Title: Specific Learning Disabilities
1Specific Learning Disabilities
- Specific Learning Disabilities
- A chronic condition of presumed neurological
origin that selectively interferes with the
development, integration, and/or demonstration of
verbal and/or non-verbal abilities. Specific
learning disabilities exist as a distinct
handicapping condition in the presence of average
to superior intelligence, adequate sensory and
motor systems, and adequate learning
opportunities. The condition varies in its
manifestations and in degree of severity.
Throughout life the condition can affect
self-esteem, education, vocation, socialization,
and/or daily living activities. - http//faculty.uwstout.edu/lawlerm/at101/glossary.
3Definitions continued Specific Learning
Disability is the official term used in federal
legislation to refer to difficulty in certain
areas of learning, rather than in all areas of
learning. Synonymous with learning disabilities.
4Definition by IDEA
According to the IDEA 2004 Laws and Regulations
book, a learning disability is one or more
psychological processes involved in understanding
or using spoken or written language, that may be
manifest as an imperfect ability to listen,
think, speak, read, write, spell or do math does
not include learning problems primarily resulting
from visual, hearing, or motor disabilities,
mental retardation, emotional disturbance, or
environmental, cultural, or economic factors.
2004 Mandlawitz
5For the Parents
This means that your student will be receiving
assistance based on evaluations and sources,
including intelligence and achievement tests. The
parent has a full input in the evaluation process
as well as the teacher. If a disability is
determined then an IEP will be developed to meet
the laws and requirements for the disability.
Some of the criteria that should be met is
adequate scoring in oral expression, listening
comprehension, written expression, basic reading
skill, reading scientific, research-based
intervention and any other procedures needed for
further study.
6The disabilities include Developmental
aphasia Dyscalculia Dysgraphia Dyslexia Dysnom
ia Dyspraxia Specific language disability