Title: SHIPMAIN Cost Benefit Analysis
1SHIPMAIN Cost Benefit Analysis
2CBA Process Flow
Output from Tech Assessment
NDE Identification of New Pkgs to SME analyst
Submitter provides Cost Data/Backup Information
to SCD
NDE Maps data To CREI Template and calculates
cost metrics (ROI, NPV, Payback)
- SEA017 Check
- All required Data Fields Complete
- Review of SME CBA Comments
- Forward Pkg or
- Return to Submitter w/Comments
Feedback Loop
Provide Pkg to Decision Board
Forward to Next Phase
Approval Decision
Update SCD
FAIL Cannot Make Business Case for the ALT Go
Module 3B(R)
3Special CBA Definitions
- ROI (Return on Investment) expressed as a ratio
of how much return vs. how much invested or when
the alteration pays for itself e.g - 2.0 means two dollars returned or realized for
every dollar initially invested in the alteration
or modification - Must be expressed along with a Payback period
to be meaningful - Negative ROI The ship change never pays for
itself - Cash outflow gt Cash inflow
- Payback Period The period of time it will take
for the investment to be realized - NPV (Net Present Value) The projected value of
a dollar in a future year that is adjusted
(discounted vs. inflation) back to the present
year (todays cost) - Negative NPV means that cost of the alteration is
greater than the savings realized - Negative cash flow
- Typical for alterations that might provide a
greater war fighting benefit, but not an economic
benefit - A negative NPV will always drive a negative ROI
- TOC (Total Ownership Cost) The total acquisition
and life-cycle cost throughout the life of the
program (cradle to grave)
Module 3B(R)
4The alert window lists all required information
needed for CBA that is required BEFORE the SCD
is Submitted
To activate sheet, the FY corresponding to
planned execution and Save must be selected
Module 3B
5Back to SCD returns to the SCD ensure Save
is selected before returning
Module 3B