1' Stress and Strain - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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1' Stress and Strain


Conditions of equilibrium allow the determination of resultants of forces of ... Conditions of equilibrium are necessary and sufficient to determine resultants ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: 1' Stress and Strain

1. Stress and Strain
  • ENGR 310 Mechanics of Materials Fall, 2009
  • Tomasz Arciszewski

Hierarchy of Sciences
  • Physics - focus on the relationships between the
    properties of matter and energy
  • Mechanics - a sub-domain of physics, focus on the
    action of forces on bodies or fluid that are at
    rest or in motion
  • Applied/Engineering Mechanics - a sub-domain of
    mechanics, focus on engineering applications
  • Mechanics of Materials - a sub-domain of applied
    mechanics, focus on the relationships between the
    external loads applied to a deformable body and
    the intensity of internal forces acting within
    the body

Mechanics of Materials
  • An engineering science dealing with the modeling
    of behavior (analysis) of structural members
  • External loads
  • Internal forces and stresses
  • Deformations and strains
  • Stability

Statics versus Mechanics of Materials
  • Statics - focus on a rigid body, determination of
    forces applied to this body
  • Mechanics of Materials - focus on a deformable
    body, determination of its behavior

Rigid Versus Deformable Body
Rigid body AB distance constant Deformable body
AB distance changes when external loads are
Statics versus Mechanics of Materials
  • Statics - an outside look, a global view
  • A system of forces and couples applied to a given
    rigid body
  • A system of forces of interactions in a given
    configuration of rigid bodies
  • Mechanics - an inside look, a local view
  • Internal forces (inside a given member)
  • Deformations at a given point

External Loads
  • A system of forces, couples of forces, surface
    forces, temperature field, etc. applied to a
    given deformable body

Surface Forces
  • ... are forces of interaction between two bodies
    which are distributed over a contact surface

External Forces
Idealized Surface Forces
  • Concentrated force a force applied at a point
  • Linear distributed load
  • a system of forces distributed along a line
  • described by the distributed loading function
    (curve) w(s)
  • with a resultant (resultant force) FR equivalent
    to the area under w(s) applied at the centroid of
    the loading curve

Body Forces (Mass Forces)
  • Forces acting on a given body without any direct
    contact with another body and distributed through
    the body
  • Gravity forces (weights) caused by the field of
  • Earthquake forces caused by the movements of the
    entire structural system
  • Forces caused by electromagnetic field
  • Applied at the centroids of the individual bodies
    (structural members)

Support Reactions
  • Forces of interaction between a given body and
    its supports
  • In general, they are surface forces
  • Usually, they are idealized as concentrated
    forces and couples of forces
  • Support translations are prevented by forces
    (reactant forces, reactions)
  • Support rotations are prevented by couples of
    forces (reactant couples of forces, reactions)

Supports Connections their Idealization
are connections between structural members
which do not prevent the relative rotation of
connected members and transfer only forces of
Conditions of Equilibrium
  • A body is in equilibrium when both the resultant
    force and the resultant couple are equal to zero,
    in vector terms
  • ?F 0 and ?Mo0
  • A balance of forces and a balance of moments
    occurs, in scalar terms
  • ?Fx 0, ?Fy 0, ?Fz 0
  • ?Mx0, ?My0, ?Mz0 or
  • ?Fx 0, ?Fy 0, ?Mz0 for a planar system

Free Body Diagram
  • A graphical representation (visualization) of all
    necessary and sufficient information about a
    given member or a structural system to use
    conditions of equilibrium for various analytical
    purposes. It contains
  • A representation of a given member
  • External loads and their locations
  • Reactions and their locations

Method of Sections
  • Construction of imaginary sections, or cuts,
    through the various parts of a given solid body
  • Opening by cuts a given body to reveal the
    distribution of forces of interaction between two
    parts of a body, which balance external loads
  • Conditions of equilibrium allow the determination
    of resultants of forces of interaction in the
    form of resultant force FR and resultant moment
    MRo at any specific point O

Forces of Interaction Conditions of Equilibrium
  • Conditions of equilibrium are necessary and
    sufficient to determine resultants of forces of
  • Conditions of equilibrium are insufficient to
    determine the distribution of forces of

Section, Internal Loading Internal Forces at a
Cross Section
  • A concept related to the analysis of structural
  • A section perpendicular to the longitudinal axis
    of a given member
  • It is usually a vertical section for horizontally
    positioned beams
  • Usually, the point O is located at the centroid
    of a given cross section

Components of Resultant Force Moment
  • Both vectors can be resolved into components
    normal and tangent to the section
  • Vector MRO is resolved into
  • M - called bending moment and tangent to the
  • T - called torsional moment and normal to the
  • Vector FR is resolved into
  • N - called normal force and normal to the plane
  • V - called shear force and tangent to the plane

Normal and Tangent Components
Right-Hand Rule
  • Use your right-hand curled hand
  • The thumb gives the arrowhead sense of the vector
  • The fingers show the tendency to rotate

Coplanar Loading
  • A body is subjected to a coplanar system of
    forces (loaded in a single, usually vertical
  • Only normal forces, shear forces and bending
    moments exist in all cross sections
  • It is the main focus of our course (sorry)

Coplanar Loading Internal Forces
Limitation of Conditions of Equilibrium
  • Conditions of equilibrium are necessary and
    sufficient to determine resultants of forces of
  • Conditions of equilibrium are insufficient to
    determine the distribution of forces of

Mechanics of Materials Main Focus
  • Determination of distribution of forces of
    interaction over a section of a deformable body

Material Assumptions
  • Continuous - consists of continuum, or uniform
    distribution of matter with no voids
  • Cohesive - all portions connected together,
    behaves as a single piece of matter (body)
  • Deformable - distance between two points changes
    when loading applied

Resultant Force and Moment
Distribution of Forces of Interaction
  • Section divided into a very large number of very
    small but finite ?A area
  • A finite yet very small force ?F acts on ?A area
  • ?F is resolved into ?Fz (normal) ?Fy (tangent)
    ?Fz (tangent) components

Stress at a Point
  • When ?A approaches zero, the ratio ?F to ?A
    approaches a finite limit called STRESS AT A
  • ? lim ?F/?A
  • when ?A ? 0
  • The stress vector acts along the line of action
    of ?F
  • Sometimes called traction vector

Stress at a Point
  • Stress at a point is a measure of intensity of
    the internal forces (forces of interaction) on a
    specific plane passing through this point
  • Fundamental concept of mechanic of materials, of
    structural engineering, and of life in general

Stress Resolution
  • Stress at a point is a vector
  • It can be resolved into three perpendicular
    components acting along x, y, and z axes
  • Z axis is normal to the section
  • X and y are in the plane of the section

(No Transcript)
Normal Stress at a Point
  • ?z lim ?Fz/?A
  • when ?A ? 0

Shear Stresses
  • Two components in the plane normal to z axis
  • ?zx lim ?Fx/?A
  • when ?A ? 0
  • Vector parallel to x
  • ?zy lim ?Fy/?A
  • when ?A ? 0
  • Vector parallel to y

General State of Stress
  • A specific point is selected
  • A cubic element is cut out around the point
  • Its faces are perpendicular to x, y, and z axes

General State of Stress
Face Considered
Sign Convention
  • Normal stress - subscript represents the axis
    normal to a given face
  • Shear stress
  • First subscript represents the axis to which a
    given face is normal
  • Second subscript represents the axis to which
    the stress vector is parallel
  • Two subscripts represent together the face (xy -
    face parallel to axes x and y)

  • Stress a ratio of force to the area acted upon
  • SI Units
  • Newton per square meter, N/m2, Pascal, Pa (very
  • MN/m2, mega Pascal, MPa
  • 1 MPa 106 Pa
  • 1 GPa 109 Pa
  • US Customary Units
  • Pound per square inch, psi
  • 1 ksi 103 psi

Average Normal Stress Assumptions
  • Prismatic member
  • Straight member both before and after load is
  • Axial tensile force applied
  • Saint-Venants Principle
  • Distribution of stresses at both member ends NOT
  • Homogeneous material
  • Isotropic material

Prismatic Member
  • Straight (longitudinal) centroidal axis
    connecting centroids of all x-sections
  • All x-sections identical in terms of
  • Shape
  • X-sectional area

Saint-Venants Principle (Assumption of Flat
  • Two cases of a deformable prismatic member under
    axial loading applied at both ends
  • Rigid plates at both ends, distributed loading,
    no shape change, identical deformations of all
    parts of a member, uniform distribution of normal
    stresses for all x-sections
  • No plates, concentrated forces, significant shape
    changes at both ends of member, uniform
    distribution of normal stresses only in the
    central part

Saint-Venants Principle
  • At a distance equal to, or greater that the width
    of a member, the distribution of normal stresses
    at all x-sections is the same, whether the member
    is loaded by uniformly distributed forces or by
    concentrated forces. Also, the stress
    distribution is independent of the actual mode of
    application of the loads.

Saint-Venants Principle Illustration
Saint-Venants Principle Limitations
  • The actual applied load and that used in the
    analysis must be statically equivalent
    (conditions of equilibrium are satisfied)
  • The principle is incorrect for the vicinity of
    the load application points

Axial Tensile Force
is a tensile force applied along the
longitudinal centroidal axis of a member
Homogeneous Material
is a material which has the same physical and
mechanical properties throughout its volume, for
any point within the body
Isotropic and Anisotropic Material
  • Isotropic material has the same mechanical
    properties in all directions for any point within
    a given body (examples steel)
  • Anisotropic material has different mechanical
    properties for different directions for any point
    within a given body (examples concrete, wood)

Average Normal Stress Distribution
  • Assumptions
  • Constant uniform deformation
  • Constant normal stress

Average Normal Stress
  • ?z P/A
  • where
  • ?z - average normal stress at any point on the
  • P - internal axial (centroidal) force (internal
    resultant normal force)
  • A - x-sectional area of the member
  • Units - psi, ksi, Pa, KPa, MPa

Uniaxial Stress
  • Conditions of equilibrium must be satisfied for
    all cubes
  • Resultant forces acting on the parallel faces of
    the cube (top bottom) must be equal

Applications of Average Normal Stress
  • Both tension and compression
  • When compression is considered, only short
    members (no buckling) can be properly analyzed

Maximum Average Normal Stress
  • Uniform distribution of normal stresses assumed
    for a given x-section
  • Maximum average normal stress is equal to average
    normal stress
  • Important from pragmatic point of view
    (dimensioning of members under axial tensile load)

Average Normal Stress Example
  • A prismatic steel member under two axial tensile
    forces F
  • F 50 KN
  • Circular x-section, 20 mm diameters
  • Calculate normal average stress

Average Shear Stress
  • Shear stress (shear stress component) is tangent
    to the cutting section
  • Planes AB and CD

Average Shear Stress
  • External force F is balanced by two internal
    resultant shear forces V (resultants of shear
  • V force is equivalent of a stream of shear
    stresses acting on a given x-section (resultant)
  • Uniform shear stress distribution is assumed
  • Pure shear, simple or direct shear, occurs only
    in simple connections

Average Shear Stress
  • ?avg V/A
  • where
  • ?avg - average shear stress at the section
  • V - internal resultant shear force at the section
  • A - area at the section
  • Units - psi, ksi, Pa, KPa, MPa

Single Shear
  • It occurs in simple connections of two members
  • Single plane of shearing
  • Shear force V is equal to external force F

Double Shear
  • It occurs in simple connections of three members
  • Two planes of shearing
  • Shear force V is equal to half of external force

Complementary Stresses
  • A stress cube is considered
  • Only shear stresses in the vertical plane
    parallel to zy are show
  • are a pair of equal in magnitude shear stresses
    in 2 normal planes, which are both directed to or
    from the line of intersection of their planes

Stresses on Inclined Plane
  • Prismatic member
  • Axial tensile (centroidal) loading
  • Cross section is considered first carrying
    average normal stress uniformly distributed
  • Inclined plane is considered next carrying
    uniformly distributed s stresses
  • S stresses are resolved into normal and shear
    (tangential) stresses

Stresses on Inclined Plane
  • ?n ?x cos2(?)
  • ?n - (1/2)?xsin(2?)

Structural Design Process (Designing)
  • is a process which starts when needs for a
    given structural system, or for a modification of
    a given system, are realized and it ends when the
    final design, a description of a new or a
    modified system is produced. It has two major
    stages, including
  • conceptual designing and
  • detailed designing

Conceptual Designing
  • It is the 1st stage in the structural design
    process in which a design concept is developed.
  • A design concept is an abstract description of a
    future structural system in terms of symbolic
    attributes (For example type of members, type of
    joints, type of loading)
  • A design concept, an example a truss - a system
    of straight members connected by hinges and
    loaded at joints

Detailed Designing
  • It is the 2nd stage in the structural design
    process in which a design concept is converted
    into a detailed design
  • A detailed design is a description of a future
    structural system in terms of numerical
    attributes (dimensions, weights, etc.)

Detailed Designing, Major Activities
  • Stress analysis
  • Dimensioning, determination of x-sections of the
    individual members
  • Optimization, determination of optimal x-section
    of the individual members (minimum weight, cost,
    security, etc.)

Stress Analysis
  • Determination of stresses in the individual
    structural members
  • Determination if the occurring stresses are safe

Allowable Load and F.S.
  • Allowable load is the magnitude of load which can
    be safely applied to a given structural member
  • Failure load is the magnitude of load which
    causes the structural failure of a given
    structural member (buckling, excessive
    deformations, collapse, fracture, etc.
  • Factor of Safety, F.S. Ffail/Fallow

Allowable Stress and F.S.
  • Stresses are assumed as linearly related to loads
  • Allowable stress is the magnitude of stress which
    can safely occur in a given structural member
  • Failure stress is the magnitude of stress which
    causes the structural failure of a given
    structural member
  • Factor of Safety
  • F.S. ?fail/ ?allow or
  • F.S. ?fail/ ?allow

Simple Connections Design Assumptions
  • Isotropic and homogeneous material
  • Perfectly linear elastic behavior
  • Small deformations

Tension Member
  • A prismatic member
  • Axial tensile (centroidal) force
  • Arequired P/ ?allow

Connector subjected to Shear
  • Pinned or bolted connections
  • Transfer of loading through the pinn
  • Friction is neglected
  • Uniform distribution of shear stresses
  • A P/ ?allow, A - x-section of the bolt

Contact (Bearing) Stress
  • Neglected in the book
  • ?b P/(bxd)
  • (b times d) is projected contact area
  • Required contact area
  • (bxd) P/(?b)allow

Area to Resist Bearing
  • Direct contact of two surfaces
  • Uniform distribution of normal stresses
  • Arequired P/(?b)allow

Area to Resist Shear caused by Axial Load
  • Shear stresses act on the shearing surface
  • Contact length l to be determined
  • Lrequired P/?d ?allow

  • External loading is applied to a body
  • Shape and size of a body are changed
  • Deformation occurred

  • A rubber membrane subjected to tension
  • Changes in white lines
  • Vertical line elongates
  • Horizontal line shortens
  • Inclined line changes length and rotates

(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
  • Strain is a formal measure of deformations
  • Two deformation types
  • Linear deformations (elongation, contraction)
  • Angular deformations (change in angle between two
    line segments originally normal)

Normal Strain
  • Consider line AD
  • Initial length ?s
  • Final length ?s
  • Average normal strain
  • ?avg (?s -?s)/?s
  • Normal strain at a point
  • ? lim (?s -?s)/?s
  • ?s ? 0
  • Normal strain is dimensionless quantity

Shear Strain
  • Consider angle CAB between lines n and t
  • Initial angle ?/2, final angle ?
  • Shear strain at a point (A)
  • ?nt ?/2 - ?, when B ? A and C ? A

Shear Strain Interpretation
  • It measures the change in an angle
  • It is measured in radians
  • When ? less ?/2, positive shear strain

Cartesian Strain Components
  • A deformable body is considered
  • A rectangular elements is assumed around a given
  • Very small initial dimensions ?x, ?y, ?z
  • Initial angles ?/2

Cartesian Strain Components
  • Deformed shape a parallelepiped
  • In general, for each pair of edges
  • ?s ? (1 ?) ?s
  • Final lengths for three sides
  • ?x ? (1 ?x) ?x
  • ?y ? (1 ?y) ?y
  • ?z ? (1 ?z) ?z
  • Final angles
  • ?/2 - ?xy
  • ?/2 - ?yz
  • ?/2 - ?xz

Strain Physical Interpretation
  • Normal strains cause a volume change
  • of a rectangular element
  • Shear strains cause a change in shape

Small (Engineering) Strain Analysis
  • Strains assumed very small (deformations very
  • ? ltlt 1
  • ? is very small
  • sin ? ?
  • cos ? 1
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