Title: ACT Programme
1 An RD, Knowledge Transfer and Economic
Regeneration Programme BSG Annual Conference,
Sheffield, 6-8 September 2007
2ACT team
- Tony Warnes and Mark Hawley, Co-Directors
- Mike Nolan, Assistant Director
- Ben Palmer, Commercial Manager
- Steven Blackburn and Peter Cudd,
- Senior Research Associates
- Kate Chadwick, Administrator
3This presentation
- Overview of ACT aims, partners, projects
- Biases and neglected potential of assistive
technologies - Introduction to other papers
4Advanced Care Technologies Project
- This RD and knowledge transfer project is a
collaboration between the Sheffield Institute for
Studies on Ageing at the University of Sheffield,
and the Department of Clinical Engineering and
Medical Physics at Barnsley Hospital. - It is funded by Objective 1 European Regional
Structural Funds (with matched funds from the
University and partner organisations) and so has
economic regeneration targets.
5Background factors
- Ageing of the population, with rises in life
expectancy, particularly in old age, brings
proportionate increases in duration of life with
impaired functions - Rising quality of life expectations with each
cohort for active engagement with family and
friends, home-based activities, travel and
community involvement - Rapid advances in informatics, e.g. the Internet,
telecommunications, and electronic aids in daily
living mobile phones to SatNav - Rising average cost of new medical technologies
and (labour intensive) care with transfer of
costs from social insurance to private funding
... inoculation is free, you buy a mobility
- 1 To create and develop new care and support
products and delivery systems along with new
applications - 2 To focus on user needs and the acceptability
of ATT products to raise their effectiveness and
range of applications - 3 To improve the transfer of knowledge about ATT
products to care providers and the general public - 4 To stimulate increased investment in ATT
research and development in the region
8Partner organisations
- Manufacturers and developers of ATT
- Retailers of assistive and telecare technology
devices - Residential care providers
- National older peoples welfare organisations
9ACT RD project themes
- Discovering the needs and wishes of older and
disabled people - With all partners
- Enhancing communication and control for severely
disabled people - With Madhouse Software, Toby Churchill, Xovox
Communications - Increasing the effectiveness of telecare and
telehealth technologies - With Tunstall, Clarke Partners, Toby Churchill,
local NHS partners
10ACT RD projects
- Exploring the role of the private sector in
equipment recommendation - With Clarke and Partners, and local NHS and
Social Services - Improving social inclusion of frail older people
in care homes living alone in the community - With HICA, Sheffcare, BASE, local Social Services
11Knowledge transfer activities
- ACT web site introductions to field in
non-technical language, briefings, product
guides, research news - Presentations at international, national and
regional meetings - Membership scheme and workshops for companies
12(No Transcript)
1326 - 27 November 2007RAATE / IPEM / FAST
National Conference, Exhibition and Dinner,
Cutlers Hall, Sheffield For more info visit
Institute of Physics and Engineering
in Medicine
14ATT trends, biases and potential
- Current priorities and market factors
- Increased sales, profits
- Provide care and support for people with
disabilities and chronic limiting conditions - Reduce hospital admissions (PCTs)
- Reduce staffing costs (e.g. care-home night
staff) - Potential applications and market influences
- Creating recreational and social-interaction
opportunities - Raising quality of life and social inclusion
15- Emphases of current installations
- Institutional care settings
- Specialist housing schemes
- Institutional purchasing
- Potential applications
- Peoples own homes
- Private purchases raises influence of
final-user evaluation
16- Three presentations
- The ACTION project Assisting carers using
telematics interventions to meet older peoples
needs, a Swedish service programme - Liz Hanson and Lennart Magnusson (ÄldreVäst
Sjuhärad Research Centre and Department of Health
Sciences, University College of Borås, Sweden) - The potential of mobile digital technologies for
providing out-of-home services for frail older
people - Peter Cudd (Medical Physics and Clinical
Engineering, Barnsley Foundation Hospital NHS
Trust) and Mark Hawley - Telecare what do older people actually need and
want? - Steven Blackburn (Advanced Care Technologies
Programme, University of Sheffield), Simon
Brownsell (Medical Physics and Clinical
Engineering, Barnsley Foundation Hospital NHS
Trust) and Mark Hawley