Title: Instructions for using this template'
1Instructions for using this template.
- Remember this is Jeopardy, so where I have
written Answer this is the prompt the students
will see, and where I have Question should be
the students response. - To enter your questions and answers, click once
on the text on the slide, then highlight and just
type over whats there to replace it. If you hit
Delete or Backspace, it sometimes makes the text
box disappear. - When clicking on the slide to move to the next
appropriate slide, be sure you see the hand, not
the arrow. (If you put your cursor over a text
box, it will be an arrow and WILL NOT take you to
the right location.)
Choose a category. You will be given the
answer. You must give the correct question.
Click to begin.
3Choose a point value.
Choose a point value.
Click here for Final Jeopardy
4Health Belief Model
Stages of Change
Paradoxical Model
Apprec Inquiry
10 Point
10 Point
10 Point
10 Point
10 Point
20 Points
20 Points
20 Points
20 Points
20 Points
30 Points
30 Points
30 Points
30 Points
30 Points
40 Points
40 Points
40 Points
40 Points
40 Points
50 Points
50 Points
50 Points
50 Points
50 Points
5Appreciate what is
6What is Discovery?
7Co-constructing the Ideal
8What is Design?
9Envisioning Results
10What is Dreaming?
11Empowers and Sustains
12What is Destiny?
13Planning Change through positive acknowledgment
14What is Appreciative Inquiry?
15Believe in Health Strategies
16What is Perceived Benefits?
17Events that motivate
18What are Cues to Action?
19Potential Negative Consequences
20What are Perceived Barriers?
21See self at risk for contracting an illness
22What is Perceived Susceptibility?
23Perceived Susceptibility Perceived Severity
24What is Perceived Threat?
25Father of Gestalt Therapy
26Who was Fritz Perls?
27Being what one is at the moment
28What is Gestalt?
29Has roots in Psychotherapy Phenomenology
30What is the theory of Paradoxical Change?
31Takes a dialogic Wholistic approach
32What is a Gestalt change agent (or therapist)?
33Provides an orderly model for social change
34What is the Paradoxical Change Model?
35No intention to change
36What is Precontemplation?
37Works to maintain the change
38What is Adaptation - Maintenance?
39Devotes time, energy and develops strategies
40What is Action?
41Time to set goals and priorities
42What is Preparation?
43Aware of problem but not commited to change
44What is Contemplation?
45Set Clear Goals
46What is Planning?
47Dealing with Resistance
48What is Transitions?
49Conduct a Reality Check
50What is Visioning?
51Relax and Reflect on Progress
52What is Evaluation?
53Converting Plans to Reality
54What is Evaluation?
55Final Jeopardy
Make your wager
56C D x V x F gt R
57What is the Change Equation Model?