession grad
- What are
- Instance variables?
- Local variables?
- Parameters?
- Primitive types?
- How do you..
- Declare a variable?
- Whats wrong with these variables
- Hello
- xyz
- Myveryfirstvariable
- this is a variable?
- 1Variable
- variable1
- modifier return_type method_name(parameter_list)
- method_body
- modifier
- What can see it, well discuss more on this
later. - For now, assume all methods are public.
- return_type
- Remember types? Any of these void.
- The data type of the value returned by the
method, void if returning nothing. - method_name
- Same rules as variable names
- Methods represent behaviors, so generally named
with a verb (remember the Athlete class
negotiateSalary, retire, party, complain, etc) - parameter_list
- Discussed before Just a special case of
variables - This section can be empty or contain a list of
parameters preceded by their data type and
separated by commas - method_body
- May include Declaration of local variables,
manipulation of variables (instance, local or
parameters), return statement (returns data of
type return_type).
public void party() daysInjured
daysInjured 10
24Snapshot of a modified Athlete class
- public class Athlete
- int salary
- .
- public void negotiateContract ( int newSalary )
- int bargain 2
- salary newSalary/bargain
- public int getSalary ( )
- return salary
- ...//the rest of the methods
return_type (void so no return statement)
parameter_list (empty)
method_body (returns an int)
25The Constructor
- modifier class_name(parameter_list)
- constructor_body
- Creates the object from the class blueprint.
- Looks like a method, with some differences
- No return_type.
- Its name is the same as the class.
- Sets up the initial state.
- Remember variable declaration and assignment?
- Remember any class you create becomes a
non-primitive type? - Variable declaration and assignment for
non-primitive types type_of_variable
variable_name new constructor(parameter_list) - ex. Athlete a1 new Athlete(Ryan, Baseball
Player) //call constructor - int initialSalary a1.getSalary()
//call method
public Athlete(String n, String s) name
n sport s salary 0 daysInjured
0 popularity average
- We found some ways the Bots were deficient
- How do we make them better?
- Add to the code?
- What if we cant get to the code?
- What if we want to keep this Bot definition too?
- Copy and Paste?
- Waste of time and space (memory).
- Inheritance
27Introduction to Inheritance
- modifier class subclass_name extends
superclass_name - class_body
- A subclass (class thats inheriting) inherits the
methods and instance variables of the superclass. - Constructor of superclass not inherited, so must
call super(parameters) within the subclass
constructor. - Most common way this is done is Object class
- All classes extend the object class
- More about this next week.
public class BetterBot extends Bot public
BetterBot(BotWorld world) super(world)
//additional methods
- Pennkeys!
- Memorize them!
- Go to the Bulletin Board to ask questions.
- Submit this weeks reaction paper
- BetterBot (http//www.seas.upenn.edu/cis1xx/proje
- Using inheritance, extend either the class you
wrote last week or BetterBot. Include at least 2
new instance variables and 2 new methods in your
subclass. - Write down something you were confused about from
class and a short explanation about what confused
you (1-3 sentences). - Ask questions on the bulletin board.
- Submit using the link on the webpage