Title: Warmest Welcome to Hall One
1Warmest Welcome to Hall One
2KWOK Yue-Kuen (???)
Academic faculty
Warden of Hall I
- Provides pastoral care and intellectual guidance
to residents of Hall One
3HKUST believes inTotal Education
- Breadth is preferred over narrow specialization
- Provide a strong foundation of a wide variety of
skill sets - Learn how to learn and ask the right questions
4University Education is the sum total of our
student experiences
- Classroom learning
- Extracurricular activities
- Athletic fields
Learning outside the classroom may prove to be
more important to your career.
5- Success after college is dependent not just on
the accumulation of knowledge, but also on the
development of attitude and behavior. - Quality of your education is determined by the
degree to which your immerse yourself in learning.
Education Ex coming out (??) Duco draw
forth (??) How does one extract and nurture
his/her potential?
6Exposure on various aspects of the world
- Physical sporting
- Cultural art appreciation, current affairs
- Be initiative and creative
- Co-operative attitude and teamwork
7New semester setting new goals and filling
with new hope
Students new to university environment
- adaptation (new culture for non-local students)
- excitement anxiety
8Study abroad is a memorable experience
- cross-cultural competency
- share your experience
- Personal and career development
Hong Kong confluence between East and
West HKUST top quality academic programs
(inside classrooms) and rich extra-curicular
activities (outside classrooms)
9Hall Education
Residents are encouraged to be committed to
campus life by active participation in activities
to developing their
- Interpersonal skills
- Breadth of interest
- Organization and leadership abilities
Through participation in hall activities
- Meet new friends
- Explore new interests
10- Be prepared to step outside your comfort zone
Self disciplined
- Understand and respect different hall rules
- Place important on common good and
- harmony
- Time management
11- ???????
- ???????
- Be comfortable in your study and respectful to
your teachers - Enjoy fellowship with hallmates and stay in
purpose in life
12Enjoy your stay in Hall I
- Wish you success in all aspects of life
- at HKUST and beyond