Title: 404 Permit The Low-down on
1404 Permit The Low-down on Gittin-er-done!
- Brought to you By
- Tom Gocksch, P.E. Environmental Bureau
2Overview of the 404 Permit
- Who?
- Why?
- What?
- How Long?
- When????
3Who Issues the Permit?
- United States Army Corps of
- Engineers
- Allen Steinle Regional Director
4Why are 404 Permits Necessary?
- Section 404 of the Clean Water Act
- 33 CFR 320 330
- 330 Nationwide Permit Program
- 404(b)(1) Guidelines
5What Work Requires a 404 Permit?
- Depositing fill or dredged material in Waters of
the US (WUS). - Construction of Abutments and Piers in WUS.
- Placement of Riprap in WUS.
- Placement of Culverts in a WUS.
- Anything that requires that material be placed in
a WUS.
6What is a Water of the US?
- Defined as Any Surface water that flows INTO a
Named Stream or River. - Lakes, Rivers, Streams, and Creeks
- Intermittent Drainages
- Irrigation Canals
- Wetlands Associated with these Waters
7What Types of Permits Are Available?
8What Is a Nationwide Permit?
- Regulate many low impact activities en masse,
Authorizing them by Regulation.
When Were They Developed?
- 1977 10 NWP under Section 404
- 1982 Expanded to include both Section 404 and
section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act. - Present 44 Nationwide Permits
9What NWPs Apply to MDT Activities?
- On a Regular Basis
- 3 Maintenance
- 13 Bank Stabilization
- 14 Linear Transportation Crossings
- 23 Approved Categorical Exceptions
- 33 Temporary Construction Access and Dewatering
10How Long Does It Take?Normal Time Lines
- Nationwide Permit
- 45 days from Receipt of Complete Preconstruction
- Individual permit
- District Engineers will decide on all
applications not later than 60 days after receipt
of a Complete Application. - 15-30 day comment period may be extended up to 30
additional Days. - 30 Days to Complete Permit and MDT Responses to
Conditions - Total (up to) 120Days
11What is a Complete Package?
- Complete Description of Proposed Activity
- Location, Purpose and Need of Proposed Activity
- Scheduling of Activity
- Names and Addresses of Adjoining Property Owners
- Location and Dimensions of Adjacent Structures
- Type, Composition, and Quantity of Material
- Plans sufficient for Public Notice
12Additional Information
- Final Biological Assessment/Biological Resources
Report - Wetland Delineation Report
- Environmental Document (CE(x),FONSI, ROD)
- Scope of Work PFR
- Project plans
- Preliminary Special Provisions
- Project Cross-sections
- Quad Location Map
- Mitigation Plan
13When Should the Application Happen?
- Only After These Things are Done
- The Wetland Impacts Must be finalized
- Fill Quantities within the WUS Must be finalized
- Pier Size, Type, Location
- Culvert Size
- Riprap Quantities
- Any Fill Material in a WUS on a Project
- Mitigation Plan Must be finalized
14What is Mitigation?
- Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) Defines
Mitigation as - Avoiding the Impact altogether by not taking a
certain action or parts of an action. - Minimizing Impacts by limiting the degree or
magnitude of the action and its implementation. - Rectifying the impact by repairing,
rehabilitating, or restoring the affected
environment. - Reducing or eliminating the impact over time by
preservation and maintenance operations during
the life of the action. - Compensating for impact by Replacing or providing
substitute resources or environments.
15MDT Specific Mitigation
- On Site Mitigation
- Avoidance and Minimization
- Pulling in R/W limits
- Salvaging and replacing Hydric Soils
- Reducing the number of piers in a river
- Pulling the Riprap slope back away from OHW
- Compensating
- Design channel changes of equal or additional
channel length - Returning Hydrology to historic wetlands within
the new R/W - Off Site Mitigation
- Wetland Reserves/In-Lieu Fee
16How MDT Plans to Git-er-done
17SpecificallyWhen Do We Submit Our 404 Permit
- Applications are Submitted Only when all the
necessary design information has been Finalized.