Title: Volunteers
A Good Volunteer Program WE WANT YOU!
How do we keep them?
2Program outline
Should Communicate History of the School
School Vision Statement
School Mission Statement
Development Office
Mission Statement
Vision Statement
3Program outline
Volunteer Program
Vision Statement
Through our committed and caring volunteer team,
we will be the foremost leader in providing
innovative, effective volunteer support services
dedicated to improving the education and quality
of school life for the students
Goal 1
We will recruit and retain volunteers with
diverse backgrounds and skills that are committed
and motivated to making a difference and are
fulfilled by their opportunity to volunteer.
4Program outline
Volunteer Program
Goal 2
We will provide programs that are defined by
quality and are effective in meeting the needs of
the constituents served.
Goal 3
We will provide leadership that supports teamwork
and effective communications and promotes the
spirit of care, integrity and compassion
Overcoming Obstacles
- Active volunteers that are overburdened
6Why do we need volunteers?
Too much work for staff alone
More involvement equals more investment
Great ambassadors for the Institution
Networking with other parents and alumni
Can broaden outreach
Develop visibility
Help to accomplish goal / to do more
Develop a core group of well-educated ambassadors
Can influence others / entrée to people, places
Source of information / skills / advice
Volunteers donors Diverse perspectives To
motivate others
8 Disadvantages
Staff time
Volunteers are not employees
Competing / changing demands on their time
Different agenda
Hands off / Hands on
Can be unreliable
False expectations
Turnover high
Possessive / demanding
9What are you looking for?
Commitment to the School
Time availability
What are volunteers looking for?
A suitable assignment
Knowledge of the school
Training for the job
A variety of experiences
To be heard
10Volunteer Coordinator
Should always stay connected
Should always stay connected
- Might detract from other duties
- Should be a resource for volunteers
- Volunteer Position called
Volunteer Coordinator
- Possible Service-in-lieu-of-tuition or
percent thereof
11Volunteer Coordinator
- Work area (volunteer center)
12What a school needs to know about the Volunteer
- Know who is raising the child
- Single parent
- Ages of other children
- Occupational titles and employment
- Research should focus on the time demand, family
responsibilities, job and volunteer experience,
and availability
13When and how to ask
- 9 weeks before registration have committee
chairs provide job
- 7 weeks first draft of booklet for volunteers
based on chairs information
- 4 weeks out proofed and printed
- 1 week out circulate to families for
consideration and at the same time ads should
appear in bulletins and newsletters
14When and how to ask
At Registration
- Sign-up sheets corresponding with job
opportunities listed in the booklet
- Allow volunteers (even for schools requiring
hours) to choose what they would like to do.
- Follow-up is essential.
- Committee chairs should call the volunteers,
thank them, confirm their commitment, and answer
any questions
15When and how to ask
After Registration
- A couple of weeks later have a grandparents day
for a special appreciation ceremony for past
support and an invitation to be involved in the
upcoming year.
- New Families
- A personal invitation
- Parents of Graduates
- To stay involved
16When and how to ask
- Parents
- Parent / teacher conferences
- Newsletter and alumni newsletter
17When and how to ask
- Have a letter sent from the Principal, Pastor and
Chair thanking a volunteer for signing up. - Committee chairs should call the volunteers,
thank them , confirm their commitment, and answer
any questions
- Volunteers should be placed in a data base
18Recruiting volunteers
Attend events and meetings
Send mailings
OK to say no
General call
Specific invitations
Method of invitation should match target audience
Effectiveness chart! Mail 10 to 15 Phone
25 to 35 Person to Person 45 to 60
19Volunteer Committee Structure
- Committee Chair
- Divide the committee into job descriptions
- Each job description becomes a subcommittee
- Each subcommittee has a Chair
- Subcommittee Chair
- Recruit 2 3 additional people on their
subcommittee - In charge of their particular projects
20Committee Chair
- Fill in as a subcommittee member whenever needed
- Oversee the entire committee and keep the
subcommittee chairs, the board, development
director, etc. informed - Keep everyone involved and interested in the
committee - Help brainstorm any problems, give support
- Schedule and plan committee meetings
- Maintain the committee notebook
- A how-to manual
- Description of committee responsibilities
- A calendar for the jobs and routine procedures,
and projected costs - An inventory of equipment
- List of members, positions, addresses and phone
numbers - Record of expenditures and donated items
- Committee minutes
- Copies of correspondence
- A year-end evaluation and financial report
22Sample Committee Structure
- A successful committee
- Dedicated members willing to work
- Communicate among themselves between meetings
- Have some expertise in the committees field
- Committee chair retires
- Chair prospects come from the subcommittee chairs
- The subcommittee chair has one of their committee
members trained and ready to take over their
23Training volunteers
- Written job description
- A school will appear professional in its
expectations and support - A person is more likely to accept a position
if the job is spelled out
- Timetable
- Volunteer Weekend
24Managing Volunteers
- Competition
- Rewarding success
- The art of nudging
- Firing volunteers
- Fundraising as a business
- Burnout
25In A Nutshell
Analyze the volunteer job Seek the right
people Offer recognition and challenging
work Avoid those with too many other
commitments Conduct an orientation Provide
frequent updates Hold good meetings Speak with
those who are not working out Survey your
volunteers Groom your volunteers for leadership
26In A Nutshell
Recruit the best. Dont wait for volunteers to
volunteer. Go after the one who will be the best
and design a job description just for them
Keep track of responses Acknowledge every
response Maintain good volunteer records Have
current volunteer help follow-up serve as a
buddy to a new volunteer
Make an effort to make all volunteers feel
welcome and appreciated Communicate
27In A Nutshell
Give them a chance to make a difference Start
small but have a long-range plan You set the
tone be organized Involve volunteers dont
use them Dont get discouraged when people
dont work out LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN
28In A Nutshell
Provide them with facts. Give a written job
description to each volunteer. Include the nature
of the task, the time period during which it
should be done, and the approximate amount of
time it will take. We are here to assist you
dont hesitate to ask. Hope they derive great
enjoyment from the association and friendships
through their dedication to the school. Please
drop by my office to say hello when you are
here next
Respect their time. Be organized and responsive.
Provide agendas for and minutes of meetings.
Schedule group meetings only when there is clear
purpose and need. Send discussion materials in
advance. Train even the pros. Understand that
even the most experienced volunteers need
training. They may be the top fundraiser at their
school and church, but they must learn about past
history and current needs to of your school. They
must be well informed about the prospect to be
seen as the kind of fundraiser you consider
appropriate, and the kinds of gift you will
Ask for feedback. Ask volunteers to evaluate
their work as well as the nature and timing of
services you provide. If they prefer to meet for
breakfast, accommodate them. Thank and thank
some more. Express appreciation for the effort as
well as the result. Be certain your volunteers
understand that every face-to-face solicitation
is by definition a success, regardless of the
outcome. A no today often becomes a yes
several years hence.
Get your target group involved in recruitment
ask them to design flyers, write bulletin
announcements, talk about it at meetings, etc.
What does the job really involve? Responsibility,
commitment, training, support, booklet,
Not every job is right for every volunteer.
Reflection When have I felt really good about a
volunteer activity that I have done? What was it
that made the activity enjoyable? How can I help
people feel good about their volunteer work?
32Volunteer Lists
Make your list out according to the amount of
contact with the children.
Committee Description
Altar Society Assist Campus
Minister with
school liturgies, make and maintain altar
cloths, banners and decorations. Art A
La Carte Coordinate volunteers to teach
or assist with prepared art
appreciation lessons in the
classroom. Auction Gala Coordinates the
auction gala fundraiser for the
33Make your list out according to the amount of
contact with the children.
Birthday Recognition Distribute
birthday T-shirts. Box Tops for Education
Assist with collection of box top coupons
from General Mills food products.
Community Garden Oversee planting
and maintenance of vegetable garden
by students, organize distribution of food
to local food pantry
34Make your list out according to the amount of
contact with the children.
Fun in the Sun Day Coordinate volunteers in all
aspects of FITSD Library Aides
Coordinate volunteers to assist
school librarian with circulation,
shelving and light clerical duties. Lunch
Bunch Coordinate volunteers for lunch
monitor for each class on
Fridays. PTO Service Project Assist
with collection of donations by grade
level, distribute items to designated
35Make your list out according to the amount of
contact with the children.
Room Mothers Coordinate with Room Parents in
regards to class parties, field trips,
phone calls for school closings and
emergencies, auction projects and
various other needs as determined by
the PTO and the Principal. Marquee
Mom Coordinate marquee sign in front of
school to have it updated with
birthdays and school news.
36Make your list out according to the amount of
contact with the children.
Gala Volunteers Publicity Chair, Event
program, Advertising, Invitation, Raffle
Tickets, Thank you Writers Sponsorship Auction
Chair, (Class Projects, Live Silent
Auction) Facilities Chair (Event
Coordination, Decorations, Event Volunteers,
Volunteer Dinner) Accounting Chair, Coordinator
of Guest Speakers
Remember! A write-up for each position should be
provided. Have volunteers discuss their
37Make your list out according to the amount of
contact with the children.
Library Volunteers, Math tutors, Field Trip
drivers, assist in morning school supervision,
Home and School (General Chair, Secretary,
Finance Chair, Hospitality Chair, Fundraising
Chair, Teacher Appreciation Chair, Communications
Chair, Spirituality Chair, and Student Activities
Chair), lunchroom volunteers, office volunteers,
Registration volunteers - they show potential
families around the school, answer questions and
help register the children. Volunteers to help
with school pictures and health screenings,
Classroom volunteers to listen to the students
read, Classroom volunteers to read to the class
38Make your list out according to the amount of
contact with the children.
lunch room duty etc. Grand Pals volunteers,
Crossing Guard, Teacher Aide, Maintenance Aide,
Kitchen Aide, Cheerleader Sponsor, Office Aide,
Science Fair Judge, Room Mom / Dad, Clinic Help,
Bazaar Booth, Book Fair, Halloween Carnival
(set-up/tear-down), Catholic Schools Week tour
guide, Senior Citizen Soup Luncheon, Auction
Dinner, Field Day, Golf Tournament, Office Help
copying, special projects, Gala Volunteers
(Publicity Chair, Event program, Advertising,
Invitation, Raffle Tickets, Thank you Writers),