Title: Treatment for HCC Often Suboptimal
1Treatment for HCC Often Suboptimal
- Proportion of patients receiving potentially
curative therapy - 34.0 of patients with single lesions
- 34.0 of patients with lesions lt3 cm
- 19.3 of patients with lesions gt10 cm
- 4.9 of patients with metastatic disease
- 11.5 of patients ideal for transplantation
received it - 14.3 of patients ideal for surgical resection
received it
El-Serag HB, et al. J Hepatol. 200644158-166.
- Importance of early diagnosis
- Dismal prognosis in patients with large HCCs
- Smaller lesions may be cured (resection,
transplantation) - Surveillance
- Repeated application of screening tests in a
high-risk subject - Improves survival
- A randomized trial in HBV infected Chinese
(n18,816) - 6 monthly US and alpha feto protein versus none
- Reduction in HCC mortality by 37, despite poor
adherence (lt60)
Zhang J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 2004 417
3Sample HCC Imaging
- Multiple HCC lesions
- Cirrhosis
4Guidelines for Hepatitis B
- AASLD Practice Guideline Recommendation for
Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B - Cirrhosis regardless of age
- Asian males 40 years
- Asian females 50 years
- HCC in first degree relative (start lt40 years)
- African 20 years
- In practice Individualize!
Bruix Hepatology. 2005421208
5Percutaneous Ablation
Radiofrequency (RFA) Ethanol Injection
6Ablation for Early Stage HCC
PEI percutaneous ethanol injection RFAradiofreq
uency ablation Milan Milan criteria for
transplanting HCC
Livraghi T, et al. Radiology 1999210655 Lencioni
R, et al. Radiology 2003228235 Lin SM, et al.
Gastroenterology 20042171714 Shiina S, et al.
Gastroenterology 2005129122
7RFA for Very Early HCC
- 218 patients with single HCC 2 cm in diameter
- 97 complete response upon a median F/U time of
31 mo
Livraghi T, et al. Hepatology. 200847429
9Transarterial Chemoembolization in HCC
- Median tumor size 5 - 7 cm
- Improves 2 yr survival from 20 to 60
Llovet JM, et al. Hepatology. 2003 Feb37429
10Improved Survival in the SHARP Trial of Sorafenib
Data from Llovet J, Ricci S, Mazzaferro V.
Sorafenib in advanced hepatocellular carcinoma. N
Engl J Med. 2008359378-390.