Title: Compositional Verification of Evolving Component-based Systems
1Compositional Verification of Evolving
Component-based Systems
- Nishant Sinha
- PhD Proposal Presentation
- Problem of Re-validating Evolving Systems
- Our Solution Substitutability Check
- Containment
- Compatibility
- Assume-Guarantee for Simulation
- Related Approaches
- Proposed Research
- Timeline
3Evolving Systems/Designs
- Evolution is inevitable in any real
hardware/software system -
- Changing requirements, designs
- Bug fixes
- Product changes (e.g., underlying platform)
- Upgrades of vendor-provided components
4Re-validation on Evolution
Assembly A
Component C (1.0)
Component C (2.0)
5Re-validating Evolving Systems
- Component assembly re-validation
- Necessary on upgrade of any component
- High costs of complete global verification
- For example, a software system of 25 components
(20K LOC) and 100 properties might take up to
a month of verification effort - Require efficient formal techniques for
re-validation upon evolution
6Re-validation on Evolution
- Pervasive problem in Software and Hardware
Engineering communities - Evolution
- Upgrades, Bug Fixes, Re-designs ..
- Re-validation appears in numerous forms
- Regression checks, Upgrade compatibility checks,
Re-design validation - Our proposed formulation/solution
- Substitutability Check
7Subst. Check - Requirements
- Substitutability Check for Upgrades
- Formal technique for statically re-validating
upgrades - Local and Incremental nature
- Should avoid complete re-validation
- Local focus on modified components
- Incremental reuse previous validation results
- A make for component-based systems
8Subst. Check - Our Solution
- Our Substitutability Check procedure
- Focus on Static Re-validation of upgrades
- Local and Incremental
- Supports changes in Component Interfaces and
Behaviors - Supports multiple component upgrades
9Component Upgrade
- Two-phase Subst. Check
- Local Containment
- Global Compatibility
- Involves both addition and removal of behaviors
10Substitutability Check
11Substitutability Check
- Containment
- Detects if any useful behaviors are lost
- Locally checks if behaviors (services) of the
previous component are still present in new one - C ? C
- Compatibility
- Safety with respect to other components in
assembly - Detects if the added behaviors cause any
assembly-level violations - Does C1 C2 .. Cn ? P hold?
FM05 Dynamic Component Substitutability
Analysis, S. Chaki, E. Clarke, N. Sharygina, N.
Sinha, Formal Methods Conference, 2005.
12Subst. Check for Software Components
- We have formalized Substitutability Check in
context of Component-based Software Systems
FM05 - Components are communicating C programs
- Obtain a finite behavioral model of all
components by abstraction State-event
communicating automata - Containment
- Use both Under- and Over- approximations of
components - Compatibility
- Use Dynamic Assume-Guarantee Reasoning
- Focus of proposed research
13State-event (SE) automata
- Both state and actions labeled
- ltQ,?,T,P,Lgt
- Composition semantics
- Synchronize on shared actions
- Represents abstractions
C Component
Component SE Automaton abstraction
Predicate Abstraction
14Component Assembly
- A set of communicating concurrent C programs
- No recursion, procedures inlined
- Communication is abstracted into interface
Component Assembly
Predicate Abstraction
Abstract Assembly
15Component Assembly Example
- Inter-process communication module
Lock server
Enter_crit_section, Leave_crit_section
16Containment Check
17Containment Check
- Goal Check C ? C
- All behaviors retained after upgrade
- Cannot check directly need approximations
- Idea Use both under- and over- approximations
- Solution
- Compute M C ? M
- Compute M M ? C
- Check for M ? M
18Containment (contd.)
M ? M ?
False, CE
C ? C
False, Refine M
CE ? C ?
True, Refine M
! ( C ? C), CE provided as feedback
CE ? C ?
19Containment (contd.)
- Computing over- (may) approximation
- Conventional predicate abstraction
- Amay(a,a)
- ?s, ?s. R(s,s) ? a h(s) ? a h(s)
- Computing under- (must) approximation
- Modified predicate abstraction
- Universal abstraction
- Amust(a,a)
- ? s, ? s. R(s,s) ? a h(s) ? a h(s)
20Compatibility Check
21Compatibility Check
- Goal
- Detect system-level spec violations due to added
behavior - Approach Dynamic Compositional Reasoning
- Use compositional reasoning to obtain
verification proofs for the initial assembly - Identify parts of the proof that need to be
re-validated on upgrades - Re-validate those parts while reusing as much of
the previous proof as possible
22Compositional Reasoning
- Assume-Guarantee Reasoning (AGR)
M1 A ? P M2 ? A M1
M2 ? P
AG - Non Circular
- Automatically generate assumption A
- Cobleigh et. al. at NASA Ames
- Use learning algorithm for regular languages, L
23Learning Regular languages L
- Proposed by D. Angluin, improved by Rivest et al.
- Learning regular sets from queries and
counterexamples, Information and Computation,
75(2), 1987. - Learns the minimal DFA corresponding to an
unknown regular lang.
Minimally adequate Teacher
L learner
IsMember( trace ? )
IsCandidate( DFA D )
Minimum DFA
- Polynomial in the number of states and length of
max counterexample
24L Data Structures
? a ab
- Observation table empty initially
- Rows have access traces
- Columns have distinguishing traces
- Table entries show membership of traces in U
- Iteratively updates the table using provided
counterexample samples - Finally, builds a DFA from a closed table and
presents it as a candidate
q0 q1 q1 q1 q0
? a b aa ab
- 1 0
- 1 0
- 1 1 0
- 1 1 0
- 0 1 0
25Automated AG Reasoning using L
Cobleigh et al.
-CE for A
R1 M1 A ? P
L Assumption Generation
R2 M2 ? A
M1 M2 ? P
Actual CE M1 M2 ? P
CE Analysis
CE for A
26Handling Multiple Components
R1 M1 A ? P R2 M2 ? A
M1 M2 ? P
- AG-NC can be applied recursively
- (Cobleigh et al.)
M1 M2 M3 ? P
- AG Proof Tree
- Each Ai computed by a separate L instantiation
M2 M3 ? A1
M1 A1 ? P
M2 A2 ? A1
M3 ? A2
27Compatibility of Upgrades
- Suppose assumptions are available from the old
assembly - Re-validate an upgrade
- We propose Dynamic AGR Incremental AGR
technique - Reuse previous verification results
M1 M2 ? P
M1 A1 ? P
M2 ? A1
Violates L invariant
- Can we reuse previous assumptions directly?
- NO upgrades may change the unknown U to be
learned - Therefore, Dynamic AGR needs Dynamic L
28Dynamic L
- Learn assumption A corresponding to U
- Corresponding Observation Table T
- Unknown language U changes to U
- Goal Continue learning from previous model A
- Start learning U by reusing table T
- Central Idea Re-validate T against U to obtain
T - T is valid with respect to U
29Dynamic L
Table valid for U
Table valid for U
U U\b Re-validation against U
Assumption A
Assumption A
30Dynamic AG
M1 M2 ? P
M1 M2 ? P
M1 A1 ? P
M2 ? A1
M1 A1 ? P
M2 ? A1
(Dynamic L) Re-Validate! and Reuse
- Multiple Components
- Heuristics for choosing order of re-validating
Ais in proof tree
- ComFoRT framework for verifying concurrent C
programs - Industrial benchmark
- ABB Inter-process Communication (IPC) software
- 4 main components CriticalSection, IPCQueue,
ReadMQ, WriteMQ - Evaluated on single and simultaneous upgrades
- WriteMQ and IPCQueue components
- Properties
- P1 Write after obtaining CS lock
- P2 Correct protocol to write to IPCQueue
32Experimental Results
Upgrade (Property) Torig (msec) (AGR from scratch) Tug (msec) (Dynamic AGR)
Ipc1 (P1) 2260 13
Ipc1 (P2) 1694 14
Ipc2 (P1) 3286 17
Ipc2 (P2) 805 10
Ipc3 (P1) 3624 17
Ipc3 (P2) 1649 14
Ipc4 (P1) 1102 24
33Summary Till Now
- Automated Substitutability Checking
- Containment and Compatibility
- Containment is a local check
- Compatibility is a global check and reuses
previous verification results - Handles multiple upgrades
- Implementation
- ComFoRT framework
- Compatibility Check applied to IPC example
34AGR for Simulation Conformance
- Till now during AGR
- Notion of conformance was trace containment
- Simulation conformance local, non-det.
- M1 M2 P ? M1 A P M2 A
- Counterexamples are trees
- We proposed automated AGR for simulation
conformance of LTSs - Learn from tree CEs instead of trace CEs
- Tree language of an LTS set of trees that it
CAV05 Automated Assume-Guarantee Reasoning for
Simulation Conformance, S. Chaki, E. Clarke, N.
Sinha, P. Thati, Conference on Computer-Aided
Verification, 2005.
35AGR for Simulation Conformance
- Key contributions
- Formulate simulation check as regular tree
language containment M N ? T(M) ? T(N) - Represent tree languages with det. tree automata
- Learning algorithm LT for an unknown tree lang.
using teacher - For AGR Teacher uses tree language containment
to answer queries - Experiments with C implementations of Secure
Socket Layer (SSL) Protocol client and server
Direct Direct AG AG Gain
Verif. Result T1 Mem1 T2 Mem2 Mem1/Mem2 A MQ CQ
Invalid 2146 325 207 10.4 8 265 3
Valid 2080 309 163 12.8 8 279 3
Valid 2077 309 163 12.7 16 279 3
Valid 2076 976 167 12.4 16 770 4
Valid 2075 969 167 12.4 16 767 4
Invalid 2074 3009 234 8.9 24 1514 5
Invalid 2075 3059 234 8.9 24 1514 5
Invalid 2072 3048 234 8.9 24 1514 5
37Related Work
38Related Work
- Behavioral Subtyping Liskov ,Wing 01
- Extend OO subtyping to behaviors
- Subtype Req If ?(x) is provable about object
xT, then ?(y) must hold for yS, where S is a
subtype of T - Add invariant and history constraints to object
specifications - Local substitution check for an object,
independent of its use by the environment
39Related Work
- Interface automata formalism Henzinger et al.
01-03 - Variant of Input/Output automata used to
represent component abstractions and interfaces - Composition and Refinement theory
- Composition is well-defined only if under some
environment two automata dont deadlock - M refines N if M allows more inputs and exhibits
less outputs than N - Refinement is used as a notion of Substitution
does not capture environment use of a component
40Related Work
- Checking compatibility of Upgrades McCamant,
Ernst04 - Compute observational summaries of components
before upgrades using sample execution behaviors - Internal and External summaries
- Pre-, Post-conditions to component method calls
- On an upgrade, check if new summaries refine old
ones using a theorem prover - Unsound component behavior abstraction
- No temporal information about component behaviors
41Related Work
- Automated Assume-Guarantee Reasoning (AGR)
- Weakest assumption GPB02
- Learning assumptions automatically CGP03
- Circular Rules for Automated AGR BGP03
- Predicate Abstraction and AGR CCGP04
- Symbolically learning assumptions AMN04
42Related Work
- Learning for Verification
- Black-box model checking PVY99,GPY02
- Learning for infinite-state model checking
HV04, VSVA04 - Synthesizing interfaces of Java classes ACMN05
- Behavior-based model construction HS04
- Inductive learning for shape analysis SLR05
43Proposed Research
44Proposed Research
- Substitutability Framework for SystemC
- AGR for Liveness
- Improving Substitutability Check
- Learning-assisted CEGAR
- C library to simulate concurrency
- SystemC constructs are macros in C
- Being adopted for System-level Design by industry
- Modular computation structure
- Has Communication primitives Channels/Events
- Executable specifications
- Supports HW/SW Co-Design
- Goal Develop a Compatibility Check Framework for
SystemC Designs
46SystemC Example
47SystemC Schematic
48Program Structure
- program lt processes , channels , variables ,
eventsgt - process
- ( comm ctrl flow )
- comm
- event.notify() event.notify_delayed()
- signal.read() signal.write()
- channel.lttransaction_namegt()
- port.read() port.write()
- port.lttransaction_namegt()
- ctrl flow
- if (exp) then lts1gt else lts2gt while (exp) lts1gt
- variable types
- bool int bitvector
49Verifying SystemC Hardware Designs
- Synchronous model of execution
- Based on Discrete-event simulation
- Verification easier than C
- Finite number of concurrent processes
- No dynamic objects
- Available open-source parsers
50Plan Subst. Check for SystemC
Flatten and Translate to Synch. Intermediate
SystemC Design
Events, Channels, Shared Vars, Processes
Build Verifier for Intermediate Language
Delta-cycle semantics
Assumption automata over ltInput,Outputgt alphabet
Build Compositional Verifier for Intermediate
Perform Compatibility Check
51AGR for Liveness
- Till now, safety and simulation conformance
- Checking liveness specs involves reasoning about
infinite system behaviors - Consider ?-regular language containment
- M1 M2 ?? P ? M1 A ?? P M2 ?? A
- A corresponds to an ?-regular language
- Weakest assmp. language exists is ?-regular
52AGR for Liveness
- Develop a learning algorithm for general -regular
languages - Previous algorithms target a subclass
- Such languages have non-canonical finite
representations - Cannot extend L directly Myhill-Nerode
congruence is insufficient - Use a right-congruence theorem for ?-regular
languages (Maler and Staiger)
53Improving Substitutability Check
- Till now, only behavioral changes allowed during
upgrades - Interface ports of modules remain the same
- Consider changes in alphabet during Dynamic Check
- Extend Dynamic L to handle both unknown language
change and alphabet change
54Learning-assisted CEGAR
- Compositional Reasoning for Software Components
C1 and C2 - C1 C2 ? P
55Learning-assisted CEGAR
- Compositional Reasoning for Software Components
C1 and C2 - C1 C2 ? P
M1 M2 ? P
C1 C2
M1 M2
Predicate Abstraction
M1 A ? P M2 ? A
Spurious CE
Provides Multiple Spurious CEs
Builds spurious CE language automata