Title: case presentation 2
1 Case Presentation 2
ESIM-9, Sintra
2Department of Gastroenterology
Prof. Dr. Holstege
346 y/o man
- with
- acute abdominal pain
4History of present illness
4 weeks before admission For the first time
acute abdominal pain - postprandial -
associated with diaphoresis and diarrhea -
completely resolved One day before
admission - severe abdominal pain - diarrhea
5History of present illness (cont.)
- Associated symptoms
- reduced appetite since 4 weeks
- weight loss of 5 kg in this time
- food intolerane ? diarrhea after
consumption of tomatos or peanuts -
6Past medical history
- Asthma
- Allergies
- pollens
- mold
- dust
- cat hair
- Medication
- Inhaler with Budesonid / Formoterol
7Physical examination
- Good general condition, obesity (178 cm 93,8 kg)
- BP 130/60 mmHg - HR 88/min RR 15/min - Temp.
37.0 C - Abdomen
- no distension
- decreased bowel sounds, no bruits
- soft, no tenderness, no rigidity
- no shifting dullness
- rectal no tenderness, no mass, stool in rectum
- No enlargement of liver and spleen
- No further pathological finding in systemic
examination -
8Laboratory Tests
- CrP 22 mg/dl lt 0,5
- Leucocytes 17.900 /µl - 10.000
- ESR 18 / 42
- Normal
- - Urea, Creatinine, Electrolytes
- LFTs
- Lipase
Malodorant, purulent exudate ? leucocytes 92
.000 /mcl LDH 1452 protein 6,1
g/dl lipase 9 U/l
- Cultures
- Blood (2 x)
- Ascites
- CT-scan
- Antibiotic therapy (Piperacillin, Tazobactam)
- Surgical consultation
12CT scan
- No free air, however suspicion of contained
perforation - (Cecum, appendix)
- Pericolic fat inflammation (Cecum, Ascending
colon) - Ascites (perihepatic / hypogastric between bowel
loops) -
13Exploratory Laparotomy
No evidence of perforation Irrigation drainage
14Continuation of the case
- Post-operative course
- Wound drain clearer
- WBC and CRP ?
- Normal bowel function
- Oral nutrition
15Ascites smear
16Ascites smear
Charcot-Leyden-crystals formed from the
breakdown of eosinophils ? parasitic disease,
asthma, allergies, eosinophilic pneumonia
Malodorant, purulent exudate ?
leucocytes 92.000 /mcl -
neutrophils 13 - eosinophils 67
Cytology No evidence for malignancy
Eosinophils ?
18Laboratory Tests
Leucocytes 17.900 /µl - 10.000 ? Differentia
l WBC neutrophils 26,3 lymphocytes
9,5 monocytes 4,7 basophils 0,2
eosinophils 59,3
- Cultures
- Blood (2 x) ? No bacterial growth
- Ascites ? - -
- Peritoneum (intraop.) ? - -
- Chronic appendicitis
- Inflammation across serosal layer with massive
infiltration of eosinophils -
- 46 y/o man with PMH of
- allergic diathesis
- food intolerane
- Asthma
- presents with acute abdominal pain and diarrhea
- ?
- Eosinophilic ascites
Eosinophilic ascites - Parasitic infection -
Churg-Strauss Syndrome - Lymphoma - Eosinophilic
leucemia - Hypereosinophilic Syndrome - (chronic
peritoneal dialysis)
23Microbiology II
Stool Wormeggs/larvae ? 3 x
negative Cultures ? no pathogenic
intestinal bacteria Serology Echinoc.
multilocularis ? negative Echinoc. granulosus
? lt 116
c-ANCA lt 12 p-ANCA lt 110 IgE 725 U/ml
(atopy likely)
25Bone marrow biopsy
Cytology No evidence for myeloproliferative
syndrome Cyto- / Molecular genetic
Exclusion of clonal eosinophilia or
Hypereosinophilic Syndrome (HES) Immune
Cytology Exclusion of T-Zell Lymphoma
Histology No signs of Celiac or Whipples
disease, massive infiltration with eosinophils
Histology No pathologic finding.
- No evidence for
- Parasitic infection
- Churg-Strauss Syndrome
- Lymphoma
- Eosinophilic leucemia
- Hypereosinophilic Syndrome
Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis serosal type
with eosinophilic ascites
- Prednisolone
- 20 mg/d for 5 days
- 10 mg/d for 4 weeks
- further reduction
- Further course
- No complaints anymore after therapy with steroids
eosinophils ? -
32Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis
First described by Kaijser 1937 Definition -
Tissue eosinophilia in any layer(s) of any
segment of GI tract - GI symptoms - No
eosinophilic infiltration in organs outside of GI
tract - No parasitic infection
Epidemiology Any age (mainly 30-50)
33Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis
- Etiology
- ? food intolerance, parasites, toxins are
discussed - Classification
- - Mucosal layer ? colicky abd. pain, nausea,
diarrhea - - Muscle layer ? intestinal obstruction
- - Serosal layer ? eosinophilic ascites
- Complications
- Intestinal obstruction
- - Malnutrition
34Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis
- Diagnosis
- Blood eosinophilia (80)
- Stool studies ? r/o parasites
- Multiple endoscopic biopsies, duodenal aspirate
- Diagnostic paracentesis
- Laparoscopy (uncertain cases)
35Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis
- Differentialdiagnosis of eosinophilia with GI
symptoms - - Parasites
- Drugs
- Vasculitis
- Systemic Mastocytosis
- Lymphoma
- Hypereosinophilic Syndrome
- Addisons disease
36Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis
- Treatment
- - Discontinuation of relevant drugs
- Trial of elimination diet if symptoms follow
specific food - Empiric antihelminthics if high risk for
parasitic infestation - Sodium Cromoglycate
- Glucocorticoids (initiation 20-40 mg,
maintenance 5-10 mg/d) - Surgery in localized disease with obstruction if
conservative therapy fails
37Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis
- Prognosis
- Good prognosis
- Up to 1/3 self-limited course