Title: JSA/Jefferson Lab Green Purchasing
1JSA/Jefferson Lab Green Purchasing
2 Green PurchasingOverview
- Introduction
- Actions
- Why Green Purchasing?
- Opportunities to Buy Green
- Directives/Categories
- Summary
3INTRODUCTIONOur DOE Contract Mandates Compliance
with Executive Order (EO) 13101
- Greening the Government through Waste
Prevention, Recycling, and Federal Acquisition -
- 3 Main Elements
- Waste Reduction/Prevention
- Recycling
- Affirmative Procurement Program (APP)
4Green PurchasingMajor Responsibilities
- Comply with federal directives
- Provide guidance to prime contractors
- JLab
- Promote environmentally friendly purchasing
- Procurement
- JLabs Affirmative Procurement Advocate
- Provide lab-wide information/education/assistanc
- Employees
- Support Green Purchasing guidance and
environmentally friendly disposal programs
5What We Must Do !
- Purchase items with the highest recovered
materials content level practicable
6Green Purchasing
- Why Green?
- Cost Comparisons
- Examples
7Why Green Purchasing?
- Preserves natural resources
- Increasingly easier
- Potential cost savings
- National policy
8Cost Comparison ofGreen Purchasing
- Item 1 Toner Cartridge (Canon Machines)
67.74 - Recycled Toner Cartridge
30.67 Savings 55
- Item 2 Binders (3 White slant/w clear
cover) 11.59 - Recycled Binders
6.28 - Savings 54
9Examples of Buying Green
- Numerous Office/Administrative Supplies
- Recycled paper
- Remanufactured toner cartridges
- Call for use of green products in service
contracts - Include specifications in construction
10Green PurchasingMethods
- Purchase card opportunities
- Electronic commerce
11Opportunity to Buy Green
- Include green purchasing considerations in
Purchase Card, PCard, actions - JLab PCard use gt 6 million in FY 05
- About 130 JLab card holders
- About 1,000 purchases per month
- Expanded opportunities to purchase green products
using electronic commerce - Several vendors offer on-line Green catalogs
128 Product Categories
- To date, the EPA has designated recycled content
items in 8 product categories
- Landscaping
- Non-paper office products
- Miscellaneous
- Parks Recreation
- Vehicular
- Construction
- Transportation
- Paper and paper products
Proposed Items for future reporting Bio-based
products "commercial or industrial products
(other than food or feed) that are composed in
whole or in significant part of biological
products or renewable domestic agricultural
materials (including plant, animal, and marine
materials) or forestry materials. see
13Paper and Paper Products
- Designated Items
- Printing and writing papers
- Miscellaneous papers
- Paperboard and packaging products
- Newsprint
- Commercial/industrial sanitary tissue products
14Non-Paper Office Products
- Designated Items
- Binders (paper, plastic covered)
- Office recycling containers
- Office waste receptacles
- Plastic desktop accessories
- Plastic envelopes
- Plastic trash bags
- Furniture new 05
- Printer ribbons
- Toner cartridges
- Plastic binders (solid)
- Plastic clipboards
- Plastic clip portfolios
- Plastic file folders
- Plastic view graphs presentation folders
15Construction Products
Designated Items
- Railroad grade crossings/surfaces
- Patio blocks
- Shower and restroom dividers/partitions
- Structural fiberboard
- Roofing material New FY05
- Modular Threshold Ramps New FY05
- Non Pressure Pipe - New FY05
- Building insulation
- Carpet
- Cement concrete containing
- Latex paint
- Floor tiles
- Carpet cushion
- Flowable fill
- Laminated paperboard
- Designated Items
- Garden and soaker hoses
- Hydraulic mulch
- Lawn and garden edging
- Yard trimmings compost
- Food waste compost
- Landscaping timbers and posts (plastic lumber)
17Vehicular Products
- Designated Items
- Engine coolants
- Re-refined lubricating oils
- Retread tires
18Transportation Products
- Designated Items
- Channelizers
- Delineators
- Flexible delineators
- Parking stops
- Traffic barricades
- Traffic cones
19Miscellaneous Products
- Designated Items
- Pallets
- Sorbents
- Awards and plaques
- Strapping and stretch wrap
- Mats
- Signage
- Industrial drums
- Bike Racks new FY05
- Blasting Grit - new FY05
- Purchasing green products makes good business
sense, is often more cost-effectively, and is
good for the environment
21Jefferson Lab Green Team
- For more information
- Green Purchasing Dennis Dobbins 5139
- Recyclables
- Paper Products Aluminum Cans Mike Lewellen
7169 - Scrap Metal Joan Campbell 7348
- Batteries Used Oil Patty Hunt 7039
- Pollution Prevention Information or
Suggestions Linda Even 7308 - lle_at_jlab.org
22Green PurchasingFinish Line