Title: INFS%20795%20PROJECT:%20Clustering%20Time%20Series
1INFS 795 PROJECTClustering Time Series
- presented by
- Rafal Ladysz
- theoretical background
- project objectives
- other works
- data description
- data preprocessing
- tools and procedures
3INTRODUCTION theoretical background
- clustering unsupervised ML technique of grouping
similar, unlabeled objects without prior
knowledge about them - clustering techniques can be divided and compared
in many ways, e.g. - exclusive vs. overlapping
- deterministic vs. probabilistic
- incremental vs. batch learning
- hierarchical vs. flat
- or
- partitioning (e.g. k-means, EM)
- hierarchical (agglomerative, divisive)
- density-based
- model-based a model is hypothesized for each of
the clusters to find the best fit of that model
to each other
4INTRODUCTION theoretical background
- example of partitioning algorithms
- k-means
- EM probabilistic generalization of k-means
- k-means characteristics
- suboptimal (susceptible to local minima)
- sensitive to initial conditions and... outliers
- requires number of clusters (k) as part of the
input - Euclidean distance is its most natural
dissimilarity metrics (spherical) - we remember how it works re-partitioning until
no changes - EM characteristics
- generalization of k-means to probabilistic
setting (maintains probability of membership of
all clusters rather than assign elements to
initial clusters) - works iteratively
- initialize means and covariance matrix
- while the convergence criteria is not met compute
the probability of each data belonging to each
cluster - recompute the cluster distributions using the
current membership probabilities - cluster probabilities are stored as instance
weights using means and standard deviations of
the attributes - procedure stops when likelihood saturates
5INTRODUCTION theoretical background
- distance / (dis)similarity measures
- Euclidean root square of sum of squares
- main limitation very sensitive to outliers!
- Keogh claims that
- Euclidean distance error rate about 30
- DTW error rate 3
- but there is cost for accuracy
- time to classify an instance using Euclidean
distance 1 sec - time to classify an instance using DTW 4,320 sec
- by the way DTW stands for Dynamic Time Warping
(illustration and formula follow)
6INTRODUCTION project objectives
- in general clustering of evolving time series
data - issues to be taken into consideration
- dimensionality
- outliers
- similarity measure(s)
- number of elements (subsequences)
- overall evaluation measure(s)
- context recognition-based support for another
algorithm - in particular comparing and/or evaluating
- efficiency and accuracy of k-means and EM
- effect of initial cluster position for k-means
accuracy - efficiency and accuracy of Euclidean and DTW
distance measures in initializing cluster seeds
for k-means
7INTRODUCTION other works
- E. Keogh et al. inspired to use DTW as
alternative for Euclidean (DTW origins from
experiments in 1970s with voice recognition) - D. Barbara outlined prerequisites for clustering
data streams - H. Wanng et al. described techniques used in
detecting pattern similarity - similarity is buried deeply in subspaces not
direct relevance to my experiments since
arbitrarily selected attributes (time series
require temporal order)
- challenges
- data evolving time series (?!)
- k-means initialization of seeds position and k
- (attempt of automatic optimization for the
evolving data) - similarity measure Euclidean - error-prone, DTW
- costly - real time requirement (as target solution, not in
the project) - tools necessity to create (some of them) from
scratch - not encountered in the literature
- motivation
- support for already designed and implemented
software - comparing k-means vs. EM and Euclidean vs. DTW
- the challenges listed above
9EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN data description
- three sources of data for more general results
- medical EEG and EKG http
- financial NYSE and currency exchange http
- climatological temperature and SOI http
- all the data are temporal (time series),
generated in their natural (not simulated)
environments - some knowledge available (for experimentator, not
the machine) - brief characteristics
10EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN data description
heart failure occurrences
epileptic seizure duration
examples of medical data heart-related EKG (top)
and brain-related EEG (bottom)
11EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN data description
seasonality (annual cycle)
periodicity or chaos?
examples of medical data temperature in Virginia
(top) Southern Oscillation Index (bottom)
12EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN data description
do we see any patterns in either of these two?
examples of financial data New York Stock
Exchange (top) and currency exchange rate (bottom)
notice both time series originates from
cultural rather than natural environment
13Dynamic Time Warping
Euclidean one-to-one
Dynamic Time Warping many-to-many
where ?(i, j) is the cumulative distance of the
distance d(i, j) and its minimum cumulative
distance among the adjacent cells
14EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN data preprocessing
- normalization not necessary
- outliers detection not done for the exper. data
sets - remark not feasible for real-time scenario
(assumed) - subsequencing using another program (LET)
- for Euclidean distance measure equal length
required done - computing mean for each subsequence and value
shifting - to enable Euclidean metrics capture
- similarity of s.s. done
- applying weighs to each
- dimension (discrete sample value)
- to favorize dimensions (points) closer
- to cut-off (beginning) of the s.s.
- the general experimental proceeding regarding
initialization - FOR all (six) time series data
- FOR dimensionalities D 30, 100
- FOR subsequence weights w(1), w(1.05)
- FOR ? 5, 10
- FOR both (E, DTW) distance measures
- FOR both constraints (Kmax, S)
- capture and remember cluster seeds
- apply to real clustering
- evaluate final goodness
6x2x2x2x2x2 192 seed sets
16EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN initialization
- initialization phase collecting cluster seeds
subsequences in D-dimensional space - computing distance between the subsequences using
Euclidean (E) and DTW (D) measures using matrices - compare pair wise distances from matrices E and D
- based on the above, create initial cluster seeds
- see next slide (SPSS)
17(No Transcript)
18EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN tools and procedures
- the core for the experiment is generating initial
k cluster seeds (to be further used by k-means) - that is done using 2 distance measures E. and
DTW - once the k seeds are generated (either way),
their positions are remembered and - each seed is assigned a class for final
evaluation - the initial cluster positions and/or classes are
passed on to the clustering program (SPSS and/or
Weka) - effective that moment, the algorithms are working
unattended - the objective is to evaluate impact of initial
clusters optimization (in terms of their
positions and number)
19EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN tools and procedures
- initial cluster seeds algorithmic approach
- define constraints Kmin, Kmax, k 0, ?, S, S
- start capturing time series subsequences (s.s.)
- assign first seed to first s.s., increment k
- do while either condition is fulfilled
- k Kmax OR S S OR no more subsequences
- if new s.s. is farther than ? from any seeds,
- create new seed assigned to that s.s., increment
k - otherwise merge the s.s. to existing seed not
farther than ? - compute S
- stop capturing s.s., label all generated seeds
20EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN tools and procedures
- how the number of clusters (seeds) is computed?
- as we know, a good k-means algorithm minimizes
intra- while maximizing inter- distances (thus
grouping similar objects in separate clusters,
not too many, not too few) - the objective function used in the project is
- S ltintracl. dist.gt/ltintercl. dist.gt
21illustration of S
S ltintragt/ltintergt
k number of clusters
this plot shows the idea of when to stop
capturing new cluster seeds the measure is the
slope between two neigboring points to avoid too
early termination, constrain of Kmin should be
22illustration of ?
whenever newly captured seed candidate falls
within existing seeds orb, it is being fused
with the latter otherwise, its own orb is being
created during this processing phase we
optimize the number k of clusters for real
clustering there is no guarantee the estimated
number is in fact optimal
merging seeds within original orb ?
original seeds
outside existing seed orbs ? new orbs will be
...but one can beliefe it is more suitable than
just guessed same refers to initial seed
23EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN tools and procedures
- computing Euclidean and DWT distances
- coding my own program
- temporarily using a program downloaded from
Internet - evaluating influence of initialization on
clustering accuracy SPSS for Windows, ver. 11
(Standard Edition) - comparing performance (accuracy and runtime) of
k-means and EM Weka
k-means, EM (SPSS)
computing distances (Euclidean and DTW)
time series subsequences
- after running 12 k-means sessions over 6
preprocessed datasets, - the average improvement WITH INITIALIZATION over
WITHOUT can be approximated as - 39.4/112 vs. 77/110, i.e.
- 0.35 vs. 0.7
- improvement is computed as the ratio of
25summarizing RESULTS to be reported
- performance measure of k-means WITH and WITHOUT
initialization - goodness evaluation (S)
- subjective evaluation of clustering
- performance comparison of k-means and EM in same
circumstances - performance comparison of Eucl. and DTW
- error
- runtime
- since now to project deadline
- finishing E/DTW distance computing program
- finishing k-optimizing program
- generating 192 initial cluster seeds
- clustering using the above initial cluster seeds
- comparing with no initialization
- after deadline (continuation if time allows)
- write own k-means program (to run the whole
process in one batch, thus truly measuring
performance) - if results promising, embedding into another
program (LET)
- Wang, H. et al. Clustering by Pattern Similarity
in Large Data Sets - Perng, C-S. et al. Landmarks A New Model for
Similarity-Based Pattern... - Aggarwal, C. et al. A Framework for Clustering
Evolving Data Streams - Barbara, D. Requirements for Clustering Data
Streams - Keogh, E., Shruti, K. On the Need for Time
Series Data Mining... - Gunopulas, D., Das, G. Finding Similar Time
Series - Keogh, E. et al. Clustering of Time Series
Subsequences is Meaningless... - Lin, J. et al. Iterative Incremental Clustering
of Time Series - Keogh, E., Pazzani, J. An enhanced
representation of rime series... - Kahveci, T. et al. Similarity Searching for
Multi-attribute Sequences - and other information and public software
resources found over Internet.